川崎 美香 森 寿子 藤本 政明
The Japan Society of Logopedics and Phoniatrics
音声言語医学 (ISSN:00302813)
vol.46, no.2, pp.110-118, 2005-04-20 (Released:2010-12-08)

乳幼児の指導を行う際, 母親の心理的安定は訓練効果を高めるうえで重要である.われわれは注意欠陥多動性障害 (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, 以下ADHD) を合併した人工内耳 (cochlear implant, 以下CI) 装用聾児 (兄, R.H.) と健聴児 (弟) の双生児をもつ母親に, TK式幼児用親子関係検査 (以下TK式) を実施し, 以下の知見を得た.症例R.H.に対するCI術前の母子関係を健聴な弟と比較すると, 術後2年が経過しても変化は見られなかった.術後2年7ヵ月後, R.H.に実施した言語・知能検査が正常となった時点で, 母子関係は兄弟間で類似する結果となった.比較対照群として検討した聴覚障害単一例2例とその兄弟との母子関係では, CI術前は健聴な兄弟に比べ, TK式で問題性が高かったが, CI術後約1年が経過した時点で, 母子関係は安定した.ADHDを合併したR.H.では単一障害例に比し, CI術後母子関係が安定するまでに約3倍の時間を要し, ADHD合併例に対する母親指導の難しさとその重要性が示唆された.
吉岡 豊 森 寿子
川崎医療福祉学会誌 (ISSN:09174605)
vol.2, no.2, pp.109-115, 1992

森 寿子
The Japan Society of Logopedics and Phoniatrics
音声言語医学 (ISSN:00302813)
vol.22, no.2, pp.157-171, 1981-04-25 (Released:2010-06-22)

Investigation of clinical sense and the problem of non-verbal intelligence testing was undertaken for 45 cases of hearing and speech handicapped children. All test cases were under the age of 12 and had speech training for more than three years. Non-verbal intelligence testing was effective for evaluating their intelligence and the effects of speech training.1) (a) None of the 45 cases underwent non-verbal intelligence testing previous to visiting our clinic, and as a result 90% of them had been evaluated as having lower intelligence, while 10% were judged to be mentally deficient. Following non-verbal intelligence tests at our clinic, of 39 cases who had been diagnosed mentally deficient in addition to other lesion, 36 cases showed normal non-verbal intelligence and 3 cases showed border-line intelligence. On the other hand, 6 cases who had been diagnosed as having a hearing loss only or a cleft palate only were shown to be mentally deficient as well.(b) As concerns the cause of impaired speech for the 45 cases, of 36 cases with normal non-verbal intelligence, 21 cases showed perceptive hearing loss, 7 cases were obscurr, 5 cases were epileptic, and 3 cases resulted from other causes. Three cases of border-line non-verbal intelligence showed impaired speech in addition to abnormal behavior whose cause was obscure. Six cases of retarded non-verbal intelligence showed mental deficiency in addition to hearing loss or cleft palate.2) As a result of our speech training extending over more than three years, of 27 cases (60% of total), 26 cases of normal non-verbal intelligence and 1 case of border-line intelligence were developed, and verbal intelligence reached a level equal to that of non-verbal intelligence.3) Non-verbal intelligence testing is important as a basic discernment test on speech handicapped children and as a clinical method for evaluating learning, hearing and speech ability.4) There remain certain problems and limitations as the results of speech training are evaluated by non-verbal intelligence testing only. The role of non-verbal intelligence in the speech learning process must also be defined in relation to speech learning ability. New tests should be designed for this purpose.