石塚 創也
スキー研究 (ISSN:1349449X)
vol.18, no.1, pp.23-35, 2022 (Released:2022-07-04)

Banff in Canada conducted a bid campaign for the host city for the XI Olympic Winter Games in 1972, but Banff did not acquire the hosting rights. According to previous studies, the Calgary Olympic Development Association(CODA), the candidate committee for Banff, and the Canadian Olympic Association(COA), the National Olympic Committee in Canada, were subjected to protests by environmental groups and naturalists regarding construction of the facilities. Avery Brundage, president of the International Olympic Committee(IOC), was concerned about this situation. On the other hand, In Sapporo which was the host city, Brundage and the organizing committee in Sapporo had underwater negotiations on the request for environmentalists to change the stadium after deciding the host city. The purpose of this study is to clarify the negotiations between Brundage with Edger Davis, the president of CODA, and James Worrall, the president of COA, concerning the construction of facilities and nature conservation in Banff. The results of this study are summarized as follows: Davis informed Brundage that CODA created opportunities for discussions with environmental groups and naturalists to reject protests of them. Davis and Worrall argued Brundage that naturalists exaggerated to the effects on the environment. Brundage showed some understanding concerning measures by CODA and COA. However, he again received protests. He was concerned about protests during the Games. Therefore, he informed Worrall that he reported the existence of protests concerning Banff's candidacy in a meeting of IOC. Worrall accepted the existence of protests by environmental groups and naturalists concerning Banff's candidacy. Nevertheless, he regarded the protest movements as a minority opinion and argued against them with support from the Canadian government.
石塚 創也
スキー研究 (ISSN:1349449X)
vol.12, no.1, pp.43-50, 2015 (Released:2018-02-08)

恵庭岳のスキー競技場は,1972 年に開催された第 11 回札幌オリンピック冬季大会のために建設された.この競技場は,大会の後に解体され,植林によって再生がなされた.これは,オリンピック・ムーブメントが環境問題に配慮した初期の事例の一つである. 本稿では,そこで本稿では,恵庭岳滑降競技場の建設と自然保護をめぐる議論に関する新聞報道の内容およびその傾向を提示した上で,既往文献を参照し,この議論の全体像を明らかにする. 史料は、地方紙「北海道新聞」,全国紙「朝日新聞」および「読売新聞」,およびこの議論に関連する既往文献である. 本研究の結果,この議論には,競技場および交通輸送手段の建設に対する反対意見および声明が出された一方で,競技場の存置を要望する動きがみられた.さらに,世論では,大会開催による経済的な利益の優先か,それとも自然の保護か,という摩擦が,行政,大会関係者および市民を問わず発生していたと考える.