大塚 明子 森 恭子 秋山 美栄子 星野 晴彦
生活科学研究 = Bulletin of Living Science (ISSN:02852454)
vol.37, pp.41-52, 2015-03-01

本稿では「価値観 ・ 労働観 ・ ライフスタイル等に関する日本と北欧の比較調査研究」の第一次量的調査で取り上げた設問のうち、自尊感情 ・ 対人信頼感 ・ 文化的自己観の3つの心理尺度に焦点を当て、第二次質的調査のインタビューによってその解釈を深めることを試みた。共通して伺えたのは、スウェーデン人が自己及び周囲との相互作用というミクロな焦点化をおこなうのに対し、日本人は一般的な社会というマクロな視点から俯瞰する、という傾向であった。第一次量的調査ではスェーデン人の相互独立性と評価懸念の両立という、文化的自己観に関する先行研究と異なる結果が得られたが、それを整合的に解釈することができたのが最大の成果の1つと考える。なぜ社会人と比べて大学生の方がより「日本人らしさ」、つまり低い自尊感情 ・ 対人信頼感 ・ 相互独立性+高い相互協調性を示すのかについても、社会的に不利な立場が大きな要因であることが示唆された。
森 恭子 大塚 明子 秋山 美栄子 星野 晴彦
人間科学研究 = Bulletin of Human Science (ISSN:03882152)
vol.34, pp.141-158, 2013-03-01

There are significant differences in social protection and policies towards immigrants, including refugees, in different countries. The acceptance of foreign migrant workers and refugees is severely limited in Japan, and asylum seekers in particular face great difficulties because of their exclusion from the Japanese social security system. Compared to Japan, The Swedish government is readily accepting of refugees/asylums seekers and has provided them with sufficient social protection and services, although Sweden's population is less than one -tenth of Japan's . Where do the differences come from? This study explores the differences in opinions about tolerance of immigrants in Japan and Sweden. Respondents were asked about social protection and the social security system's stance towards people from other countries. This study adopted five psychological scales focused on views on immigrants and multiculturalism as independent questions. Individuals in three groups (undergraduates, teachers, and welfare personnel) in Japan and Sweden were surveyed by questionnaire. Responses were obtained from a total of about 640 people. The study found that Swedes answered positively to all of the independent questions. Among the groups, welfare personnel and teachers in Japan were mostly negative. Therefore, a higher level of education has not encouraged tolerance of immigrants and support of multiculturalism in Japan. The results of multiple regression analysis suggested that 'a normative attitude toward helping ' was associated with tolerance in both countries. Results also indicated that gender was a determinant of tolerance in Japan while education and self-esteem were determinants of tolerance in Sweden.