矢田部 俊介
科学哲学科学史研究 (ISSN:18839177)
vol.7, pp.1-26, 2013-02-28

Recently some constructivists try to justify impredicative theories with coinduction which play a very significant role in computer science though it had been thought that predicativity is necessary for constructivity. In this paper we introduce these arguments, by Rathjen and by Coquand, and apply these argument to show a naive set theory CONS in FLew∀, which is intuitionistic logic minus the contraction rule, can be regarded as constructive.
矢田部 俊介
科学哲学科学史研究 (ISSN:18839177)
vol.9, pp.1-32, 2015-03-31

Truth theories like the Friedman-Sheard's truth theory (FS) have two rules, T-in rule and T-out rule, about introduction and elimination of the truth predicate. They look like the introduction rule and the elimination rule of a logical connective. From the proof theoretic semantics viewpoint, one might think that the truth predicate is a logical connective which is governed by these two rules. From this proof theoretic semantics viewpoint, the nature of truth is like deflationist's nature of truth. Additionally one of the most important things is that the truth predicate does not disturb the traceability of the argument from the premises to a conclusion. However, a crucial problem has been known: any criteria to be a logical connective, known as a "harmony" of the introduction rule and the elimination rule, are not satisfied because of the ω-inconsistency of FS. Such ω-inconsistency is caused by the fact that the truth predicate enables us to define paradoxical formulae of seemingly infinite-length. These formulae can be regarded as coinductive objects in terms of computer science. The reason of the failure of the harmony is that these criteria are defined not for coinductively defined paradoxical formulae but for inductively defined formulae. In this paper, we examine how we can extend the criteria for harmony for coinductive formulae.
矢田部 俊介
科学哲学科学史研究 (ISSN:18839177)
vol.6, pp.1-15, 2012-02-28

In his 2003 paper, Peacocke insisted that our implicit conception of natural numbers essentially uses a primitive recursion which consists of three clauses, and claimed that this excludes the non-standard models of natural numbers. In this article, we construct a counter “model” to his argument, which contains a non-standard natural number though the set ω of natural numbers is defined as an analogy to his primitive recursion, in a set theory with the comprehension principle within many-valued logic. This result suggests that we should interpret non-standard natural numbers from a philosophical viewpoint. We discuss this by reviewing Strict Finitism, and we conclude that non-standard natural numbers can be interpreted as “large numbers” in a Strict Finitist sense: It expresses new numbers which are introduced by expanding the notation system of natural numbers.
森 崇 矢田部 俊介
vol.57, no.7, pp.638-643, 2016-06-15
