水野 忠快 根本 駿平 森田 勝久 楠原 洋之
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.143, no.2, pp.127-132, 2023-02-01 (Released:2023-02-01)

The effects of drugs and other low-molecular-weight compounds are complex and may be unintended by the developer. These compounds and drugs should be avoided if these unintended effects are harmful; however, unintended effects are not always as harmful as suggested by drug repositioning. Therefore, a comprehensive understanding of complex drug actions is essential. Omics data can be regarded as the nonarbitrary transformation of biological information about a sample into comprehensive numerical information comprising multivariate data with a large number of variables. However, the changes are often based on a small number of elements in different dimensions (i.e., latent variables). The omics data of compound-treated samples comprehensively capture the complex effects of compounds, including their unrecognized aspects. Therefore, finding latent variables in these data is expected to contribute to the understanding of multiple effects. In particular, it can be interpreted as decomposing multiple effects into a smaller number of easily understandable effects. Although latent variable models of omics data have been used to understand the mechanisms of diseases, no approach has considered the multiple effects of compounds and their decomposition. Therefore, we propose to decompose and understand the multiple effects of low-molecular-weight compounds without arbitrariness and have been developing analytical methods and verifying their usefulness. In particular, we focused on classical factor analysis among latent variable models and have been examining the biological validity of the estimates obtained under linear assumptions.
水野 忠快
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.142, no.10, pp.1077-1082, 2022-10-01 (Released:2022-10-01)

As the term polypharmacology suggests, there are multiple actions of small-molecule compounds. We proposed a decomposition and understanding concept that sheds light on the small effects in comparison to the large effects by decomposing these multiple effects. This concept was embodied by describing the effects of the compounds in a transcriptome profile, followed by factor analysis to extract latent variables as decomposed effects. Application of this approach to public datasets resulted in the inferences of compound effects consistent with existing knowledge such as gene ontologies and pathways. In one experimental validation, the potential inducibility of endoplasmic reticulum stress of several commercial drugs was detected by decomposition. Another study successfully discriminated the effects of a natural product and its derivatives despite their structural similarity. In the era of big data, it is important to infer conceptual elements composed of measurable elements as a higher layer than the given data of a specimen, which can expand our perception and understanding of the specimen. This review introduces an example of such a philosophy by applying it to the multiple effects of drugs to contribute to the understanding.
水野 忠快 林 久允 杉山 雄一
pp.514-516, 2012-10-15

●細胞膜タンパク質の分解;ユビキチン化-リソソーム分解経路 生体内のタンパク質はたえず合成,分解を繰返し,動的に制御されている。その分解過程は分解を担うプロテアーゼの種類の違いや,また,それらが機能する細胞内小器官へ基質が到達するまでの系の違いなどにより分解経路として体系的に分類できる。細胞膜タンパク質に限っては,① カルパインによる分解経路,② ユビキチン(Ub)化をシグナルに開始されプロテアソームにより分解を受ける経路,③ 同じくUb化が引き金となりendosomal sorting complex required for transport(ESCRT)系を経てリソソームにて分解を受ける経路の三つの分解経路が挙げられる。本稿では,なかでも③の分解経路をUb化-リソソーム分解経路と称し,これを紹介したいと思う。 リソソームは1950年代半ばと比較的早い時期に同定されたものの,どのようにして分解されるべきタンパク質のみが選別されリソソームへと輸送されるのか,という疑問が長い間研究者の頭を悩ませていた。これに一つの明確な解答を与えたのがUb化-リソソーム分解経路の発見であり,今世紀幕開けにかけてのことである1)。本経路において細胞膜タンパク質はUb化を皮切りに内在化し,ESCRT系によって認識され,同系を経る過程で形成されるmulti-vesicular body(MVB)に取り込まれた後,MVBがリソソームに融合することで最終的にリソソーム内のプロテアーゼにより分解を受ける。このスキーム中で一点留意してほしいのがUb化と内在化の順序である。最もよく研究されているepidermal growth factor receptor(EGFR)などを除き,多くの場合どこでUb化を受けているのかは明らかとなっていない。そのため可能性は示されているものの,細胞膜上でUb化を受けた後に内在化するというスキームの普遍性については議論が続いている。しかしながら,ESCRT系が基質のUb化部位を認識し,これを皮切りに進行するという点は多くのエビデンスによって支えられており,本経路におけるUb化の重要性は明確である。