櫻井 博紀 戸田 真弓 戸田 南帆 高橋 吾朗 酒向 慎貴 久野 祐功 渡邉 茂樹 佐藤 純
日本生気象学会雑誌 (ISSN:03891313)
vol.59, no.1, pp.37-43, 2022-07-30 (Released:2022-09-03)

高気圧環境によるストレス軽減効果を調査するため,被験者(成人男女16名)を微高気圧(大気圧+10 hPa)と空気質(酸素,二酸化炭素濃度)を調整した空間に短期暴露し,精神気分尺度と自律神経系に与える影響について検討した.微高気圧暴露は,「微高気圧」と,空気質も変化させた「微高気圧+酸素付加」,「微高気圧+酸素付加+二酸化炭素抑制」の3条件で行った.測定項目は,不安・抑うつ尺度および気分尺度と,自律神経指標として血圧,心拍数,心拍間隔変動周波数を取得した.微高気圧暴露単独は,気分尺度,抑うつ尺度を改善させ,暴露中に副交感神経活動が賦活された.さらに,空気質を調整することで,微高気圧暴露単独の場合よりもストレス軽減効果および不安・抑うつ尺度の抑制効果が大きかった.これらから,微高気圧に加えて空気質を調整することで,ストレス緩和効果がより強く得られることが明らかになった.
櫻井 博紀 佐藤 純一 青野 修一 新井 健一 井上 真輔 西原 真理 畠山 登 尾張 慶子 西須 大徳 牧野 泉 牛田 享宏
vol.34, no.4, pp.336-341, 2019-12-20 (Released:2020-03-14)

Patients who complain of chronic pain have various symptoms and complicated pathologies, and there are often cases in which the symptoms worsen due to weather changes. However, few studies have examined the nature of pain affected by weather changes. In this time, we investigated the characteristics of patients with weather–related pain. As results, their pain intensity is moderate and they can maintain moderate daily activity. But in psychosocial factors, they have low self–efficacy and high catastrophic thinking. As treatment for chronic pain, exercise therapy managed by a therapist is highly recommended in non–drug therapy. Patients with weather–related pain often complain at head and neck shoulders. Evidences on the effects of exercise therapy for these body parts have also been reported. We hope that capturing the characteristics of patients with weather–related pain will lead to more appropriate treatments tailored to the pathological condition of the patients.
水谷 みゆき 鈴木 千春 大道 裕介 櫻井 博紀 森元 温子 西原 真理 牛田 亨宏 新井 健一 佐藤 純
vol.27, no.3, pp.175-188, 2012-08-10 (Released:2013-02-19)

The effect of hypnotic intervention for the refractory chronic pain patients was examined along with the process of patients' selection and their psychological characteristics. The total 596 visit patients in the first year were statistically examined concerning duration of pain, scores of psychological distress (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale) and disability (Pain Disability Assessment Scale) at the initial visit and the treatment outcome at the end of the first year. The duration of chronic pain was significantly related to disability but not to psychological distress at the initial visit. At the end of the first year of multidisciplinary pain treatment, 44% of total patients were under treatment, 19% finished treatment (10% evidently improved and 9% accepted their pain), 12% were referred and 25% dropped out. The group of patients who were evidently improved was not different concerning the duration of pain, but significantly less anxious, less depressed and less disabled at the initial visit than the other groups. Among the 261 patients under treatment, 33 patients (5.6% of total patients) were introduced into individual psychological interventions in consideration of 1) poor outcome in pharmacological and physical treatments, 2) unstable treatment relationship and marked pain behaviors, 3) obvious psychological distress, 4) event-related fluctuations in pain. They were significantly more anxious and depressed at the initial visit, than those who were not introduced to psychological intervention. Multiple bio-psycho-social factors were identified; tender points in 21 patients (by physiotherapist), stressful life events around the onset of pain in 26, serious daily conflicts at present in 30, catastrophizing thinking in 21, repressive thinking in 12, avoidance in 2 and perseverative coping in 6. Many of them did not or partly perceive their somatic tension / discomfort. Multiple factors were considered to inhibit the effect of treatment in those patients. In individual hypnosis, therapeutic conversation, permissive induction and indirect suggestions were employed. Direct suggestions for analgesia were not applied. Among 33 patients, 25 patients experienced hypnotic analgesia during sessions, 14 of whom finished their sessions with the decreased daily pain level or the enhanced effect of medication until the end of the 3rd year. Among them, 5 patients evidently improved (one phantom limb pain and 4 other chronic pain). Hypnosis successfully helped 42% of the patients who had failed to respond to multi disciplinary treatment. The psychosomatic resources in patients need to be more attended and utilized in chronic pain treatment.
平野 幸伸 山本 武 櫻井 博紀 青田 安史
The Society of Physical Therapy Science
理学療法科学 (ISSN:13411667)
vol.29, no.2, pp.243-246, 2014

〔目的〕本研究の目的はハンドヘルドダイナモメーター(HHD)によるヒラメ筋筋力測定法の妥当性を検証することである.〔対象〕対象は健常成人14名28肢とした.〔方法〕測定指標は最大筋力および最大トルク値とした.測定方法は徒手抵抗によるHHD法,固定用ベルトを用いたHHD法,設置型筋力測定装置による等尺性足関節底屈筋力測定法,設置型筋力測定装置による等尺性ヒラメ筋筋力測定法,徒手筋力検査(MMT)の5種類とした.〔結果〕固定ベルトを用いて行うHHD法と設置型ヒラメ筋筋力測定装置との有意な相関が認められた.〔結語〕固定用ベルトを用いた方法は妥当性がある. <br>