19 0 0 0 OA 活断層

松田 時彦 岡田 篤正
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
vol.7, no.4, pp.188-199, 1968-12-20 (Released:2009-08-21)
12 6 13

The term “active fault (Katsu-danso)” appeared in the 1920's in papers of some geomorphologists in Japan. It has been used for faults active in Quaternary or late Quaternary, although the usage of the word “active” and its age-limit are different by authors. At any rate, the active fault is significant in geology in that the evidence of fault movements is recorded in the topography on the fault trace which enables detail analysis of the faulting, and in that the faulting might be detectable by means of geophysical methods, and it might be closely related to the occurrence of an earthquake. Recent studies in Japan showed that an active fault moves under a regionally-stressed condition of the crust, which has persisted during recent geologic time. If so, an “active fault” could be defined as a fault which is active under the present-day stress system. Then, the origin, orientation, and variation in time and space, of the “present” stress system are to be an important and fruitful research subject on the Tertiary to Quaternary tectonic history of the Japanese Islands. Some of the recent investigation on the active fault began to focus on this line.Studies of active faults in Japan have started from two points: the geological studies of the earthquake faults by geologists and the studies of the fault topography by geomorphologists.The geological studies of the earthquake fault was commenced by Koto, B. (1894) who had observed the surface break of the Mino-Owari earthquake of 1891 along the Neo Valley fault. Since then, geologists have investigated and described more than ten earthquake faults from Japan and Formosa. Particularly through the experiences of 1927- and 1930-earthquakes, it became clear that the mode of displacement along the earthquake fault during the earthquake is the same in the sense of displacement as the mode of the long-term displacement through the geologic periods. For example, Kuno, H. (1936) found that the Tanna fault which moved a few meters left-laterally during 1930 earthquake, has accumulated left-lateral displacement ca. 1000m since the middle Pleistocene.Almost independently of the geologists'works, geomorphologists had investigated the fault topography of Japan. By these studies, it had become clear before the War II that there are many fault scarps and fault valleys in this country, which have been produced probably by Quaternary faulting. Tsujimura, T. (1932) published a distribution map of topographically-recognized faults, in which 413 fault systems were registered.Recently, the geological and geomorphological studies have been jointly performed and the movement-history of some active faults in Quaternary time are clarified quantitatively (Table 1). It is also shown that many active faults hitherto considered to have only vertical displacement are strike-slip faults accompanied by lesser dip-slip components. The Atera fault (Sugimura & Matsuda, 1965), the Atotsugawa fault (Matsuda, 1966), and the Median Tectonic line (Kaneko, S., 1966; Okada, A., 1968), which was described recently, are examples.Some features of the active strike-slip faults described from Japan may be summerized as follows:A number of active faults or fault zones are present particularly in central Japan (the Chubu, Kinki, and Shikoku districts). They are, however, less than one hundred kilometers in length and a few kilometers in total displacement of the basement rocks, except for the Median Tectonic line (and probably the Itoigawa-Shizuoka Tectonic line).There is a marked regularity in the fault systems of the central Japan between the trend of faults and the sense of the displacement: the NW-trending faults are left-lateral, whereas the NE-trending faults are right-lateral. This implies that the earth's crust of the region is under the same stress system having the maximum (compressional) principal axis of approximate east-west.
岡田 篤正 松田 時彦
Tokyo Geographical Society
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.101, no.1, pp.19-37, 1992-02-25 (Released:2010-10-13)
11 7

