多田 明夫 田中丸 治哉 畑 武志
社団法人 農業農村工学会
農業土木学会論文集 (ISSN:03872335)
vol.2006, no.244, pp.599-608, 2006

本論文では, 面積12.82haの山林小流域において, 10分値の流量・水質データを用い, 約7.7ヶ月の期間中の流域からの総流出負荷量の推定値とその95%信頼区間について議論を行った. 負荷量算出には直線型LQ式, べき乗型LQ式, 非線形LQ式の三種類の算定方法を用いた. 対象とした水質項目は溶存イオンのCl<SUP>-</SUP>, K<SUP>+</SUP>, Na<SUP>+</SUP>, およカリウム水質時系列より生成した, 非線形性を強めた仮想水質項目である. 具体的には, 等間隔サンプリングにより全データ集団から抽出されたデータセットより算出される95%推定区間内に, 総流出負荷量の真値が期待される確率通り含まれるかについて検討を行った. この結果・直線型LQ式を負荷量算定に用いた場合, 適切な信頼区間を与えることのできるLQ式を決定するために必要なデータ数は, 本調査流域においては, 237個~947個 (6時間~1日間隔サンプリングに相当) と非常に多量であること, 特定期間にわたる総流出負荷量を算定する目的からはべき乗型LQ式を用いてはならず, 直線型LQ式を用いるべきであることが明らかとなった. また, 限られた観測データから期間中の総流出負荷量の期待値と信頼区間を提示するためのLQ式に必要とされる条件として, L-Q (流量-負荷量) プロット上での非線形なデータ分布を表現し, かつ総流出負荷量の計算値がより真値に近い式が望まれるが, 一般に利用される直線型LQ式, べき乗型LQ式ともにこの点では短所を有していることを指摘した.
吉良 八郎 石田 陽博 畑 武志
神戸大学農学部研究報告 (ISSN:04522370)
vol.11, no.2, pp.301-318, 1975

In Japan, about two thirds of its land are the mountain districts, and its topographic and geological features are inevitable to erosion and collapse. The land is a zone frequented by typhoons with erosive dangerous rainfall. Thus the erosion rate is more than four times of the world average, and the production of sediment and its runoff are very important problems. When a group of dams for flood control and water utilization is constructed across sand-drifting river for the development of a river basin, the phase of the river channel will change so as to be in a new state of equilibrium. At the upper stream of dam sites sedimantation occurs due to the change in the state of river flow. The sedimention has some advantages, but it is essentially a loss to the flood control and water utilization owing to the reduction of storage capacity. It also causes rapid increase of interior flooding by the aggradation of river bed and the rise of groundwater level. On the other hand, at the downstream of dam sites degradation of river bed occurs due to the scouring or sorting caused by the variation of river flow, or by the kinetic energy of flow. In this way river bed approaches the final equilibrium gradient, and its final profile has a static equilibrium bed slope on which the tractive force is identical with the critical tractive force. Studies on the mechanism of sedimentation, such as the rate of sediment inflow and sediment distribution, are necessary to solve the sediment problem in order to establish a sedimentation policy. Observations on the state of sedimentation are a prerequisite. Observation data of sedimentation at 354 dam sites including electric-power dams, irrigation dams, water supply dams, flood control dams and multiple purposes dams are collected here in 1971,and the respective features are analyzed. Data are obtained as the sediment accumulation at many dams in the country. Thus the sediment indices in Japan, such as original storage capacity C(m^3), amount of total sediment Q_s(m^3), total rate of sediment accumulation R_s=100(Q_s/C) in percent, mean annual sediment accumulation r_s=R_s/Y in percent, specific sediment accumulation q_s=Q_s/FY(m^3/(km)^2,year), and time in years since the completion of the dam Y in years, are survayed macroscopically and quantitatively. And the features of respective reservoir are investigated. By studying in detail the sediment indices on the basis of the sediment accumulations at dams, the variation of characteristics can be estimated for respective regions, river systems or years.