白山 映子
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.51, pp.363-375, 2012-03-10

During the Meiji Restoration, Japan adopted Western culture, ideas, education and technology, and even introduced new animal breeds from the West, including new varieties of rabbits. Cross-breeding with domestic varieties produced rabbits with unusual coloring, and around 1873 these became the target of speculative trading. This phenomenon is known as the "Rabbit Mania". In the same period, the genre Kaika-mono (lowbrow fiction) was popular among the ordinary people. Stories in this genre include "Seiyou Douchuu Hizakurige" (1870), "Aguranabe" (1871), "Bummei Kaika" (1873), "Kaika Mondou" (1874) and "Bummei Inaka Mondou" (1878). This paper discusses two stories belonging to this genre that deal with the "Rabbit Mania" : "Tori Gekka Mondou" and "Usagi no Mondou". The style of these stories is light and comical, and the former has a rather risqué flavor. The author explores the "Rabbit Mania" through an examination of the dialogue in these stories, and reports about the phenomenon in both English and Japanese newspapers. The paper also refers to related nishikie (colored woodblock print) parodies.
白山 映子
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.49, pp.333-345, 2009

This paper challenges two generally accepted views. The first one is that "Sansuijin Keirin Mondo-" written by Nakae Cho-min is considered as the first Japanese book which argues the government and international politics by means of a dialogue style. The second one is that although "Bampo- Seiri" by Ga Noriyuki has been said to be the first translation of "De l'Esprit des Lois" written by Montesquieu, this book was actually a secondhand translation through the English version of the French original. // This paper will examine "To-sei Isakairon," "Ritsurei Seigi" and "Ritsurei Seigi no Taii." Particular concerns in this research are the following: firstly, "To-sei Isakairon," published by Shimizu Usaburo- (1829-1910) in 1882, represented three sorts of governments: the republic, the constitutional monarchy and the monarchy; secondly, the style of this story appears much more dialogic than "Sansuijin Keirin Mondo-." The former seems to be rather light and comical, intented to the ordinary people; thirdly, "Ritsurei Seigi" and "Ritsurei Seigi no Taii," translated by Suzuki Tadakazu and published by Shimizu Usaburo- through his company, were the translations of the French original "De l'Esprit des Lois," unlike "Banpo- Seiri." // Shimizu Usaburo- was one of the modern Japanese pioneers of cultural exchange during the Meiji period between Japan and western countries, in particular, France and the USA. After his participation in the International Exhibition held in 1867 in Paris, he founded a new trading company in order to import numerous materials such as books of philosophy, science and jurisprudence as well as dental instruments. As a well-known ' Hiragana-ronsha, ' he contributed an article about an orthographical system to "Meiroku Zasshi." // This research describing the dialogue of "To-sei Isakairon," explicates the influences of Western thoughts, focusing on Usaburo-'s way of thinking about governments.
白山 映子
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.51, pp.363-375, 2011

During the Meiji Restoration, Japan adopted Western culture, ideas, education and technology, and even introduced new animal breeds from the West, including new varieties of rabbits. Cross-breeding with domestic varieties produced rabbits with unusual coloring, and around 1873 these became the target of speculative trading. This phenomenon is known as the "Rabbit Mania". In the same period, the genre Kaika-mono (lowbrow fiction) was popular among the ordinary people. Stories in this genre include "Seiyou Douchuu Hizakurige" (1870), "Aguranabe" (1871), "Bummei Kaika" (1873), "Kaika Mondou" (1874) and "Bummei Inaka Mondou" (1878). This paper discusses two stories belonging to this genre that deal with the "Rabbit Mania" : "Tori Gekka Mondou" and "Usagi no Mondou". The style of these stories is light and comical, and the former has a rather risqué flavor. The author explores the "Rabbit Mania" through an examination of the dialogue in these stories, and reports about the phenomenon in both English and Japanese newspapers. The paper also refers to related nishikie (colored woodblock print) parodies.
白山 映子
近代日本研究 (ISSN:09114181)
no.25, pp.233-257, 2008

研究ノート一. はじめに二. 国際ジャーナリスト頭本元貞三. 第一回太平洋問題調査会における頭本発言三-一 「太平洋問題調査会」発足三-二 日本の移民政策 : 朝鮮と中国について三-三 米国への発言 : 排日移民法と軍事力示威批判四. 第三回太平洋問題調査会における頭本発言四-一 頭本の中国観四-二 頭本の朝鮮観四-三 頭本による京都会議総括五. アメリカでの遊説活動六. おわりに
白山 映子
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.49, pp.333-345, 2010-03-10

This paper challenges two generally accepted views. The first one is that “Sansuijin Keirin Mondo-” written by Nakae Cho-min is considered as the first Japanese book which argues the government and international politics by means of a dialogue style. The second one is that although “Bampo- Seiri” by Ga Noriyuki has been said to be the first translation of “De l'Esprit des Lois” written by Montesquieu, this book was actually a secondhand translation through the English version of the French original. // This paper will examine “To-sei Isakairon,” “Ritsurei Seigi” and “Ritsurei Seigi no Taii.” Particular concerns in this research are the following: firstly, “To-sei Isakairon,” published by Shimizu Usaburo- (1829-1910) in 1882, represented three sorts of governments: the republic, the constitutional monarchy and the monarchy; secondly, the style of this story appears much more dialogic than “Sansuijin Keirin Mondo-.” The former seems to be rather light and comical, intented to the ordinary people; thirdly, “Ritsurei Seigi” and “Ritsurei Seigi no Taii,” translated by Suzuki Tadakazu and published by Shimizu Usaburo- through his company, were the translations of the French original “De l'Esprit des Lois,” unlike “Banpo- Seiri.” // Shimizu Usaburo- was one of the modern Japanese pioneers of cultural exchange during the Meiji period between Japan and western countries, in particular, France and the USA. After his participation in the International Exhibition held in 1867 in Paris, he founded a new trading company in order to import numerous materials such as books of philosophy, science and jurisprudence as well as dental instruments. As a well-known ‘ Hiragana-ronsha, ’ he contributed an article about an orthographical system to “Meiroku Zasshi.” // This research describing the dialogue of “To-sei Isakairon,” explicates the influences of Western thoughts, focusing on Usaburo-'s way of thinking about governments.