石原 勝也 北川 均 佐々木 栄英
日本獣医学雑誌 (ISSN:00215295)
vol.50, no.3, pp.739-745, 1988-06-15

犬糸状虫性血色素尿症(caval syndrome)例の外頸静脈から, フレキシブル・アリゲーター鉗子を用いて, 右心房と三尖弁口部の犬糸状虫を摘出後, さらに肺動脈内の犬糸状虫を摘出した. 23例の外来患畜では, 右心房及び三尖弁口部の犬糸状虫はすべて摘出され, このうち16例(69.6%)では肺動脈から1〜36隻が摘出された. 実験例9例では, 右心房から2〜34隻の犬糸状虫が, また, 6例の肺動脈からは3〜21隻の犬糸状虫が摘出された. 残留糸状虫数は0〜11隻で, 平均摘出率は83.2%であった. 24時間後, 実験例の右心系循環動熊は, 摘出後回復した5例では, 摘出前に比べ右心拍出量, 心指数及び一回拍出量が増加傾向を示したが, 予後不良では4例中3例で減少した. 肺動脈圧と右心室圧は, 摘出前はほぼ正常値から著しい高値まで様々であったが, 摘出後は予後の良否にかかわりなく増減不定に変化し, 関与因子が複雑であることが示唆された.
石原 勝也 菅沼 保治 渡辺 幸男
日本獸醫學雜誌 (ISSN:00215295)
vol.39, no.2, pp.149-157, 1977-04-25

The present studies were undertaken to obtain data on serum lipoprotein analysis which would serve as normal references for studies on serum lipoproteins in diseased dogs, especially those with canine dirofilariasis. Serum samples were collected from 35 normal dogs of various ages proved to be free from Dirofilaria immitis (filaria) by the routine physical checkup and laboratory examination. They were analyzed for lipoproteins by cellulose acetate electrophoresis (electrophoresis). The serum lipoproteins were obtained basically as four distinct fractions, i.e., α-, pre-β-, β-lipoprotein and chylomicron fractions. The last-named fraction was only in trace quantities. It was presumed that the four fractions might have a density of 1.063<1.210, 1.006<1.019, 1.019<1.063 and <1.006, resptctively, as estimated from the electromigration velocities (mobilities) of other samples which had been separated ultracentrifugally. The mobility of the pre-β-lipoprotein fraction, however, varied with the serum sample, possibly due to the difference in the quantity of lipids bound to this fraction of serum lipoproteins. On the basis of analytical data on the 35 normal dogs, the normal percentage composition (relative proportion) of the serum lipoprotein fractions was investigated in dogs. Furthermore, the concentrations of these fractions in the serum were calculated from data on the total serum lipid content, the percentage composition of the serum lipoprotein fractions, and the amounts of lipids bound to the lipoprotein fractions obtained from 25 of the 35 dogs in order to clarify the normal ranges.