2 0 0 0 類上皮肉腫

石井 明子 中山 秀夫 池上 博泰 森永 正二郎
Western Division of Japanese Dermatological Association
西日本皮膚科 (ISSN:03869784)
vol.56, no.4, pp.734-739, 1994

30歳のロシア人男性の類上皮肉腫を逆行性橈骨動脈皮弁法にて治療した。8年前に左手関節屈側に潰瘍が出現し, 手術を4回受けたが再発を繰り返していた。病理組織学的に, 真皮内にエオジン好染の豊かな胞体を持ち, 核に異型性を示す腫瘍細胞が増殖し, 大部分が類円形で, 上皮様の胞巣を形成していた。電顕的には切れ込みの目立つ核と豊富な細胞質を持つ腫瘍細胞が多く, 胞体内に中間径フィラメントを認めた。免疫組織化学的にEMA, vimentin, keratinに対する抗体を用いた染色にて腫瘍細胞は陽性であった。本症の治療にあたっては, 発病初期の正確な病理診断と最初から十分な広範囲切除が必要と思われた。
中道 憲明 松村 昇 塩野 将平 丹治 敦 戸山 芳昭 池上 博泰
肩関節 (ISSN:09104461)
vol.31, no.3, pp.477-480, 2007

There are numerous reports of success with an open Bankart repair, using low recurrence of dislocation. Few studies indicate that subscapularis (SSC) tenotomy may result in postoperative SSC insufficiency. The purpose of this research was to measure the subscapularis muscle strength, muscle area and signal intensity by magnetic resonance imaging after the open Bankart procedure.<BR>A total of 22 patients were observed prospectively for a mean of 33 months (range 17-51 months). There were 11men and 1woman. The mean patient age at the surgery was 22.8 years old (range, 18-36 years old). All patients were right-handed. 8 patients had injured their shoulder of their dominant extremity. Internal rotation (IR) at 45 degrees abduction was at 60 degrees per second. The peak torques of both extremities was measured at the day before the operation, 6 months and 12 months after the operation. We calculated the ratio of the affected side to the unaffected side. The peak torques of ER and IR of the pre-operation were 13.5% and 18.5% respectively lower than those of the unaffected side. The peak torques of ER and IR that were measured at 6 months after the operation were 27.6% and 21.1% respectively lower than those of the unaffected side. The peak torques of ER and IR that were measured at 12 months after the operation were 18.4% and 0.2% respectively lower than those of the unaffected side. The area at 12 months after surgery was not significantly different from the preoperative area. However, the signal intensity at 12 months after surgery was significantly higher than that in the preoperative signal intensity. An open Bankart procedure using an L-shaped tenotomy approach did not decrease SSC muscle strength and volume. This procedure approach may lead to the deterioration of the subscapularis muscle.