小林 弘 川島 康代 竹内 直政
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.17, no.4, pp.153-160, 1970

本研究はコルヒチン処理とair-drying法によりフナ属魚類の体細胞の染色体を観察した.その結果, 金魚, キンブナ, 宮崎系ギンブナ (雄の1個体を除く), ヨーロッパブナ等の染色体数はいずれも100で, 核型分析の結果も一致し, metacentricは10対で20個, submetacentricは20対で40個, acrocentricは20対で40個の染色体よりなり, acrocentricのほぼ5対目の染色体にはsatelliteが認められた.また核学的には雌雄の問では差異は認められなかった.一方関東系ギンブナ30個体中の28個体は染色体数が156で, 核型分析の結果, metacentricが17対で34個, subrnetacentricが31対で62個, acrocentricが30対で60個であった.また残りの2個体では206の染色体数が数えられ, その核型分析の結果は, metacentricに22対で44個, submetacentricに41対で82個, acrocentricに40対で80個の染色体があり, acrocentric中にはsatelliteが認められた.以上の結果より, 関東系ギンブナはフナ属魚類中に生じた3倍体および4倍体に相当するものではないかと考え, これが関東地方のギンブナに雌のみを生ずる原因と関連をもつものではないかと推測した.
小林 弘 越智 尚子 竹内 直政
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.20, no.1, pp.7-12, 1973

Somatic chromosomes of the nigorobuna (<I>C.auratus grandoculis</I>) obtained from Lake Biwa, two local varieties of the nagabuna (<I>C.auratus buergeri</I>) from Lake Suwa and the Hokkaido district, and two local varieties of the ginbuna (<I>C.auratus langsdorfii</I>) from the Okayama Prefecture and Lake Biwa were studied and compared.Chromosome preparations was performed by the same methods previously described (Kobayasi et al., 1970).<BR>The results showed that the nigorobuna and nagabuna of Lake Suwa and the ginbuna of the Okayama Prefecture had the same diploid chromosome number of 100.Their karyotypes consisted of 10 pairs of metacentrics, 20 pairs of submetacentrics and 20 pairs of acrocentric elements.There was no morphological difference between the male and female karyotypes. On the other hand, 5 females of the nagabuna collected from the Hokkaido district and 4 females of the ginbuna (hiwara) from Lake Biwa had the chromosome number of 156, consisting of 17 pairs of metacentrics, 31 pairs of submetacentrics and 30 pairs of acrocentrics. The populations of the ginbuna and nagabuna in these regions consisted mostly or almost entirely of females.It was proved from these evidences that the nagabuna and ginbuna with triploid state occur not only in the Kanto district but also in the Hokkaido district and Lake Biwa.These triproid females might be arisen by gynogenesis, as has been reported in the ginbuna obtained from the KantO district by Kobayasi (1971) and Kobayasi and Ochi (1972). [Japan Women's University, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 112, Japan (H.K.and H.O.);National Science Museum, Hyakunin-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 160, Japan (N.T.)]
小林 弘 越智 尚子 竹内 直政
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.20, no.1, pp.7-12, 1973-06-20 (Released:2011-02-23)

Somatic chromosomes of the nigorobuna (C.auratus grandoculis) obtained from Lake Biwa, two local varieties of the nagabuna (C.auratus buergeri) from Lake Suwa and the Hokkaido district, and two local varieties of the ginbuna (C.auratus langsdorfii) from the Okayama Prefecture and Lake Biwa were studied and compared.Chromosome preparations was performed by the same methods previously described (Kobayasi et al., 1970).The results showed that the nigorobuna and nagabuna of Lake Suwa and the ginbuna of the Okayama Prefecture had the same diploid chromosome number of 100.Their karyotypes consisted of 10 pairs of metacentrics, 20 pairs of submetacentrics and 20 pairs of acrocentric elements.There was no morphological difference between the male and female karyotypes. On the other hand, 5 females of the nagabuna collected from the Hokkaido district and 4 females of the ginbuna (hiwara) from Lake Biwa had the chromosome number of 156, consisting of 17 pairs of metacentrics, 31 pairs of submetacentrics and 30 pairs of acrocentrics. The populations of the ginbuna and nagabuna in these regions consisted mostly or almost entirely of females.It was proved from these evidences that the nagabuna and ginbuna with triploid state occur not only in the Kanto district but also in the Hokkaido district and Lake Biwa.These triproid females might be arisen by gynogenesis, as has been reported in the ginbuna obtained from the KantO district by Kobayasi (1971) and Kobayasi and Ochi (1972). [Japan Women's University, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 112, Japan (H.K.and H.O.);National Science Museum, Hyakunin-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 160, Japan (N.T.)]
小林 弘 川島 康代 竹内 直政
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.17, no.4, pp.153-160, 1970-12-25 (Released:2010-06-28)

本研究はコルヒチン処理とair-drying法によりフナ属魚類の体細胞の染色体を観察した.その結果, 金魚, キンブナ, 宮崎系ギンブナ (雄の1個体を除く), ヨーロッパブナ等の染色体数はいずれも100で, 核型分析の結果も一致し, metacentricは10対で20個, submetacentricは20対で40個, acrocentricは20対で40個の染色体よりなり, acrocentricのほぼ5対目の染色体にはsatelliteが認められた.また核学的には雌雄の問では差異は認められなかった.一方関東系ギンブナ30個体中の28個体は染色体数が156で, 核型分析の結果, metacentricが17対で34個, subrnetacentricが31対で62個, acrocentricが30対で60個であった.また残りの2個体では206の染色体数が数えられ, その核型分析の結果は, metacentricに22対で44個, submetacentricに41対で82個, acrocentricに40対で80個の染色体があり, acrocentric中にはsatelliteが認められた.以上の結果より, 関東系ギンブナはフナ属魚類中に生じた3倍体および4倍体に相当するものではないかと考え, これが関東地方のギンブナに雌のみを生ずる原因と関連をもつものではないかと推測した.