The Neodani fault to the north of Nagoya, central Japan, is a principal strand of the Nobi fault system. The fault moved primarily in a left-lateral sense during the great Nobi earthquake of 1891 (Magnitude 8.0). The maximum vertical and horizontal offsets are 6 m at Midori and 7-8 m at Naka, respectively. After reviewing previous works, we discuss new geomorphological and geological data bearing on the 1891 and earlier paleoearthquakes in the latest Quaternary: specifically we find that1) The 1891 vertical offset was about 5 m at the western slope of Terayama which is located on the northwestern extension of the well-known Midori fault scarp.2) The subsurface data show that the vertical offset of the base of the alluvial deposits beneath the Midori scarp is about same as that of the ground surface at the scarp, implying that the 1891 event was the first faulting event since the beginning of the deposition of the allu-vium. The radiocarbon date suggests that the alluvium is not older than 1, 000 years in age.3) The lower river terrace, ca. 14, 000 years old, is displaced as 14 m vertically at Terayama in Midori where about 5 m vertical displacement occurred in 1891, and a stream incising the lower terrace on the fault line at Naka offsets ca. 28 m laterally where 7-8 m lateral displacement occurred in 1891. If the fault is characterized by the repeated occurrence of earthquakes of the same size, both the 14 m vertical offset at Terayama and 28 m lateral offset at Naka may be interpreted to be the result of 3 to 4 events occurring at average intervals of about 3, 000-4, 000 years since the formation of the lower terrace. The observation also indicates that the Neodani fault, at least in the central segment including Midori and Naka, has averaged 2m per one thousand years in the left-lateral slip rate in that period.
田中 圭 中田 高 松浦 律子 田力 正好 松田 時彦
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.127, no.3, pp.305-323, 2018-06-25 (Released:2018-08-02)
1 1

Kambara Jishinyama (earthquake-mound) located on the west bank of lower reach of the Fujikawa river, is widely believed to be a mound that was tectonically formed at the time of the 1854 Ansei Tokai earthquake. Using old maps and aerial photogtaphs, geomorphological changes around Kambara Jishinyama before and after the earthquake are examined. The Fujikawa river frequently flooded and the course on its west bank changed especially after construction of the Karigane-zutsumi (big bank) in order to protect farmland on its east bank. The area around the lower reach of the river was surveyed in 1803 for the Dai Nihon Enkai Yochizu large-scale map, which is the so-called Ino-Daizu. On that map, the river was at almost the same location as its present course. The historical road map (Kaido-Ezu) of Tokaido, which was the trunk road connecting Edo and Kyoto, illustrated in the same period as Ino-Daizu, shows that the Fujikawa river shifted its course close to the foot of river terraces at the west bank. Due to lateral erosion of the river, part of the Tokaido between the towns of Iwabuchi and Kambara collapsed several times. Subsequently, the road was diverted to the new route via Shinzaka as shown on the 1:20,000 scale topographic map published in 1890. A micro-landform classification map of the alluvial lowland of the west bank of the Fujikawa river based on interpretations of aerial photographs taken in 1952 and 1953 reveals that Kambara Jishinyama was located on one of the former mid-channel bars in the braided channels of the river before the 1854 Ansei Tokai earthquake. The earthquake caused a large landslide that dammed the Fujikawa river for a short period at the foot of Shiratori-yama to the north of Iwabuchi. The discharged flood water changed the river course close to the present stream. Geomorphic evidence for tectonic uplift does not exist around Kambara Jishinyama. The Koike river, a small stream flowing in the former main stream of the Fujikawa river, abandoned at the time of the Ansei Tokai earthquake, concordantly flows into the present main stream of the Fujikawa river showing that co-seismic uplift did not take place at the west bank. We conclude that Kambara Jishinyama was not tectonically formed by the earthquake, but is a product of the river course change.
松田 時彦
公益社団法人 日本地震学会
地震 第2輯 (ISSN:00371114)
vol.28, no.3, pp.269-283, 1975-10-10 (Released:2010-03-11)
23 68

The recurrence interval (R) of earthquakes from a given fault-segment is related to the long-term slip-rate (S) and the displacement accompanying an earthquake (D). The relation is expressed as R=D/S [WALLACE (1970)], when aseismic fault creep is disregarded. D has a relation with the earthquake magnitude M as logD(meter)=0.6M-4.0 for Japanese inland earthquakes. Then, the relation R to M is expressed as logR=0.6M-4.0-logS.It is proposed here that a given fault-segment has a constant value in D through time during late Quaternary period. Values D and M may be different between different faults or segments, but there is a proper value D0 or M0 for a given fault or its segment. Historic records on Japanese earthquakes seem consistent with this assumption. D0 or M0 is obtained from data of historic earthquakes or from a unit offset of geologic references.Fault length L is proportional to a dimension of strain domain, and it represents the maximum magnitude from the fault. The relation of L to earthquake magnitude M is logL(kilometer)=0.6M-2.9 for Japanese inland earthquakes. Then, maximum magnitude ML from a fault is expressed as ML=(1/0.6)logL+4.85.When a given fault or its segment has no earthquake during at least t years up to the present, the accumulated earthquake energy during t years is expressed as Mt=(1/0.6)log(t·S)+6.67.Thus, a probable maximum magnitude Mmax from a given fault or its segment is expressed as Mt<Mmax<ML. Examples of the above procedure and its result are described.
松田 時彦 由井 将雄 松島 義章 今永 勇 平田 大二 東郷 正美 鹿島 薫 松原 彰子 中井 信之 中村 俊夫 松岡 数充
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.63, no.2, pp.145-182, 1988-11-11

