木村 祐子 Yuko KIMURA お茶の水女子大学大学院 Graduate School Ochanomizu University
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.79, pp.5-24, 2006-12-10

Since the later half of the 1990s, lack of adaptability of children to the educational setting has been explained through the new medical category of "developmental disabilities." In this paper, medical intervention is conceived of as "medicalization," and the educational setting is focused on and inspected. In particular, the paper focuses on "developmental disabilities" as a medical diagnosis characterized by uncertainty, situational dependence and feelings of resistance toward labeling, and clarifies how these characteristics are interpreted in the educational setting. Section 1 reviews previous studies that look critically at the elements of medicalization, pointing out the characteristics and problems of "developmental disabilities" as medicalization. (1) The elements of "developmental disabilities" are vague despite the fact that they are medical concepts, and consequently there is a lack of scientific grounds, standardized tests and treatment. This enables interpretation by a diverse range of knowledge. (2) These disabilities function as a form of "risk management." This study dynamically analyzes how these medical diagnoses are interpreted in the educational setting, with the aim to approach the reality of medicalization. Section 2 summarizes the research method which was used in the interview research of nine teachers. Section 3 examines medicalization in children, first from the viewpoint of responsibility and the role and position of children. The viewpoint of medical treatment has made rapid advances through the intervention of institutionalized medicine. Medical labeling exempts parents and teachers from responsibility, based on the assumption that the problem is a "disability." In this way, the children are obliged to play the "sick role." Parents and teachers sometimes display feelings of rejection or resistance toward medical labeling. In addition, uncertainty regarding the cause of the "developmental disability" creates difficulties in medical practice. However, the feelings of rejection and the medical uncertainty can be minimized by medical practice and interpretation in the educational setting.
須藤 康介 Kosuke SUDO 東京大学大学院 Graduate School The University of Tokyo
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.81, pp.25-44, 2007-11-30

The purpose of this paper is to grasp how science is taught in Japanese junior high schools, and to show the influences of teaching methods on academic achievement and differences between social classes, using the data of TIMSS2003. It is found that science lessons in junior high schools are taught using four teaching methods: the experiment-investigation method, society-daily life method, homework-examination method, and hearing-practice method, as well as combinations of these methods. They are not trade-offs, but are linked to one another. In this paper, the author emphasizes the following three points regarding the influence of these four teaching methods. Firstly, looking at two of the "Traditional Views on Academic Achievement, " the hearing-practice method tends to improve academic achievement, while the homework-examination method may degrade it. Thus, a return to the "Traditional Views on Academic Achievement" could potentially lead to an unintended further decline in academic achievement. Secondly, the society-daily life method, which is based on the "New Views on Academic Achievement, " may promote increased differences of academic achievement between social classes, but does not bring about a decline of academic achievement. Thirdly, an additional effect takes place on academic achievement when the hearing-practice method and society-daily life method are combined. Based on these findings, the author suggests that we should not regard "New Views on Academic Achievement" and "Traditional Views on Academic Achievement" as being in binary opposition. Rather, we should discover effective teaching methods (and a combination of them) among many kinds of "new" and "traditional" teaching methods.
山本 宏樹 Hiroki YAMAMOTO 一橋大学大学院 Graduate School Hitotsubashi University
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.83, pp.129-148, 2008-12-15

Researchers seem to agree unanimously on the unreliability of official statistics on futoko children (school refusers), making it difficult to uncover the social factors behind the phenomenon. Though many researchers have questioned whether the official statistics can explain the reality of futoko, there has been no verification of the reliability and validity of the statistics. The aim of this study is to examine this issue and formulate an alternative plan for statistics. To achieve this aim, the author used the "School Basic Survey" from 1966 to 2006 and examined futoko rates within the "Long absentee" data from 47 prefectures, which is divided into subclasses by the following reasons: "Illness," "Economic reason," "Futoko" and "Others." The actual differences between areas were then analyzed using a five-number summary. As a result, the two following facts were clarified. Firstly, it is impossible to compare the data on "Futoko," "Illness" and "Others" between prefectures because of differences in the investigation methods. From the beginning, the classification standards differ from prefecture to prefecture, and this leads to local differences. Secondly, the method for sorting data was changed in 1998, comparisons across time periods invalid. In conclusion, the author recommends using data on "Long absentees" as a measure for the futoko phenomenon because the official statistics on futoko have already lost validity. Statistics on long absentees are much better than those on futoko to show the reality of the phenomenon. Finally, the author discusses both the advantages and disadvantages of using data on "Long absentees," confirms the existence of differences among regions at the prefectural level for long absentees, and considers future prospects and tasks.
伊佐 夏実 Natsumi ISA 大阪大学大学院 Graduate School Osaka University
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.84, pp.125-144, 2009-05-31

