水谷 広
Eco-engineering = 生態工学 (ISSN:13470485)
vol.15, no.3, pp.93-99, 2003-07-31

In order to make the activity of the humanosphere fit to the global limits, a concept of material and energy requirements (mer) for a product/service was proposed and defined. The argument is based on a unified treatment of material cycles applicable to both biogeochemical cycles and sociogeochemical cycles, in which knowledge, physical inflow, srocks (coined word from stock and process), benefit, and outflow constitute basic elements of material circulation. There are five classes of mers: Direct material and energy requirement (D-mer), Extended material and energy requirement (E-mer), Total material and energy requirement (T-mer), Lifetime material and energy requirement (L-mer), and limited Lifetime material and energy requirement (limited L-mer). They may be derived from LCA inventory data and may be used for the formulation of the resource productivity and the eco-efficiency. It was found that the L-mer, which is all the material and energy needed for a product/service to complete its entire lifecycle, was the sum of all the E-mers used in its lifetime, if its lifecycle contains no recycling process. Problems associated with the application of the mers to global change, i. e., kinds of data to be collected, data reliability, their relation to global limits, their conversion, impact allocations to benefit, and multiple indicators, are discussed.
水谷 広
Eco-Engineering (ISSN:13470485)
vol.22, no.4, pp.167-174, 2010-10-31 (Released:2011-01-05)

Recently, so-called geoengineering appears to be championed by some in the fight against global warming as a possible alternative to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Instead, I believe that there is a root cause for the emissions that should be first taken care of. In this paper, I argue that what needed most is not a fix to the global warming and that the current conditions of our environments need to be viewed in the context of Earth system evolution. The terrestrial life began to be present around four billion years ago; however, it only achieved the enduring basis for its continued existence when the oxygen respiration emerged. It, thus, took two billion years to become a sustainable sphere with its own rule, the biosphere. Then, about ten thousand years ago, humans started agriculture, departing from the biological rule. It formed a bud of the humanosphere and kept growing until the 16th century, when the need for larger amount of metals and other goods turned our eyes to underground resources. Unfortunately, these resources are not renewable. Thus, we unknowingly derailed ourselves from the path to the formation of an enduring sphere of humans, the humanosphere. Now we are seeing the end of our way that has lasted for five centuries and some of us might be at a loss in front of the deteriorating environments. During this period, however, our understanding about this universe and its various laws has advanced greatly and it will help us to return to the course to the humanosphere. Some notes to be observed for successfully getting back to the track are also discussed.
亀田 佳代子 松原 健司 水谷 広 山田 佳裕
The Ornithological Society of Japan
日本鳥学会誌 (ISSN:0913400X)
vol.51, no.1, pp.12-28, 2002 (Released:2007-09-28)
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