松田 時彦
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
vol.23, no.2, pp.151-154, 1984-07-31 (Released:2009-08-21)
4 6

The origin of the northward-convex structure in and around the South Fossa Magna, central Honshu is discussed in relation to the collision of the Izu Block on the Izu-Mariana arc with Honshu. The Izu Block has been pushing Honshu since the middle Quaternary when the collision occurred. The 15-30km contraction between the Izu Block and collided Honshu is presumed to have been consumed in the manner as follows: 1) internal deformation of the Izu Block, 2) thrusting, folding and uplift of the Neogene and Quaternary deposits in the South Fossa Magna, and 3) compressive uplift and strikeslip faulting dominant in central Japan outside the Fossa Magna.Geological evidences suggest that the convex structure of the Neogene of this region was formed, inheriting the pre-existing bend of the pre-Miocene terrains surrounding the South Fossa Magna and that the Quaternary collision of the Izu Block contributed to the compression of the region, though it did not strengthen the northward-convex structure significantly.
松田 時彦 由井 将雄 松島 義章 今永 勇 平田 大二 東郷 正美 鹿島 薫 松原 彰子 中井 信之 中村 俊夫 松岡 数充
東京大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (ISSN:00408972)
vol.63, no.2, pp.145-182, 1988-11-11

松田 時彦 松浦 律子 水本 匡起 田力 正好
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.124, no.4, pp.657-664, 2015-08-25 (Released:2015-09-17)

There are two emerged abrasion platforms on Enoshima Island, Kanagawa Prefecture, Southern Kanto district: the 4.0-meter-high Ryoshimachi surface, and the 1.0–1.3-meter-high Iwaya surface. Both emerged prior to the 1703 Genroku Earthquake. Considering uplift due to the 1923 Taisho Kanto Earthquake and non-seismic subsidence since the Genroku Era, uplift due to the 1703 Genroku Earthquake was 0.7 m or less, assuming that the height of Ryoshimachi surface before the Genroku Earthquake was 3 m or higher. This indicates that uplift of the Genroku Earthquake at Enoshima was smaller than that of the Taisho Earthquake, and the focal regions of the two earthquakes were different in the Sagami Bay. These two earthquakes are not repeating earthquakes at the Sagami Bay area.
松田 時彦
活断層研究 (ISSN:09181024)
vol.2010, no.32, pp.87-92, 2010-03-31 (Released:2015-07-31)
松田 時彦 有山 智雄
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.60, no.2, pp.p281-316, 1985
4 1

