柏崎 耕志 米澤 直晃 小菅 一弘 菅原 雄介 平田 泰久 遠藤 央 神林 隆 篠塚 博之 鈴木 公基 小野 右季
The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers
計測自動制御学会論文集 (ISSN:04534654)
vol.48, no.7, pp.389-398, 2012 (Released:2012-08-16)

The authors proposed a car transportation system, iCART (intelligent Cooperative Autonomous Robot Transporters), for automation of mechanical parking systems by two mobile robots. However, it was difficult to downsize the mobile robot because the length of it requires at least the wheelbase of a car. This paper proposes a new car transportation system, iCART II (iCART - type II), based on “a-robot-for-a-wheel” concept. A prototype system, MRWheel (a Mobile Robot for a Wheel), is designed and downsized less than half the conventional robot. First, a method for lifting up a wheel by MRWheel is described. In general, it is very difficult for mobile robots such as MRWheel to move to desired positions without motion errors caused by slipping, etc. Therefore, we propose a follower's motion error estimation algorithm based on the internal force applied to each follower by extending a conventional leader-follower type decentralized control algorithm for cooperative object transportation. The proposed algorithm enables followers to estimate their motion errors and enables the robots to transport a car to a desired position. In addition, we analyze and prove the stability and convergence of the resultant system with the proposed algorithm. In order to extract only the internal force from the force applied to each robot, we also propose a model-based external force compensation method. Finally, proposed methods are applied to the car transportation system, the experimental results confirm their validity.
遠藤 央 廣瀬 健治 平田 泰久 小菅 一弘 菅原 雄介 鈴木 公基 篠塚 博之 新井 浩幸 阿久根 圭 神林 隆
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.75, no.755, pp.2028-2035, 2009-07-25 (Released:2017-06-09)
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We propose a novel car transportation system termed as iCART (i__-ntelligent c__-ooperative a__-utonomous r__-obot t__-ransporters). This system transports cars using two robots that move in coordination. This car transportation system can transport cars of any size and offers various functions such as parking, valet parking, towing service, and the transportation of cars inside a factory, onto a ferry, and in complicated parking areas. The robots in this car transportation system comprise three modules: the mobile base module, the lifter module, and the connecting module. This paper describes the details of the operation mechanism and the basic algorithm of each module. A leader-follower-type distributed motion control algorithm is applied to the proposed system and is used in an experiment performed to verify the validity of its function.