熊谷 一乗
The Japan Sociological Society
社会学評論 (ISSN:00215414)
vol.24, no.3, pp.38-58,140, 1973-12-31 (Released:2009-11-11)

This article intends to analyze a formation process of an educational policy with a view to inquire how the politics cope with the educational problems. The object case of this study is the formation process of an educational policy in the ministerial party, namely, the Liberal-Democratic Party (L.D.P.), and the structural-functional aspects of the policy machinery and the Dietman in change of an educational policy were especially investigated by the author. In L.D.P. the expert group in charge of the educational policy has been formed. This special group is composed of the Dietmen, who belong to the Sectional Council for a cultural-educational policy called “Bunkyo Bukai” (B.B.) or the Muestigation Committee of a Cultural-educational system called “Bunkyo Seido Chosakai” (B.S.C.). There two organs perform different functions respectively in the policy formation process, that is to say, B.B. is deal with the urgent problems, for example, the formulation of the budget and the legislation, on the other hand, B.S.C., is to grapple, with basic problems on the educational policy, to research and clarify fundamental lines of the educational policy. M.B.B. the young Dietmen who were graduated from non-government university have taken leadership, on the other side, in B.S.C. the veteran Dietmen from high classed bureaucrat hold an important position. The party organs for the educational policy and the Ministry of Education stand by each other, and there is closely interdependent relation between the expert Dietmen of education and bureaucrats of the Ministry of Education. According to some marks observed in the formation process of an educational process, we can point out the distinguishing tendency of bureaucratization and functional specialization. It seems that this tendency has been promoted by increasing demands about education from various social spheres to politics.
熊谷 一乗 Kumagai Kazunori 創価大学 Soka University
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.28, pp.30-45, 1973-10-15

This article tries to define the relationship between teacher policy and the conception of teacher with the purpose of scrutinizing the nature of the modern Japanese educational policy. The conception of teacher is one component of educational ideology which functions as the frame of reference for the valuation in the teacher policy making process and prescribes the contents of teacher policy by orientating goals and means in the policy making process. The teacher policy includes the following four problems: treatment (status and reward), teaching activities (instruction and guidance), administration and qualification of teachers. In terms of these four problems, we can determine the four fundamental factors which constitute the structural frame of the conception of teacher; knowledge and skill, professional morality, treatmeat and social releation. The conception of teacher thus depends on the nature of these four factors. If we distinguish the prewar policy from the postwar policy for teachers, we can point out that the prewar teacher policy corresponds to the normal school type conception of teacher and the postwar policy does at first to the enlightenment type conception, and then to the special official type conception of teacher. Compared with the normal school type conception, the special official type conception shows the tendencies closer to professionalization, bureacratization, rationalization, autonomization (valuation and promotion of autonomy). These tendencies have developed under the strong impacts of the two kinds of teacher conception, the wage-worker type and the professional type. Furthermore, it must be pointed out that we can not afford to overlook that the teacher policy and the conception of teacher reflect some political intention and are under the influence of a given power situation.