pp.175-192, 1974
中田 高 渡辺 満久 水本 匡起 後藤 秀昭 松田 時彦 松浦 律子 田力 正好

富士川河口断層帯は,平均変位速度が7m/1,000年を上回る活断層によって構成され,駿河トラフのプレート境界断層の陸域延長にあたると考えられてきた(山崎,1979:地震調査委員会,1998など).一方,活動度が高く1回の変位量が大きい逆断層であるとされながら,多くの地点で実施されたトレンチ掘削や群列ボーリング調査によっても,断層運動を示す明確かつ決定的な証拠は発見されず(下川ほか,1996:静岡県,1996: 丸山・斎藤,2007,Lin et al. 2013など),大きな疑問となっていた. 富士川河口断層帯を構成する活断層のうち,東側の断層列は津屋(1940)が最初に指摘したもので,羽鮒丘陵の東縁を限る安居山断層とその南の星山丘陵の北東縁と南東縁をそれぞれ限る大宮断層と入山瀬断層からなり,富士山を中心として円弧を描く急斜面の崖下に北西側を低下させる断層が存在すると推定されている.西側の断層列は羽鮒丘陵の西の芝川に沿った芝川断層と蒲原丘陵の西縁を限る入山断層から構成される.羽鮒丘陵と星山丘陵は北西−南東方向に延びる背斜状の細長い高まり地形をなす.丘陵を開析する谷には小規模な河岸段丘や新規の富士溶岩流(大宮溶岩流(津屋,1940))が分布し,丘陵の長軸に直交する胴切り的な正断層によって上下変位を受けている.古富士泥流堆積面からなる丘陵の北縁に沿って丸みを帯びた急斜面が発達し,その下位の段丘面も富士山側に向かって撓んでいるが,古い面ほど急傾斜となり累積的な変形が継続していることが読み取れる.最近,筆者らはフィリピン・ルソン島中部のタール火山のカルデラ湖を囲む外輪山に,重力性の変形により形成されたと考えられる高まり地形を発見した(中田他,2016).この地形は羽鮒丘陵・星山丘陵と酷似しており,両者の成因が共通する可能性が高い. 駿河トラフの海底には,ほぼ南北に延びる急峻で直線的な東向きの海溝斜面が南海トラフの東端部のから連なり,その基部に活断層が発達する.活断層は,海溝斜面を開析するガリーが形成する小扇状地や谷底を変位させ比高数10mの低断層崖を発達させており,活発な断層変位が繰り返していることを示唆している.この急斜面は湾奥では北北西に走向を変え,由比川河口に達する(中田他,2009).大陸棚斜面上には,海底活断層が富士川河口に向かって分岐することを示す変動崖も存在しない。また,星山丘陵の南東縁を限る入山瀬断層は逆断層とされており,1854年安政東海地震の際に蒲原地震山・松岡地震山がこの断層に沿って出現したとされてきたが,その根拠は必ずしも明確ではない. 近年,詳細な空中写真判読から,富士川沿いの地域で南北性の活断層が次々と発見・確認されている.水本他(2013a,2013b)は,松田(1961)が西傾斜の逆断層と認定した身延断層に沿って,富士川の河岸段丘面の西上がりの変位や支谷の左屈曲を発見した.このうち,山梨県南部町原戸付近の支谷の系統的な左屈曲や,同町井出における河岸段丘面を西上がりに変位させる直線的な低断層崖は,身延断層が左横ずれ変位が卓越する活断層であることを示す確実な証拠である.また,渡辺他(2016)は富士川の東岸,身延駅南の角打〜樋之下に系統的な谷屈曲をもとに新たに南北性の左横ずれ断層を認定し,段丘礫層を変位させる断層露頭を確認した. さらに, 糸魚川−静岡構造線と富士川河口断層帯との間に発達する西傾斜の逆断層(松田,1961)のうち,根熊断層と田代峠断層に沿って河谷の左屈曲が複数発達することを新たに見出した.これらの断層は,「日本の活断層」(活断層研究会,1980)では確実度III(活断層の疑いのあるリニアメント)として記載されているものにほぼ一致する.このうち田代峠断層では,興津川上流の大平付近で認められる支谷の左屈曲が極めて明瞭である.伊藤他(2013)は地下構造探査の結果から,田代峠断層は逆断層成分を有する西傾斜の高角左横ずれ断層とした.また,野崎他(2013)は,田代峠断層の北方延長に当たる音下断層(松田,1960)の断層岩を解析し,この断層が高角西傾斜の横ずれ断層である可能性を指摘した.以上の結果から,南部フォッサマグナでは、糸魚川−静岡構造線と富士川との間の横ずれ変形帯が,駿河トラフにおけるフィリピン海プレート境界沿いの変動帯の陸域延長部にあたると考えることができる. 上述の新知見を考慮すれば,富士川河口断層帯、特にその東列をフィリピン海プレート北縁における陸域プレートの境界をとする考えには再検討が必要である.由比川沿いでは富士川河口断層帯の西列に当たる入山断層が活断層として認められてきた(活断層研究会,2001).しかし,由比川の支谷に左屈曲が複数認められるものの,活断層を連続的に認定するにたる明確な地形的な証拠は得られていない.また,入山断層の北方延長とされる芝川断層についても活断層であることを示す確実な証拠は得られておらず,さらに入念なフィールドワークと詳細な分析が不可欠である.
垣見 俊弘 松田 時彦 相田 勇 衣笠 善博
公益社団法人 日本地震学会
地震 第2輯 (ISSN:00371114)
vol.55, no.4, pp.389-406, 2003-03-15 (Released:2010-03-09)

