米田 明美
甲南女子大学研究紀要. 文学・文化編 = Studies in Literature and Culture (ISSN:1347121X)
no.44, pp.A45-A51, 2008-03-20

Yoru no Nezame, the tales written in the Heian era, misses volumes both at the middle and end of every existent text, and the reconstruction of the contents of those volumes have been attempted by many scholars. Although this work seemed to have been completed, recently new materials for those missing volumes have been discovered and so now we need to reconstruct the contents all over again. Accordingly, It became clear that a story advanced according to the contents of the dream that Otoko-gimi watched from the meaning of a 31-Syllable Japanese poem discovered newly. It will be necessary to examine the structure of the story in future.