This paper examines and presents the characteristics of the "emotional labor" of teachers by analyzing interviews with ten elementary teachers. Moreover, it discusses the notion that the emotional labor of teachers is a teacher strategy. The concept of emotional labor, introduced by Hochschild (1983), contends that the emotion of workers becomes commoditized when these acts are sold for a salary and thereby estranged from the individual. Although Hochschild emphasizes the negative aspects of emotional labor, I contend here that the emotional labor of teachers may have strategic aspects even if it is compulsory. The differences between Hochschild's argument and that put forward by this author arise from two points. The first depends on the autonomy of work. The second depends on the aspect of emotional labor as a means by which teachers carry out their core classroom purposes. In this paper, I present a concrete analysis of the latter point. In Hochschild's argument, the commercialization of feelings and their instrumentality are dealt with as identical things, but the two aspects should be distinguished. I insist that the emotional labor of teachers has an instrumental aspect rather than one of commercialization. That is to say, for emotional labor in teaching it is important to consider how teachers manage pupils' emotions. Japanese teachers hope that pupils will grow up not only academically but also emotionally. In addition, a teacher's instruction is based on working on pupils' feelings. Thus teachers need to manage both pupil's feelings and their own in order to build relationships in which the parties are linked together by emotional bonds in order to enable teachers to control classrooms. Because of this, teachers are required to carry out emotion management of their work, and in this sense they constrain their emotional labor. However they carry out emotional labor strategically by changing the meaning of heteronomous emotion rules into valuable instruments for their pedagogical purposes. This strategic aspect of the emotional labor of teachers is a skill acquired in the process of socialization as teachers. Thus negative aspects do not reside in the characteristics of the emotional labor of teachers, but are caused by aspects (compulsory/strategic) which are emphasized when a teacher carries out emotional labor. However, as Hochschild shows, emotional labor becomes negative and draining when poor working conditions make it impossible for teachers to perform their work well. Accordingly, it is necessary to conduct further studies concerning the emotional labor of teachers in relation to the circumstances surrounding the teacher.
佐々木 洋成 Yosei SASAKI 東京都立大学大学院 Tokyo Metropolitan University
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.78, pp.303-320, 2006-05-31

This paper examines trends in regional gaps in higher educational opportunities after the High Growth Period and the effects of structural factors. In the 1970s, educational policies were put in place with the aim to promote equal opportunity. Currently, regional gaps in higher educational opportunity are increasing. The purpose of this paper is to provide basic findings and knowledge on present conditions to contribute to the debate on educational opportunities. As an index of educational opportunity, we use capacity and college and university entrance rates. The findings are as follows: (1) in the 1975-1990 period, under the educational policy that aimed to spread education, gaps decreased in both indices of educational opportunity; (2) however, this decrease was the result of shrinking gaps in the three large metropolises of Tokyo Nagoya and Osaka, and educational opportunities were not necessarily expanding in the regions with the least educational opportunities; (3) after 1990, regional gaps began to increase again, due to rises in the three metropolises; (4) today, there are noticeable gaps not only among males but also among females by region; (5) the effects of socioeconomic conditions and school conditions on educational opportunities are increasing year by year. Today's regional inequalities are nearly equal to those in the 1970s when the educational policies were adopted, there is a possibility that equality of opportunities for education may become a political issue.
北沢 毅 Takeshi KITAZAWA 立教大学 Rikkyo University
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.63, pp.59-74, 1998-10-20

This paper argues about the possibility of discourse analysis from the point of view of social constructionism. Under this theory, social problems are defined as the activities individuals or groups making grievances and claims with respect to certain putative conditions.Therefore, this theory "directs attention to the claims-making process, accepting as given and beginning with the participants' descriptions of the putative conditions and their assertions about their problematic character."(Ibarra and Kitsuse 1993, p.28.) However, there is a criticism that regarding the claims-making process as given is ontological gerrymandering by constructionists, because claims-making activities are cast as having the same ontological status as the conditions claimed by members: But, according to Coulter, this paper asserts that claims-making activities or discourses and the objects indicated by them are not ontologically equal, and these things are shown by members' everyday practices them-selves. Taking these methodological positions, this paper examines the 1997 Kobe murder case in order to figure out how the"juvenile"category has been used by members. For example, the 14-year old suspect in this case remained unnoticed and a month passed after he committed his second murder in May 1997 in spite of many possibilities that he could be recognized. The way members have used the "juvenile" category in everyday life made him visible but unrecognizable. Therefore, this murder case teaches us that the "juvenile" category should not be taken for granted and should be reconsidered all the time.
石川 良子 Ryoko ISHIKAWA 東京都立大学大学院 Graduate School of Social Sciences Tokyo Metropolitan University
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.79, pp.25-46, 2006-12-10

