水出 幸輝
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
vol.100, pp.201-220, 2022-01-31 (Released:2022-03-29)

This study examined the experience of watching typhoons on television from the perspective of media history. Focusing on the Ise Bay Typhoon (1959) and the Second-Muroto Typhoon (1961), the study compared how each typhoon was reported on television and how the reports were evaluated by people. We referred to newspapers, broadcasting magazines, and meteorological magazines to gather a wide range of materials that described the media experience of the two typhoons. The two typhoons occurred during the transitional period of the media environment, when television was growing rapidly. When the Ise Bay typhoon hit, radio was the mainstream media; it was not common to obtain disaster prevention information on television. However, on television, weather experts provided people with typhoon risk reduction information. People who owned a television were able to watch weather maps and typhoon information on it. However, the typhoon disrupted signal transmission and brought massive blackouts, interrupting the TV broadcast of footage of the typhoon hitting cities. In the case of the Ise Bay Typhoon, television programs could only report on the damaged areas after the typhoon had left.In contrast, when the Second-Muroto Typhoon hit, many people were able to watch typhoon information on TV. We identified two kinds of viewing experiences on TV. The first was the same as in the case of the Ise Bay Typhoon: watching typhoon information delivered by experts on TV. The second was to watch the coverage of the typhoon hitting the cities, which was broadcast live via TV networks. As such, people in the areas where the typhoon would pass could watch it on TV. In other words, television enabled people to see typhoons with a predictive effect. This “predictive effect” allowed people to understand weather phenomena even without any knowledge of science.
水出 幸輝
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
no.88, pp.157-175, 2016-01-31

This study aims to reveal the reconstructive process of the national collective memory of the Great Kanto Earthquake (Kanto Daishinsai) by analyzing anniversary editorials in the following Japanese Newspapers: Tokyo Asahi Shinbun, Osaka Asahi Shinbun, Tokyo Nichinichi Shinbun, Osaka Mainichi Shinbun, Yomiuri Shinbun (1924-1959) and Cyunichi Shinbun, Asahi Shinbun, Mainichi Shinbun, Yomiuri Shinbun (1960-2014). The study considers the quantitative and qualitative changes in these editorials' discourse. In modern times, the Great Kanto Earthquake is a part of the collective memory of Japanese citizens, and also because of the disaster prevention drills conducted as "Disaster Preparedness Day" (Bosai no Hi) on September 1st-the anniversary of the Earthquake ("Shinsai Kinenbi"). However, "Disaster Prevention Day" was also enacted in the year 1960 due to the Ise Bay Typhoon (Isewan Taifu) of 1959. This study revealed that the "Earthquake anniversary" was well documented for several years, but after the tenth year anniversary it was hardly mentioned in the editorials. Additionally, it was recognized that the anniversary had not been in the national collective memory but within local memory. In contrast, since "Disaster Prevention Day" was enacted in 1960, the memory of the earthquake was reconstructed the national collective memory, as can be seen by an increase in the number of articles on the earthquake in the anniversary editorials. National newspapers used the Great Kanto Earthquake to set the agenda for "Disaster Prevention Day." A close relationship can be seen between the Great Kanto Earthquake and "Disaster Prevention Day." That day reminded the people about the Great Kanto Earthquake, whilst the Ise Bay Typhoon was neglected in anniversary editorials. Accordingly, it could be said that the national collective memory of the Great Kanto Earthquake is founded on the forgetting of the Ise Bay Typhoon.
水出 幸輝
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
vol.93, pp.117-135, 2018-07-31 (Released:2018-10-13)

This study aims to clarify the transition of collective memory and recognitionabout the Great Kanto Earthquake through the exploration of the narrativesof an academic figure. In a time when the collective memory of this past disasterhas been fading, this report made it clear how the opinion of the intellectual haschanged and why. The intellectual in question is Ikutaro Shimizu, who experiencedthe Great Kanto Earthquake. Known as a prominent writer, he continuedto express his opinion on the Great Kanto Earthquake. He described himself an“après un tremblement de terre”( post-earthquake) writer, playing on words ofthe après guerre( post-war) generation. After the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquakeand its aftermath, Shimizu’s opinion on the disaster has drawn publicattention again. The aim of this report is to trace the manner in which Shimizutalked about the disaster and how it changed. Before the end of the Second World War, Shimizu rarely discussed theGreat Kanto Earthquake. In the days after the Second World War, he began towrite essays on the huge earthquake. In other words, he developed his owninterpretation of the earthquake in contrast with his war experience. As he recognizedthat the Great Kanto Earthquake had been downplayed by society atthat time, he wrote about the Earthquake over and over as one of his importantpersonal experiences. Although he attempted to evoke collective remembranceof the Earthquake in 1960, he quit writing about the Earthquake after all. It is in and after 1970 that his narrative seemed to change. He came to dealwith the Great Kanto Earthquake as a matter of society or the nation, not as anunforgettable personal event. He modified his opinion on the Earthquake in linewith the collective memory shared with people of the same period. This reportexamines Shimizu’s argument on the Earthquake and its changes, and pointsout the connection between personal memories and collective memory.
水出 幸輝
スポーツ社会学研究 (ISSN:09192751)
vol.24, no.1, pp.79-92, 2016

本稿では、2020 年オリンピック・パラリンピックの東京開催決定を伝えたテレビ報道の検討を試みる。第一に、東京開催決定報道においてテレビが描いた社会的現実の偏りを同時期の世論調査と比較することで明らかにし、第二に、その偏りをE. Said の「オリエンタリズム」以来議論されるようになった「他者化」の概念を用いて考察した。 招致委員会による「被災地・福島」の他者化を指摘し、他者化ではなく、包摂の必要性を指摘するメディア関係者も存在していた。しかし、本稿ではテレビ報道において他者化された存在として、日本国外は中国・韓国を、日本国内は「被災地・福島」を挙げる。両者は東京開催決定に否定的な態度を示すことで他者化されていた。他者である「かれら」に対置される存在の「われわれ」は、送り手が設定した「われわれ」日本人であるが、「われわれ」には東京開催決定を喜ぶ者として、日本にとっての外国が含まれる場合もあった。 招致成功の喜びを表現する「われわれ」と、それに対置する存在で否定的な見解を示す「かれら」(「被災地・福島」)という構図によって、「かれら」は"当然東京開催決定に否定的である"というステレオタイプが醸成される可能性がある。それは、一方で、「われわれ」に位置づけられた東京の人々の中に存在していた否定的な見解を、"当然東京招致成功に肯定的である"というステレオタイプによって覆い隠してしまってもいる。東京開催決定報道で採用された、喜びを表現する「われわれ」―喜びを表現できない「かれら」という構図は、東京の人々の中に存在する否定的な意見、すなわち、東京開催の当事者である人々が抱える問題を不可視化してしまうものであった。