椿 宏治 大貫 裕康 藤井 明 村田 一彰
The Anthropological Society of Nippon
人類學雜誌 (ISSN:00035505)
vol.76, no.4, pp.147-168, 1968-09-10 (Released:2008-02-26)

1.13の山村の住民,総人口5万6千程を調べて,その老人の性比を検討した。2.山村を2群に分けた。I群は典型的な山村。II群は山村といっても山中の盆地的な,割に平地の多い所か,又は地勢は嶮しくてもそこでは女が農労働に殆ど関係しない-しなかったといった方がよいかも知れぬ一所。3.I群の村々を地勢条件により更に A,B,C,D の4群に分けた。 A は最も条件の悪い所,山腹の斜面が急で,水田も月の田毎よりもひどいような棚田,隣にゆくにも段々で何十段といったような所。 D 群は平地が多く,商工業非農家の多い所。 B は A よりも斜面が緩かで, C は D に近いが,それよりも少し条件がきつい所。4.II群の村々では平地の農村並か小都会地並の老人の性比を示したし,90以上の女もかなりいた-予想された通りである。5.I群の山村では60才以上になると男に比べて女の割合が少くなるし,80才以上では男より少数になる。6.1群の山村では男が最高令者であるムラがそうでないムラより多いし,ムラの最高年令者の平均年令は男の方が多い。II群ではそれは全く逆で,女の長生きの所が多く,平均も女が高令である。7.I群の村々の A,B,C,D 4群の最高年令者に就いての統計は Table 8の下の方に示したが,A,B 群については男の方が約2年,C,D群では逆に女が1.0~0.6年程長生きであった。8.A,B,C,D 群だけで見ると生活条件の厳酷な山の中程男女共短命なようにも見えるが,これだけの資料ではいい切ろうとはまだ思わない。

1 0 0 0 OA 越後のマタギ

椿 宏治
民族學研究 (ISSN:24240508)
vol.32, no.4, pp.303-317, 1968-03-31 (Released:2018-03-27)

Matagj is the traditional hunters group in the North-East region of Japan. The original home of Matagi is said to be either Akita or Dewa District. They live in a moutainous region, practise special rituals and observe certain taboos and hunting traits. In the past they wandered seeking game from mountain forest to mountain forest all over the eastern half of Japan. As professional hunters they hunted almost every kind of wild animal and bird in the mountains, sometimes even fishing in the rivulets. But their best game was bear, and the next was antelope. As people of the mountain they worshipped the mountain god (Yamanokami) and observed some rituals and kept taboos when they went hunting. While hunting, ordinary daily words were strictly prohibited and special terms (Yamakotoba; mountain words) were used. Etigo, a distrct neighboring Dewa, in about 300 kms from the center of Matagi country. The Etigo Matagi are not professionals, but have special hunting rituals, taboos and other customs. Now they hunt only bears, but formerly sometimes antelopes. No other game was traditionaly hunted. Recently the observation of old traditional rituals, taboos and hunting traits has gradually gone out of fashion and only a few have survived. From my recent research, I was able to reconstruct the total process of the old rituals and determind two rules concerning their preservation. 1) the more dangerous the hunting course, the more traditional the hunting methods. 2) the remoter the Matagi village, the better preserved the old traditions. I could find no direct relations between the Matagi rituals and the bear festival of the Ainos (Iomante). Behind the habit of using special words while hunting, there may be something common in the way of thinking between the Matagi and the peoples of Siberia.