The purpose of this paper is to describe and interpret interviews with persons who regard themselves as "hikikomori," and to point out the negative effects, especially for such individuals, caused by the confusion of the concepts of "hikikomori" with "NEETs." "Hikikomori," which refers to youth in a state of social withdrawal, has been noted since the latter half of the 1990s in Japan. In recent years, the concept of "NEETs" has also come to attract attention. "NEETs" refers to young people who are "not in education, employment, or training." The concept of "hikikomori" has been partly incorporated into discussions about "NEETs," and it is commonly said that the two can be discussed in the same context. Moreover, some organizations dealing with "hikikomori" have started to support "NEETs." However the understanding of "hikikomori" that has accumulated may be distorted by the confusion between the two concepts. Moreover, this confusion has a direct effect on individuals who consider themselves to be "hikikomori." Therefore, it is necessary to distinguish the two concepts. Based on this perspective, the author describes and interprets interviews with such individuals, and points out the problems of providing support for "hikikomori" sufferers within the concept of "NEETs." The interviewed revealed the following facts. People who consider themselves to be "hikikomori" see themselves as inferior and withdraw from relationships with others because though they have difficulty working, they worry excessively that "working is the natural state for an adult." Their self-esteem cannot be restored immediately even if they participate in a self-help group. Informants re-construct stories about themselves and their lives and come to see the norm of life-courses in relative terms, and regain self-esteem from this. However, this can lead to a decline in their motivation to start working. Moreover, informants cannot overcome their distrust and fear of society. Therefore, sufferers of "hikikomori" seek a new way of life as they again ask themselves various questions, such as, "why must we work?" "What do I want to do?" "Who am I?" and so on. As they think through these questions, they resolve to make a fresh start. This process of struggle is in essence the process of recovery from "hikikomori." Current measures for "NEETs," are based on the idea that it is more important to start working than to think too much about the meaning of working. However, individuals suffering from "hikikomori" have regained their self-esteem by asking the various questions concerning working and their own lives. Therefore, it is likely that the confusion of the two concepts will not only deprive people suffering from "hikikomori" of the opportunity for recovery but will also lead them to abandon their own efforts voluntarily.
住田 正樹
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.74, pp.93-109, 2004-05-20

The aim of this paper is to provide an outline of the clinical sociology of education, with the aim of solving educational problems and to think about the effectiveness of "belonging" for problems involving children. The author takes up children's problems as one example of educational problems, from the viewpoint of the clinical sociology of education. In recent years, many difficult educational problems have arisen, and the sociology of education needs to carry out useful studies for solving these problem. Consequently, the clinical sociology of education has attracted the attention of many researchers. This is because it aims to actually solve educational problems in a different from the sociology of education, which aims to acquire scientific knowledge. The sociology of education focuses on science, while the clinical sociology of education places weight on practice. Therefore research from the perspective of the clinical sociology of education should be useful for solving actual educational problems. The defining characteristic of the methodology of the clinical sociology of education is intervention in actual educational problems. It attempts to solve actual educational problems through interventions. Therefore, the author argues that it is necessary to limit the object of the clinical sociology of education to fields where the scientist and practitioner can actually intervene. In other words, the field of the clinical sociology of education should be limited to the dimensions of interpersonal relations and groups. This means that the clinical sociology of education takes the individual in social context as the unit of analysis. There are various patterns of problem behavior among children. Whatever form it takes, however, negative self-definition is a common feature. Therefore, such children always suffer from undefined anxieties about themselves. Children adopt problem behavior as means to escape from these anxieties. Children must redefine themselves in order to overcome such problem behavior. The negative self-definition of the child is changed into an active, affirmative one. That is the intervention of the researcher and practitioner. Here, it is "belonging" that prompts the beginning of the child's self redefinition. "Belonging" means a gathering of similar children. Therefore, it indicates a place where the child can feel at ease, relaxed, free and can become calm. Therefore, (1) "belonging" acts as a self-help group and (2) "belonging" refers to a place where children can speak freely. Therefore, it is a clinical place where the researcher and practitioner can actually intervene. Children redefine themselves in the place where they belong, and can experience self-reconfirmation and rediscovery. This self-redefinition is the solution to children's problems, and it is the goal of the clinical sociology of education.
苅谷 剛彦 Kariya Takehoko 東京大学大学院 Graduate School University of Tokyo
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.36, pp.63-73, 1981-09-12

