河野 南雄 佐々木 則子 溝上 隆
Japanese Society of Nephrology
日本腎臓学会誌 (ISSN:03852385)
vol.17, no.3, pp.171-189, 1975

Small bodies with suspicion of a platelet by its size and appearance with granules contained were found in the human urine. In this study, a comparison has been made between the small body and normal platelets in the blood and also between platelets suspended in normal urine supernatant by the Giemsa staining method, the phase microscopy and the scanning electron microscopy. By Giemsa staining and the phase microscopy, the small bodies and platelets suspended in urine supernatant were showed similar to that in blood. Through scanning electron microscope, the majority of platelets suspended in urine were spherical form with smooth surface, or dendritic form with pitted and irregular surface similar to that in blood, but some remained as discs which were swelling than that in blood. Moreover the surface of these various platelets in urine were like that of platelets in blood. The small bodies in urine were similar to platelets suspended in urine. Although further investigations are required, we would like to consider that these small bodies are platelets and platelets could be found in urine.