石黒 伊三雄 池野 武行 稲川 悠子
岐阜薬科大学紀要 (ISSN:04340094)
no.19, pp.13-22, 1969-11

The general nutrient component , distribution of fructose and glucose , pH, acidity and rotatory in commercial honey of 25 kinds were investigated and compared with the values in the natural honey. The general components (water, sugar, fat, protein and ash) were determined by quantitative method . Contents of fat , protein and ash were less , but sugar was obtained most content as a majority component in honey , though the values lower than natural honey were also found in several cases . The ratio of fructose and glucose were found to be 0.95 to 1.18. It seemed that fructose content was a little higher than glucose, maltose and sorbitol as abnormal components were identified from a few material by paper chromatography. Experiments not only general components but also pH, acidity and rotatory were effective that the honey is natural or not.
石黒 伊三雄 池野 武行 稲川 悠子 イシグロ イサオ イケノ タケユキ イナガワ ユウコ Isao Ishiguro Takeyuki Ikeno Yuko Inagawa
岐阜藥科大學紀要 = The annual proceedings of Gifu College of Pharmacy
vol.19, pp.13-22, 1969-11-30

The general nutrient component , distribution of fructose and glucose , pH, acidity and rotatory in commercial honey of 25 kinds were investigated and compared with the values in the natural honey. The general components (water, sugar, fat, protein and ash) were determined by quantitative method . Contents of fat , protein and ash were less , but sugar was obtained most content as a majority component in honey , though the values lower than natural honey were also found in several cases . The ratio of fructose and glucose were found to be 0.95 to 1.18. It seemed that fructose content was a little higher than glucose, maltose and sorbitol as abnormal components were identified from a few material by paper chromatography. Experiments not only general components but also pH, acidity and rotatory were effective that the honey is natural or not.
池野 武行 徳山 孝子

平成10年度では、中国産、ブラジル産、ニュージーランド産プロポリスのうち特に芳香性の強いブラジル産プロポリス1種(スーパーグリーン)を特定した。このプロポリスの従来からの応用・利用は、健康食品のみであったので次の点を開発した。1. アルコール抽出プロポリス(SG)を濃度調節に各プレーとして分散させる。2. 日本人の好きな檜チップ材(8×8mm)に加工してプロポリス芳香をもつ檜チップを開発して、枕の中に入れてリラックスを期待する。3. プロポリス原塊をアルコール抽出した残り分にも芳香性はあるため、これを粒子化して錠剤タイプ製型に持続型芳香剤を開発した。4. 上記の残り分を粉末のまま不織布等に封入して持ちはこび可能な芳香剤とした。とした。