The problems of "school as organization" have been studied mainly from the viewpoint of school administration and education administration, in the field of educational research in Japan. But such studies have taken interest in the organization of school staff to rationalize school administration. Therefore they have not treated the more elemental problem - How do schools organize the behaviour and learning activities of their pupils ? This article aims to explore its elemental mechanism of school organization, forcusing on Japanese high schools. In the social context which contain the school organization objectively, the school staff members organize the educational activities subjectively. How do they organize the school ? It is the problem for me to explore the mechanism. At the first, I review the study of Ronald Kings "School Organization and Pupil Involvement". Then I point out the important point of his study. It is that he treated organizing schools as teachers' subjective "action". And I point out the limit of his study. It is that his analysis was based on the static bureaucratic model. To get over the weakness, I look into the decision-making process about organizing educational activities. For this purpose, I review the study of March, J.G. &amp Simon, H.A.s' Organization". They pointed out that the decision-making is based on staffs "definition of situation". And based on the study of Becker, H.S. et al., I point out that "group perspective" orientate "definition of situation". So I can say that teachers' group perspectives control the decision-making process about organizing educational activities. After reviewing such studies, I propose the hypothetical model which can explain the mechanism of Japanese high school organization in the schools' hierarchical structure dynamically.
有海 拓巳 Takumi ARIKAI 浜銀総合研究所 Hamagin Research Institute Ltd.
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.88, pp.185-205, 2011-06-10

本研究では,「地方/中央都市部の進学校に通う生徒の学習・進学意欲がいかにして維持されているのか」について,そのメカニズムの一端を明らかにすることを目的とし,(1)生徒が置かれている学習環境に差異があるなかで,それぞれの生徒の学習・進学意欲はどのようにして維持されているのか,(2)それぞれの生徒の学習・進学意欲には,いかなる達成動機(志向性)が作用しているのかという2点に着目し,分析を行った。分析の結果,地方の生徒については,学習塾等の教育機会が中央都市部と比べて乏しい学習環境にあるなかで,逆に,そのような環境に置かれているからこそ,入学した学校の教師との間の信頼関係が強くなることがわかった。さらに,地方の生徒に関しては,教師によって強調される「社会的な自己実現」といった志向性が,学習・進学意欲に作用していることが明らかになった。一方で,中央都市部の生徒については,周囲に学習塾や大学等の教育機会が多くあることから,学校の教師の積極的な介入が無くとも学習・進学意欲が維持されうる状況にあることがわかった。また,その際,学習・進学意欲に対しては,地位達成志向が強く作用していることが明らかになった。本研究を通じて,階層・高校ランク上位グループの学習・進学意欲がいかにして維持されているのか,地方/中央都市部という区分において,その説明図式には質的な差異が見られることを明らかにすることができた。The aim of this paper is to explain how academic high school students in rural/urban areas are motivated for learning and for higher educational achievement. This study focuses especially on differences in the learning environment and differences in the effects of value orientations among students in rural/urban areas. There are a number of gaps in learning environments between rural/urban areas. For example, students in rural areas have to make a geographical transition from their home town to central cities to go to "good" universities, and there is also a difference between rural/urban schools in the ratio of students who study at "juku." In the different learning environments, how are students in each area motivated for learning and for higher educational achievement? Are they motivated in the same way (with the same value orientations)? To answer these questions, we administered a survey to 3,767 senior students in 12 high schools, all of which admit academically top students in their area, and interviewed some of the teachers. The main findings are as follows. (1) The relationships between students and schoolteachers are different in rural/urban schools. In rural areas, students (and their parents) tend to have complete trust in their schools and teachers. On the other hand, urban school students tend to have a stronger relationship with their parents and/or "juku." (2) Teachers' attitudes toward their students differ between rural/urban schools. In rural schools, teachers try to motivate their students by emphasizing a type of value orientation known as "contribution to society." (3) Student motivation for learning and for higher educational achievement is associated with different value orientations in rural/urban areas. The motivation of rural students is positively associated with making a "contribution to society," while urban students are motivated more strongly by "status attainment." These results show clearly that students in rural/urban areas are motivated differently for learning and for higher educational achievement.
千葉 勝吾 大多和 直樹 Shogo CHIBA Naoki OTAWA 東洋大学大学院 東京大学 Graduate School of Toyo University University of Tokyo
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.81, pp.67-87, 2007-11-30 (Released:2017-02-28)

