森 誠護 永田 聡典 名頭薗 亮太
スポーツパフォーマンス研究 (ISSN:21871787)
vol.14, pp.60-67, 2022 (Released:2022-04-01)

本研究では,バタフライ及び平泳ぎで用いるopen turnに着目し,ターン動作とジャンプパフォーマンスとの関係性について明らかにすることで,競泳選手の効果的なトレーニング方法の基礎資料を得ることを目的とした.本研究は,バタフライ及び平泳ぎを専門とする大学男子競泳選手8名を対象とし,競泳ターン測定はopen turnにて実施した.被験者の泳区間はターン前後10mとし,全力泳にて泳動作及びターン動作を実施した.被験者のターン動作を評価するため,ターン動作時の回転時間,足部接地時間,蹴り出し速度をそれぞれ計測した.ジャンプパフォーマンス測定では,スクワットジャンプ,垂直跳び,立幅跳びを計測した.この結果,ターン測定とジャンプパフォーマンス測定の変数間での関係性において,ターン時の蹴り出し速度とスクワットジャンプにおけるピークパワー(r=0.857,p<0.01)及びピーク速度(r=0.805,p<0.05)との間に有意な相関関係が認められた.以上の結果から,スクワットジャンプのピークパワー及びピーク速度を高めるためのトレーニングはターン局面のパフォーマンス向上に寄与する可能性があることが明らかとなった.
永田 聡典 淵本 隆文
バレーボール研究 (ISSN:13449524)
vol.13, no.1, pp.1-7, 2011 (Released:2021-08-11)

This study was designed to develop a device (DSH) to measure the maximum spike height (Hs-max) in volleyball and examine its measurement methods. DSH measures the height of a ball, which is suspended and can be moved between 200 and 380 cm from the ground,when it is hit by a player. We selected thirty male university volleyball spikers, and measured the height of the tip of the middle finger with their arm stretched overhead( Hf) and the maximum vertical jump height( Hmax). Then, we asked them to spike a tossed ball, and measured the height( Hs) and speed of the ball when it was hit, using the 3D direct liner transformation( DLT) method. After having spiked a ball at many different levels, players evaluated the height( SAh) and speed( SAv) of the ball in each spike on a ten-score scale. We defined the height of the ball when [SAh + SAv] is maximum as “Hs-max” There were correlations between the ball height and SAh, and the ball speed measured by DSH and SAv. Since there was also a correlation between [SAh + SAv] and SAh or SAv, Hs-max proved to be valid. We selected twenty female university students, and measured Hs-max twice in two days using DSH. The reliability coefficient for the measurements was as high as 0.913. We divided the players into two groups: Group HS (n=15), players who spiked the ball at a height of 285.5 cm or more; and Group LS( n=15), players who spiked at 285 cm or less. Hs-max was significantly larger( p<0.05) and “Hs-max - Hs” was significantly smaller( p<0.01) in Group HS, compared to Group LS. The players in Group HS not only spiked the ball at higher points,but they were also good at controlling the timing of jump in order to spike at their maximum jump than those in Group LS. We concluded that the newly developed device, DSH, can measure the Hs-max values with excellent reliability and that the the Hs-max would provide valuable information for both players and coaches.