A new seismotectonic province map of the Japanese Islands and the adjacent areas, which carries maximum magnitudes of earthquake (Mmax) expected for the individual provinces, has been prepared as a revised edition of Kakimi et al. (1994). The major part of the mapped region constitutes an island arc-trench system, which is surrounded by Northwest Pacific Basin (1), Shikoku Basin (2), Philippine Basin (3), Kurile Basin (4), Japan Sea Basins (5), and Korean Peninsula and Tonhai Continental Shelf (6). All of the peripheral provinces have too low seismicity to be given Mmax. The island arc-trench system is subdivided into the following constituent arcs: Kurile Arc (7), Northeast Honshu Arc (8), Izu-Bonin Arc (9), Southwest Honshu Arc (10), Ryukyu Arc (11), Sakhalin Arc (12), and the Tectonic Belt along the Eastern Margin of Japan Sea (13). While the constituent arcs 7 to 11 are divided into three tectonic belts, which remarkably differ from each other in tectonic, seismic, and volcanic activities, from the trench to the inland: Continental Slope on the Trench Side (A), Non-volcanic Outer Belt (B), and Volcanic Inner Belt (C), the constituent arc 10 alone has additionally the Continental Slope on the Marginal Sea Side (D). Province 12 started developing in Late Mesozoic and functioned as a collision belt between the North American Plate (NA) and the Eurasian Plate (EUR) in Late Cenozoic, whereas province 13 is considered to form a current collision belt between NA and EUR plates. Province 11X, Okinawa Trough, is defined as a current rift zone developing between the Tonhai Continental Shelf and the Ryukyu Arc. Some of the provinces are further divided into subprovinces in response to local differences in active faults, seismicity, Mmax etc.All the active faults on land are grouped into seismogenic faults (Matsuda, 1990), which are considered to generate characteristic earthquakes. The magnitudes of earthquake expected for the seismogenic faults (MLmax) are estimated by the equation: log L=0.6ML-2.9 (Matsuda, 1975), where L is the length of the faults in kilometers. The maximum magnitude of earthquake expected for seismogenic faults (MLmax) and the maximum one for historical shallow earthquakes (Mhmax) are compared in each province to choose the larger one as the expected maximum earthquake magnitude (Mmax) for the province. Since no method to decide a seismogenic unit from offshore active faults has been established, Mhmax is tentatively adopted as the Mmax representing the province. Extraordinarily long faults found in inland provinces, which are called the designated faults (Matsuda, 1990), are excluded from estimation of the Mmax. None of the magnitudes of earthquake expected for the designated faults is shown here, because they should be individually estimated. All of the information, such as tectonic geomorphology and geology, characteristics of active (seismogenic) faults, historical earthquakes, modern seismicity, and other, is put into a table to facilitate the identification of a seismotectonic province and the determination of the Mmax and the designated faults. The details of the boundaries between seismotectonic provinces are shown in another table.
中村 一明 笠原 慶一 松田 時彦
vol.8, pp.73-90, 1964-09

松田 時彦
東京大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (ISSN:00408972)
vol.65, no.1, pp.289-319, 1990-06-30