The school system continues to occupy a central position in the system of social distribution. However, the school is changing from a social screening institution, as it was in the 1970s, to a support institution. Schools now tend to support the decision-making of students based on their own academic achievements and career plans. It is difficult for schools to intervene in students' decision-making in the way they did in the 1970s. However, the relationship between student's school records and their academic and career achievements has not been broken down despite the drastic change in this internal process. In this paper, the authors describe this mechanism in the school by investigating one commercial high school in the Metropolitan area. The authors examine data from the "Student Kartes" of all students in 2002. In these documents, teachers record students' academic achievements and their process of career determing. The authors then analyze how students move between the various channels offered by the school to make academic and career choices, and show some typical patterns. The main conclusions are as follows. First, many students failed to attend group counseling formally provided by the school, and teachers need to give individual support to students. Second, ironically, due to the fact that academic affairs were not highly valued at the commercial high school and that academic competition was not stiff, students with a strong commitment to school tended to have better achievement than those who had a weak commitment. In that sense, the school, as a support institution, also functions as a social screening institution.
日下田 岳史 Takeshi HIGETA 東京大学大学院 Graduate School of Education The University of Tokyo
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.79, pp.67-84, 2006-12-10

One premise of studies on the Japanese university participation rate is that there have been three stages: expansion, stagnation, and re-expansion. A second premise is the prefecture is used as the unit to determine whether students have moved upon entrance to university. However, the prefecture as a measurement unit does not always coincide with the zone from which students can attend university from home, or "the hometown." Therefore, using data from the "Student Life Survey" of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, this study directly measures the ratio of members of the 18-year-old cohort who entered university from home, and the ratio of those living away from home (1968-1998). In this paper, the former is called the university participation rate from home, and the latter the university participation rate from away from home. The finding is that for girls, the university participation rate from home has risen fairly consistently. This is important knowledge for the first premise of studies on the university participation rate. It appears that the reason why preceding studies have not given a successful explanation of the university participation rate of girls based on economic variables, whereas that of boys has been successfully explained, is because the cost of movement has not been considered. Therefore, this study confirms the effect of the cost of movement, and clarifies the difference of the determining factors of the university participation rate from home according to gender or university location. Furthermore, this study confirms a difference between girls and boys for each economic variable effect including the movement cost effect after controlling for factors peculiar to university location. The results are that the limiting conditions are more sensitive in large cities than in rural areas, and that girls are more sensitive to the limiting conditions than boys when controlling for the factor peculiar to the area. This suggests the reproduction of the composition where "girls remain in the local area, and boys move out."
酒井 朗 島原 宣男 Akira Sakai Nobuo Shimahara 東京大学 ラトガーズ大学 University of Tokyo Rutgers University
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.49, pp.135-153, 1991-10-20

The purpose of this paper is to present, from a sociology of knowledge perspective, a critical analysis of dominant traditional teaching methods deeply rooted in the culture of teaching. The previous studies on this research topic were influenced by Western scholars and failed to offer a clear understanding of the process of learning teaching methods. We use an ethnographic approach to study the Process. Based on an analysis of our ethnographic data we conclude that: (1) Teachers uncritically accept the traditional teaching method as a taken-for-granted approach to teaching. These methods are not used as a survival strategy to cope with constraining situations they encounter. (2) The reason why teachers predominantly use the traditional method is grounded in ethnopedagogy which integrated various aspects of teaching. Beginning teachers come to share ethnopedagogy through intersubjective interaction with experienced teachers. Its emphasis is placed not on instructional methods but on the relationship of trust between teachers and students. Because the traditional instructional method is compatible with ethnopedagogy, teachers are not actively seeking new methods. (3) Structural factors contribute to the perpetuation of ethnopedagogy. First, the absence of interaction that exists between universities and schools tends to prevent infusion into schools of innovative pedagogical theories formulated by scholars. Second, relatively closed interaction among teachers is conducive to the continuation of traditional pedagogy. Third, ethnopedagogy is the most influential practical approach that integrated various aspects of teaching and teacher responsibilities. (4) Influence of official policies of the Ministry of Education on deciding teaching strategies is not obvious. Rather it is established in its control of curriculum and the legitimacy that suggest traditional instructional methods.