柿原 加代子 大野 晶子 東野 督子 水谷 聖子 沼田 葉子 小笹 由里江 三河内 憲子
日本赤十字豊田看護大学紀要 = Journal of Japanese Red Cross Toyota College of Nursing (ISSN:13499556)
vol.7, no.1, pp.153-159, 2012-03-31

継続勤務している看護職のキャリアアップに対する認識を明らかにすることを目的として、中部ブロック管内2施設の赤十字病院に継続勤務している看護職16 名を対象に、半構成的面接を行った。その結果、キャリアアップに関する認識として、8 つのカテゴリーが抽出された。 看護職は[看護師長のマネジメント能力]の影響を受けながら、[職場が形成するキャリアアップ志向]を育んでいた。キャリアアップには、[経済的自己投資]が必要であった。また、自身が出会う[専門・認定看護師の正負のイメージ]がキャリアアップの方向性に影響していた。看護職は[誰にも潜む仕事継続の危機]をもっていたが、[ワークライフバランスの重視]をしながら、[看護への職務満足感]や[ 「やめられない」という消極的意思]が仕事継続の動機づけになっていた。以上より、看護師長がマネジメント能力を発揮し、看護職の働く意欲に配慮し、キャリアアップ志向を形成できる職場風土をつくり挙げる必要性があると示唆された。
平山 惠美子 柿原 加代子
国際情報研究 (ISSN:18842178)
vol.13, no.1, pp.72-79, 2016-12-25 (Released:2016-12-26)

When patients leave hospital and wish to continue to receive medical care and treatments at home, what kind of support and aid should be provided by ward nurses to the patients concerned and their family members?Nurses' opinions and views and cases of patients and their families were examined by reference to Anne Bishop’s perspective of nursing. The analysis showed the following. Firstly, nurses tend to perceive home care purely in a medical framework; they have some difficulty in understanding that the contexts of everyday living for patients and their families differ from those of medical providers. In the second place, adhering too much to nursing manuals at hospital, nurses tend to have pre-conceived notions of patients' abilities, while elderly invalids find it hard to go through advanced procedures which nurses require. This creates a gap between techniques that nurses consider necessary and those that patients’ families want to know about. In the third place, nurses are considerate towards patients and their families, get along with them cordially, and collaborate closely with home care specialists. To conclude, it is necessary that nurses have a clear notion of the situations which patients and their families are set in and confronted with in their every-day life at home, and by doing so, offer aids and assistance according to their desires and wishes.
柿原 加代子 平山 恵美子 宮田 智子
国際情報研究 (ISSN:18842178)
vol.13, no.1, pp.86-93, 2016-12-25 (Released:2016-12-30)

Abstract:The principal aims of the present study were to elucidate differences by life stage and comparatively examine the utility of the model by Holland et al. used for analysis of the psychological progress in patients with breast cancer during the fight against the disease following the notification of cancer. We comparatively examined the behavior of patients with breast cancer using phases 1–3 of the model by Holland et al. to classify and categorize each psychological state. The results revealed the following points:1) with regard to the psychological process following notification of breast cancer, there were cases in which the patients passed from phases 1 and 2 to reach the phase 3 of "adaption" and cases in which the patients shifted to phase 3 without going through phases 1 and 2. In addition, individual differences were remarkable during the periods of each phase. The model of Holland et al. is useful as a reference in understanding the psychological process of breast cancer patients following notification of cancer, thereby making it possible to elucidate the characteristics of the individual psychological processes of patients with breast cancer. 2) In the case of young women, especially single women with no spouse, the psychological impact of "anxiety" "shock," "fear concerning the future," etc. was great. In particular, patients specifically manifested complex psychological anxiety and fear concerning damage to femininity and motherliness.That is, the psychological process following notification had a significant effect on life stages. 3) The results show that support by nearby family members, health care practitioners, and other persons who have experienced breast cancer contributes to the amelioration of the various anxieties and fears that breast cancer patients feel after notification and promotes adaptation.
柿原 加代子 草野 純子 市川 恭子
国際情報研究 (ISSN:18842178)
vol.12, no.1, pp.36-43, 2015-12-25 (Released:2015-12-30)

Abstract: This study aims at disclosing different stages of the psychological process which lung cancer patients pass through after they are notified of their cancer, in order to see if these stages are connected with the stages of the disease. From patients' own words and behaviors, recorded by themselves in their treatment reports, those which may reveal their psychological stages after notification are extracted and dissected in terms of the division of 'psychological states' defined as Phase I, II and III on the Massie & Holland model. As a result, three points come to light. Firstly, the disease stages, presence or absence of treatments or metastasis, affect psychological states. In the second place, “shock” and “denial” in Phase I and “distress”, “anxiety” and “fear” in Phase II last longer in patients on Stage IV than in those on Stage II. And lastly, immedately after the notification “efforts for adaptation” of Phase III appear more remarkably in patients on Stage II than in those on Stage IV.
草野 純子 柿原 加代子
国際情報研究 (ISSN:18842178)
vol.12, no.1, pp.44-55, 2015-12-25 (Released:2015-12-30)

A Physical Assessment Classes is designed on the basis of a theory of performance assessment. It is intended as a means of finding out ways of making more accurate measurements of how far the students have gone to acquire nursing skills. This study examines those main effects which a special program of the course had on the students concerned when it was conducted in April - July, 2014. When performance activities are really so interesting and attractive to students, and when the assessment standards and processes are disclosed, they can have a clear idea of what they need to know on their way to professional practices of nursing care. By critically examining themselves and evaluating one another, they can learn to apply their knowledge and skills in the most proper way that their situation allows. They can learn ways of improving themselves.