日本列島陸域の既知の活断層を,それぞれ独立して地震を起こす「起震断層」に再編成した.その際,次の場合を,それぞれ一つの起震断層とした: 1) 5km以内に他の活断層のない孤立した長さ10km以上の活断層, 2)走向方向に5km以内の分布間隙をもって,ほぼ一線にならぶほぼ同じ走向の複数の断層, 3) 5km以内の相互間隔をもって並走する幅5km以内の断層群, 4)その断層線の中点の位置が主断層から5km以上はなれている走向を異にする付随断層あるいは分岐断層.こうして得られた日本列島陸域(南西諸島を除く)のすべての起案断層をTable 3とFig. 3に示した.そして,その起震断層の長さLを用いて,その断層から発生し得る最大の地震のマグニチュードMLを,断層ごとにLog L(km)=0.6M-2.9の関係を用いて,算出した.一方,日本列島の陸域と周辺海域を,島孤系における位置,活断層や歴史地震の規模などに基づいて, 16の地帯に区分した(Fig. 4).陸域の各地帯において,その地帯内での最大のMLとその地帯内で生じた歴史地震の最大のマグニチュードMhとを比較し,そのいずれをも包含するマグニチュード(1/4刻み)をもって,その地帯で期待される最大地震のマグニチュードMmaxとみなした.ただし,地域内に例外的に大きなMLをもつ断層がある場合には,それを特定断層とよび,それが地震エネルギーを一括放出するか分割放出するかを,別途考慮することとして,各地帯のMmaxを考慮する際にはそれらのMLを無視した.海域については,活断層資料の精度が陸域と異なること,歴史時代に大地震を比較的頻繁に起こしていること,などから歴史時代の最大地震のマグニチュードをもって,その海域のMmaxとみなした.日本列島各地帯の最大期待地震規模Mmaxは次のようである(Fig. 5, Table 2). Mmax=8 1/2:東日本太平洋側沖合帯,西日本太平洋側沖合帯 Mmax=8:中部・近畿帯(西南日本内帯東部) Mmax=7 3/4:日本海東縁帯(東北日本内帯西部) Mmax=7 1/2:東北日本内帯主部,南部フォッサマグナ衝突帯,伊豆地塊,北陸帯,中国・北九州帯(西南日本内帯西部) Mmax=7 1/4:北海道中部衝突帯,九州中南部帯 Mmax=7:知床・阿寒帯,東北日本外帯,西南日本外帯 Mmax=6 1/2:千島弧外帯,北見帯 MLの最大値とMhの最大値は地帯によって大きく異なっていたが,同じ地帯では両者はほぼ同じ値を示している(Fig. 6).このことから,既存の活断層資料も歴史地震資料も,したがって上記のMmaxも,このように地帯区分した場合にはほぼその地帯の地学的特性を反映していると考えられる.
清水 文健 東郷 正美 松田 時彦
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
vol.53, no.8, pp.531-541, 1980
1 6

In the high mountain area of the Japan Alps, there are many scarps invariably facing the ridge, namely uphill-facing scarps on tops and sides of ridges. Similar scarps found in Europe, United States and New Zealand have been ascribed to erosion, slow movement along deep-seated shear plane and tectonic movement. In the present paper the authors studied the formation mechanism of uphill-facing scarps on the slopes of Mt. Noguchigorodake and its vicinity mainly composed of granitic rocks.<br> The uphill-facing scarps of this area cut through the debris slopes and post-glacial deposits. The ridge-top is sandwiched in between the uphill-facing scarps on both sides. Each scarp on both sides of the ridge bears similarities in form, size, distribution and degree of dissection. From these facts the uphill-facing scarps on each side of the ridge are inferred to have been formed by the same mechanism in the same time (probably postglacial period).<br> Distribution of the uphill-facing scarps in this area is limited only around ridges. Most of these scarps are nearly parallel to the long axis of the ridge and are incompletely arranged en echelon. The total length of the scarps arranged en echelon is 2 km or less. These facts imply that their formation processes are not controlled by regional stress but strongly
松田 時彦
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.65, no.1, pp.289-319, 1990-06-30

