井元 万紀子 刀坂 公崇 北口 響子 白川 雅之 奥田 志保
臨床神経学 (ISSN:0009918X)
vol.60, no.5, pp.321-327, 2020 (Released:2020-05-26)

症例は73歳の右利き男性.ヘルペス脳炎を発症し,重度のウェルニッケ失語を含む認知機能低下が残存した.病前に描画の習慣はなく,妻の勧めで始めた塗り絵をきっかけに,発症数年後より風景写真の模写を始めた.その作品は写実的傾向が強く,病巣は左半球であり,獲得性サヴァン症候群の特徴を有していた.描画能力の向上に伴い,買い物や公共交通機関の利用などの手段的日常生活動作(instrumental activities of daily living; IADL)も向上したが,標準失語症検査などの神経心理学的検査では著変を認めなかった.本症例では,描画活動で得られた達成感や支援者とのコミュニケーションがきっかけとなり,IADLの向上につながった可能性が考えられた.
増本 康平 白川 雅之
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.83, no.5, pp.409-418, 2012

This study investigated the impaired self-awareness (ISA) of memory deficit in 63 brain injury patients with amnesia. The purpose of this study was (a) to elucidate the relation between degree of ISA and memory deficit measured by several neuropsychological memory tests, (b) to examine the relation between degree of ISA and the post-injury duration, and (c) to investigate the influence of ISA on independent behaviors and occupational outcomes. We measured ISA by using discrepancy methods, which is the difference of the evaluated frequency of the patient's memory problems in daily living as judged by the patients themselves and by their family caregivers. The results showed that the patients underestimated their memory problems more than their caregivers did. Regarding the relationship of ISA and neuropsychological memory tests, performance involving orientation, delayed recall of a story, and abstract figures (Rey Complex Figure Test) were related. Moreover, the degree of ISA influenced independent behavior and occupational outcomes. However, the duration from post-injury did not influence the degree of ISA. These results indicate that not only an approach to enhance neuropsychological memory functions but also an approach to develop an appropriate self-awareness of memory deficit is important for independent living and social reintegration.