安田 幸子 上田 伊佐子 森田 敏子
徳島文理大学研究紀要 (ISSN:02869829)
vol.95, pp.15-28, 2018

<p>本研究の目的は<b>,</b>高等学校5 年一貫校専攻科で学ぶ看護学生の看護倫理に関する思考の特徴を見出し倫理教育への課題を明らかにすることである。5 年一貫校専攻科の看護学生を対象に①宗教上の理由からの輸血の拒否<b>,</b>②出生前診断による選択的人工妊娠中絶<b>,</b>③脳死者からの臓器移植<b>,</b>など6 状況を設定し<b>,</b>倫理上の諸問題の思考の特徴を見出す質問紙調査を行った。学生の価値基盤は倫理原則であったが<b>,</b>倫理的根拠ではなく自己の感情による判断の可能性があり多角的な思考ができていなかった。さらに<b>,</b>10 名を対象とした半構造的面接を行い<b>,</b>倫理的問題と認知した要因として<b>,</b>【倫理的問題の認知の基盤】<b>,</b>【認知の仕方】<b>,</b>【感情】の3 カテゴリーが形成された。学生は看護観<b>,</b>学習内容との比較<b>,</b>患者の言動<b>,</b>患者の立場の想像から倫理的問題を捉え解釈し思考していたことから<b>,</b>倫理教育に関する課題は倫理に関する知識の確実な獲得と看護観の深化<b>,</b>感受性豊かな学生に育成することが示唆された。</p>
小川 フェネリーひとみ 上田 伊佐子 森田 敏子
徳島文理大学研究紀要 (ISSN:02869829)
vol.94, pp.73-82, 2017-09-09 (Released:2018-04-18)

榮田 絹代 森田 敏子
徳島文理大学研究紀要 (ISSN:02869829)
vol.92, pp.53-82, 2016-09

Objective: To identify the impact that role-lettering has on promoting self-understanding and understanding of others in nursing students, and to discover the educational implications of acquiring interpersonal and communication skills. Method: The research was designed as an exploratory validation of inductive and descriptive factors of role-lettering, and for validation of clinical hypotheses. Subjects were 215 2-year course nursing students in Kyushu Prefecture. They were mailed a self-administered survey and a qualitative analysis of their responses was conducted. Results: 102 surveys were returned, with 93 valid responses (43.3%). The valid surveys contained the following responses: "dissatisfaction and anger," "complaints and predicaments," "tension and mixed feelings," "expectations for others," and "confirmation of others' feelings." The returned surveys contained the following responses: "dissatisfaction and criticism," "valid complaints and justifications," " difficulty in understanding and response," "different perspectives," and "expectations and hopes for self." Based on the feeling of good or ill will towards others, limitations for self-understanding and understanding for others were revealed. Of the seven clinical hypotheses, five were validated. Discussion: Clarifying one's emotions through role-lettering and sharing the standpoint of others aids in self-dialog, promotes empathic understanding, displays an interest in and concern for others, and deepens self-understanding and understanding of others. Five of the seven clinical hypotheses were validated, and educational implications that promote self-understanding and the understanding of others obtained.
井上 加奈子 森田 敏子
徳島文理大学研究紀要 (ISSN:02869829)
vol.92, pp.13-36, 2016-09

Objective: This study aims to clarify the following aspects when students meet patients during their participation in nursing practicum: what they experience (their awareness) "in the here and now;" the significance they place on their own practicum experience; and how they attain, form, and deepen their clinical knowledge which consists of situational knowledge, embodied knowledge, and knowledge of relations. Methods: A semi-structured interview was conducted with seven 4th-year students who had completed their nursing practicum at a nursing university, with the interview content qualitatively analyzed. Results: The interview time was 70±31 minutes. The subjects were aged 22±1 years. Although the students had experienced feelings of perplexity and confusion concerning nursing practicum and their patients' states at the beginning of the practicum, the study found that they were ultimately able to form and deepen their clinical knowledge through their relationships with the patients. Discussion: At the beginning of the students' nursing practicum, they felt perplexed at various situations around them. Then, bolstered by their desire to become involved with the patients, they focused on their patients present with them "in the here and now." By getting closer to the patients' worlds, the students assimilated clinical knowledge. When the students were liberated from their own operative emotions in their interaction with the patients, their clinical knowledge deepened. This study suggests that students' growth can be enhanced if support is provided, allowing students to become aware of their sensation of being together with the patients "in the here and now" and to form their "clinical knowledge." This process, in turn, deepens their clinical knowledge and mode of formation and deepening.