清水 文健 東郷 正美 松田 時彦
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
vol.53, no.8, pp.531-541, 1980
1 6

In the high mountain area of the Japan Alps, there are many scarps invariably facing the ridge, namely uphill-facing scarps on tops and sides of ridges. Similar scarps found in Europe, United States and New Zealand have been ascribed to erosion, slow movement along deep-seated shear plane and tectonic movement. In the present paper the authors studied the formation mechanism of uphill-facing scarps on the slopes of Mt. Noguchigorodake and its vicinity mainly composed of granitic rocks.<br> The uphill-facing scarps of this area cut through the debris slopes and post-glacial deposits. The ridge-top is sandwiched in between the uphill-facing scarps on both sides. Each scarp on both sides of the ridge bears similarities in form, size, distribution and degree of dissection. From these facts the uphill-facing scarps on each side of the ridge are inferred to have been formed by the same mechanism in the same time (probably postglacial period).<br> Distribution of the uphill-facing scarps in this area is limited only around ridges. Most of these scarps are nearly parallel to the long axis of the ridge and are incompletely arranged en echelon. The total length of the scarps arranged en echelon is 2 km or less. These facts imply that their formation processes are not controlled by regional stress but strongly