日本列島陸域の既知の活断層を,それぞれ独立して地震を起こす「起震断層」に再編成した.その際,次の場合を,それぞれ一つの起震断層とした: 1) 5km以内に他の活断層のない孤立した長さ10km以上の活断層, 2)走向方向に5km以内の分布間隙をもって,ほぼ一線にならぶほぼ同じ走向の複数の断層, 3) 5km以内の相互間隔をもって並走する幅5km以内の断層群, 4)その断層線の中点の位置が主断層から5km以上はなれている走向を異にする付随断層あるいは分岐断層.こうして得られた日本列島陸域(南西諸島を除く)のすべての起案断層をTable 3とFig. 3に示した.そして,その起震断層の長さLを用いて,その断層から発生し得る最大の地震のマグニチュードMLを,断層ごとにLog L(km)=0.6M-2.9の関係を用いて,算出した.一方,日本列島の陸域と周辺海域を,島孤系における位置,活断層や歴史地震の規模などに基づいて, 16の地帯に区分した(Fig. 4).陸域の各地帯において,その地帯内での最大のMLとその地帯内で生じた歴史地震の最大のマグニチュードMhとを比較し,そのいずれをも包含するマグニチュード(1/4刻み)をもって,その地帯で期待される最大地震のマグニチュードMmaxとみなした.ただし,地域内に例外的に大きなMLをもつ断層がある場合には,それを特定断層とよび,それが地震エネルギーを一括放出するか分割放出するかを,別途考慮することとして,各地帯のMmaxを考慮する際にはそれらのMLを無視した.海域については,活断層資料の精度が陸域と異なること,歴史時代に大地震を比較的頻繁に起こしていること,などから歴史時代の最大地震のマグニチュードをもって,その海域のMmaxとみなした.日本列島各地帯の最大期待地震規模Mmaxは次のようである(Fig. 5, Table 2). Mmax=8 1/2:東日本太平洋側沖合帯,西日本太平洋側沖合帯 Mmax=8:中部・近畿帯(西南日本内帯東部) Mmax=7 3/4:日本海東縁帯(東北日本内帯西部) Mmax=7 1/2:東北日本内帯主部,南部フォッサマグナ衝突帯,伊豆地塊,北陸帯,中国・北九州帯(西南日本内帯西部) Mmax=7 1/4:北海道中部衝突帯,九州中南部帯 Mmax=7:知床・阿寒帯,東北日本外帯,西南日本外帯 Mmax=6 1/2:千島弧外帯,北見帯 MLの最大値とMhの最大値は地帯によって大きく異なっていたが,同じ地帯では両者はほぼ同じ値を示している(Fig. 6).このことから,既存の活断層資料も歴史地震資料も,したがって上記のMmaxも,このように地帯区分した場合にはほぼその地帯の地学的特性を反映していると考えられる.
松田 時彦
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.44, no.3, pp.1179-1212, 1967-01-30

1. 地形的にその存在が推定されていた跡津川断層は,少なくとも庄川-神通川の分水嶺から北東へ常願寺川上流までたしかに存在する.長さ60km以上,部分的にゆるくを彎曲するがほぼ直線状で,その平均走向N60°E,断層面の傾斜はほぼ垂直,断層面上の断層条線はほぼ水平である. 2. この断層線に沿って,古生代の飛騨変成岩類から第四紀の河床堆積物までの地層および隆起小起伏面や段丘面などの地形面が変位している.この断層の変位の向きは多少の垂直成分を伴った右ずれである.この断層が示す変位の水平成分は断層の主部で約3km,垂直成分は,概して北側の相対的隆起でその量は1km以下である.すなわち,この断層は右横ずれ活断層である. 3. 第四紀の地層・地形面は古い時代のものほど大きく変位しているが,それ以前に生じた岩石では,時代が古くなっても変位量はそれ以上増加しない.したがって,現在この断層が示す変位量3kmは第三紀後期以後に生じはじめたと考えられる.数万年前に生成した河岸段丘が20m以上変位しているから,最近の数万年間における平均の変位速度は1~数m/1000年位と考えられる. 4. 段丘の変位や谷の喰違い現象は,この断層が最近地質時代に数十m以下を単位とする小刻みのほゞ同方向の変位を繰返してきたことを示している。また,この断層沿いにみられる断層崖などの断層地形は大地震時に生じる地形によく似ている.これらのことから,この断層の約3000mの変位量は地震時の変位の集積と考えられる.安政5年(1857)の飛騨地震はこの断層の最近の活動の1つと思われる. 5. 断層線上での谷の屈曲・転移のむきは概して右であるが,その量はその断層線から谷頭までの距離の大きな谷ほど大きい.このことは,この断層が活発な右ずれ変位を繰返していること,谷の喰違い地形は変位のむき・量を大略反映していること,谷の古さは断層線よりも上流の部分の長さにほゞ対応していること,を示唆している.このような谷の累進的転位現象の有無・程度は,未知の断層の活動性を知る1つの目安になると思われる.