片口 安史
国文学 : 解釈と鑑賞 (ISSN:03869911)
vol.29, no.10, 1964-09
片口 安史 藤岡 新治
中京大学文学部紀要 (ISSN:02873443)
vol.9, no.2, pp.p1-17, 1974-12
片口 安史
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.24, no.4, pp.285-289, 1954

Purpose. To grasp the behavioral characteristics of the individuals in the frustration situation in reference to their learning processes.<BR>Subject. 65 primary school boys, aged 10 years 9 months to 12 years 11 months (40 and 26 in Exps. I and II respectively).<BR>Procedure. Both Exps. I and II consist of the following three stages :<BR>1) Pre-Frustration Situation (PFS). -In the control and experimental groups alike all subjects have to learn the random (Japanese) letters in a certain orders. The 20 sets of 4 letters each arranged according to a definite order are exposed one by one (cf. Fig. 1). The response demanded in Exp. I is substituting numerals for each set of letters (&ldquo;1, 2, 3, 4&rdquo; is the correct answer), and in Exp. II reading the letters (for example, &ldquo;Ka-na-mi-ri&rdquo; in the first row in Fig. 1 is correctly read is as &ldquo;Ka-mi-na-ri&rdquo;).<BR>2) Frustration Situation (FS). -The set-up is such that the experimental groups (FrGr) are made to fail in the pezzle tasks and that the control groups (NFrGr) are permitted to succeed in the same tasks.<BR>3) After-Frustration Situation (AFS). -The random letters are given as in the first situation, but the arrengement of the letters is different. The correct answer is &ldquo;3, 4, 1, 2&rdquo; for the letters in Exp. I and &ldquo;se-to-mo-no&rdquo; for &ldquo;mo-se-no-to&rdquo;Exp. II (cf. Fig. 2)<BR>The three stages above are given successively. Both Exps. I and II are given individually.<BR>Results. Exp. I. -For the FrGr the learning in AFS is more difficult than for the NFrGr, i.e., with the former the reaction time required unitl correctly answering the random letters is longer than with the letter (cf. Figs. 3 & 4). Moreovere, the number of individuals who require more reaction time for the correct answers in PFS than in AFS is 7 in FrGr and 15 in NFrGr. On the contrary, the number of individuals with whom the reaction time is longer in AFS than in PFS is 11 in FrGr and only 3 in NFrGr (cf. Table 3). These differences are statistically significant (P<.05).<BR>Exp. II. -The number of indivduals who show the error of reading random letters in AFS according to the order learned in PFS is 9 and 5 in FrGr and NFrGr respectively, and those who do not commit such an error are 3 and 8 in the respective groups (cf. Table 4). Although the differences between the groups is not statistically significant, the trend toward difference is sufficiently established (P<.10).<BR>Conclusion. The experiments reconfirm the widely accepted hypothesis that for the individual, who has been in hte frustration situation, it is generally difficult to adapt himself to the new learning situation. This, the explanation of the present experiments would suggest, may be due to the fixation of responsese to the learning in the pre-frustration situation.
片口 安史
児童心理と精神衛生 (ISSN:02878879)
vol.1, no.3, pp.13-18, 1950-11
片口 安史 田頭 寿子 高柳 信子
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.28, no.5, pp.273-281, 1958

&ldquo;Rorschach Schizophrenic Score&rdquo; (RSS) provides a method for an objective and quantitative analysis of the Rorschach protocols with a purpose of differentiating schzophrenia from other clinical groups, especially psychoneurosis.<BR>RSS was first prepared for the examination of 1) general formal scoring categories, 2) form level ratings, 3) B&uuml;hler's Basic Rorschach Score, and 4) Watkins & Stauffacher's delta %.<BR>As a result, it was found that P, R+% (including all the primary form responses), W-%, BRS and delta % were the factors by which schizophrenic group was differentiated from psychoneurotic group at 0.5% level of confidence (t-test). Hence these five factors were synthesizes by Fisher's &ldquo;discriminant function&rdquo;.<BR>We obtained by this statistical method Z score of -14.13, which was the cut-off point between schizophrenia and psychoneurosis. Thus Z&le;-14.13 was called &ldquo;Rorschach Schizophrenic Score&rdquo; (RSS) and 77% of schizophrenic group came within this score.<BR>Subjects used in this research were as follows :<BR>1) Schizophrenic group (SGr.) N=30<BR>These patients have been diagnosed undoubtedly as chronic schizophrenia which were considered comparatively fresh cases by more than two psychiatrists.<BR>2) Psychoneurotic group (PGr.) N=30<BR>This group consisted of eight anxiety neurotics, three hysterics, five obsessivecompulsive neurotics, six neurosthenics and eight neurotics of mixed-type who had visited the National Institute of Mental Health for treatment.<BR>3) Normal group (NGr.) N=30<BR>They were well-adjusted adults and have never undergone any psychiatric treatment. The subjects mentioned above were homogeneous with regard to the following conditions : age, sex, educational level, socio-economic level and so on.<BR>The protocols which had less than 10 reponses were omitted because of difficulty for diagnosis in many cases.
片口 安史
公衆衛生 (ISSN:03685187)
vol.12, no.1, pp.22-23, 1952-07