澤口 裕太 福永 優 高橋 範行 木村 主幸 三澤 顕次 有澤 準二
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. MBE, MEとバイオサイバネティックス (ISSN:09135685)
vol.102, no.596, pp.5-8, 2003-01-17

我々はこれまでに金魚を対象に極低周波数磁場の生体影響について検討し,50 Hz磁場を曝露すると体色変化や尿排泄量の増加など,様々な生体反応が生じることを確認してきた。本報では,尿排泄量の増加が誘導電流に起因しているかどうかを確認するために,50 Hz 62 mT磁場で発生する誘導電流と同等の交流電流を金魚に通電し,尿排泄量の変化を観察した。その結果,磁場曝露と同様に金魚の尿排泄量が増加した。さらに,誘導電流は磁場の周波数と比例関係にあることから,周波数に対する尿排泄量の変化について観察し,50Hz磁場では尿排泄量が増加し,逆に10 Hz磁場では尿排泄量が減少する傾向を確認した。これらのことから,金魚の尿排泄量の変化が誘導電流に起因すること見出した。
澤口 裕太 木村 主幸 菅原 俊継 三澤 顕次 有澤 準二
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.42, no.4, pp.384-389, 2004-12-10 (Released:2011-09-05)

Although many studies have been conducted in relation to the biological effects of extremely-low frequency (ELF) magnetic fields, there is little agreement as to their total effects on living organisms. Related to this, we are concerned with the viral infection system; consisting of viruses and cells, and the following infection process: (1) absorption, (2) penetration, (3) synthesis of viral components, (4) maturation, and (5) release. This system enabled us to observe the effects of ELF magnetic fields more easily than using experimental animals. We divided these five steps into two groups. The first group is called the absorption period, which includes steps (1) and (2). The second group is called the proliferation period, which includes the remaining steps. In this investigation, we compared the two groups from the viewpoint of the effects when they were exposed to a 50Hz 62mT magnetic field. As a result, the 50Hz 62mT magnetic field inhibited the growth of the virus as compared to sham exposures. When either the absorption period or the proliferation period was exposed to the 50Hz 62mT magnetic field, growth was inhibited as well. It was clearly proven that the 50Hz 62mT magnetic field has an inhibitory action on viral infections, and the action can be observed throughout all processes in the viral infection system.