飯田 洋介 早川 倫子 原 祐一 高岡 敦史 酒向 治子 笠井 俊信 桑原 敏典
研究集録 (ISSN:18832423)
no.167, pp.101-109, 2018

來村 徳信 笠井 俊信 吉川 真理子 高橋 賢 古崎 晃司 溝口 理一郎
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.17, no.1, pp.73-84, 2002 (Released:2002-04-04)
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In conceptual design, a designer decomposes a required function into sub-functions, so-called functional decomposition, using a kind of functional knowledge representing achievement relations among functions. Aimin at systematization of such functional knowledge, we proposed ontologies that guide conceptualization of artifacts from the functional point of view. This paper discusses its systematic description based on the functional ontologies. Firstly, we propose a new concept named “way of achievement” as a key concept for its systematization. Categorization of typical representations of the knowledge and organization as is-a hierarchies are also discussed. Such concept, categorization, and functional ontologies make the functional knowledge consistent and applicable to other domains. Next, the implementation of the functional ontologies and their utility on description of the knowledge are shown. Lastly, we discuss development of a knowledge-based system to help human designers redesign an existin artifact. The ontology of functional concepts and the systematic description of functional knowledge enable the supporting system to show designers a wide range of alternative ways and then to facilitate innovative redesign.
笠井 俊信 永野 和男 溝口 理一郎
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.30, no.3, pp.570-584, 2015-05-01 (Released:2015-05-01)

In order to facilitate learners' knowledge refinement process, it is effective to let them externalize their knowledge. However, in a domain of the instructional design in which existence of knowledge and its necessity are not sufficiently articulated or recognized, it is not easy for teachers who are also learners of how to externalize their knowledge. In this study, we have built a system called ``FIMA-Light'' which uncovers knowledge that teachers must have applied in their lesson plans from global to local viewpoints instead of them. FIMA-Light makes use of the OMNIBUS ontology which describes various instructional knowledge for attaining educational goals extracted from instructional/ learning theories. And, FIMA-Light automatically generates what we call I_L event decomposition trees by interpreting a given lesson plan based on the OMNIBUS ontology. Then, FIMA-Light facilitates teachers' deep reflection and helps them to refine their lesson plans by providing them with decomposition trees. We report some results of an experiment carried out for evaluation of the quality and the effectiveness of I_L event decomposition trees.