荒船 俊太郎
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.122, no.2, pp.147-184, 2013

This article investigates the characteristic features of the political career of Matsukata Masayoshi at the end of the Taisho Era, in order to clarify his role in the process of reorganizing the institution of Genro 元老 (Chamber of Elder Statesmen) after the death of Yamagata Aritomo. In contrast to the research attention given his activities as an expert in fiscal affairs during the Meiji Era, Matsukata's career during the Taisho Era has been little studied, and the evaluation of him as a politician has so far been quite unfavorable, depicting a senescent figure bereft of political influence. This is one reason why the actual political leadership style of Matsukata is virtually unknown. This article is an attempt to clarify Matsukata's strong commitment to integrating the Satsuma (Matsukata and his fellow politicians from Kagoshima Prefecture) and the Choshu (Yamagata and his fellow politicians and soldiers from Yamaguchi Prefecture) and to show how important a commitment it was. The author begins at a time several years after Matsukata's appointment as Inner Minister of State (Naidaijin 内大臣), showing that indeed he held no political influence to the extent of being unable to freely appoint his ministerial subordinates. However, in dealing with problems involving the Imperial Court, Matsukata won the firm trust of the empress, which began a process by which he strengthened his political leadership after the fall of Yamagata. Finally, the author turns to Matsukata's political leadership after his retirement from the post of Naidaijin, showing the fear that fellow Genro Saionji Kinmochi held towards him, attempting to respectfully distance himself and pointing to Matsukata's continuing supervision of the Kenseikai Party even into his twilight years. The author concludes that the period in question should be rightfully called the "Dual Genro Regime" under the leadership of both Matsukata and Saionji.
荒船 俊太郎
国文学研究資料館紀要 = The Bulletin of The National Institure of Japanese Literature Archival Studies (ISSN:18802249)
no.02, pp.27-65, 2006-03-27

本稿は、早大教授であった故深谷博治氏が所蔵していた史料群の整理作業における中間報告である。第一の課題は、その史料群構造と現在の保存環境に至るまでの来歴を明らかにすることである。第二は、更に一歩進めて記録史料学の立場より、研究が立ち遅れている「近代私文書論」の確立へ向け、ケーススタディーとして若干の提言を行おうとするものである。戦前、深谷氏は『明治天皇紀』編纂に深く関与し、宮内省臨時帝室編修局の編修官補として史料の調査収集、そして執筆に携わった。宮内省退官後も戦中期にかけて春畝公追頌会の『伊藤博文伝』編纂や旧貴族院五十年史編纂掛に所属し、主として史料収集と整理を行い、優れた著作を残した政治史研究者であった。「深谷文書」には、こうした国家事業と言うべき伝記編纂事業で生成された写本史料類が大量に残されている。深谷氏の研究履歴を通じ、かかる史料群の出所と作成年代を詳細に検討することで、現在我々が日常的に研究利用出来る文献史料がいかにして編集されたのかを垣間見ることが出来るだけでなく、戦前期宮内省の一側面や伝記編纂事業の性質をうかがう事が出来るのである。彼が関係した組織ごとに史料を階層化し目録上に配置することで、いかなる史料群構造が浮かび上がるかを重視したのはこのためである。もとより調査対象とした「深谷文書」は一私文書に過ぎず、そこで明らかとなる史料群構造が他の私文書群の性質と同一の普遍性を持つものではあり得ない。しかし研究手法は勿論のこと、事例研究すらほとんど蓄積のない近代私文書論について、記録史料学が今後どのように向き合い、乗り越えることでその地平を拓いて行くのだろうか。戦後60年を経た現在の私々には、行政文書のみならず私文書をめぐる管理保存・公開プロセスを検討し構築していく事もまた、喫緊の課題であることは論を俟たない。本稿がその議論を喚起する一助となれば幸いである。This is an interim report concerning an arrangement of the historical documents which were owned by the late FUKAYA Hiroharu, a former professor of Waseda University. The first subject is to clarify the structure of document groups and the process of its preservation up to now. The second one is, from the viewpoint of the archival theory, to intend to make some proposal showing a case study in order to establish the ''modem private document theory'' which has not been researched enough in Japan.In prewar days, Fukaya participated in the compilation of Meiji Tennoki (The Annuals of the Emperor Meiji) and investigated the historical materials as a staff of the Rinji Teishitsu Henshukyoku (the provisional imperial editorial office) in the Ministry of Imperial Household.He left some excellent works as a modern Japanese political history researcher. At the same time, he belonged to Shunpokou Tsuishokai (the editorial association of the biography of ITO Hirobumi). After he retired from the service, he belonged to Kizokuin Gojyunenshi Hensangakari (the editorial office of the 50th anniversary of the House of Peer) in the middle of the Second World War. His work was to collect historical materials and arrange them. In Fukaya Documents, we can find a number of transcribed historical materials produced in the compilation of these biographies as national projects. We can see how those historical documents we usually use were edited. Moreover, through Fukaya's career, we can see one aspect of the Ministry of Imperial Household in the prewar period and the character of these projects when we carefully examine where these documents came from and when they were made. That is why I would like to emphasize the structure of document groups, which appears by categorizing them in each organization he was related to and by arranging them on the lists.Of course, the structure of document groups is not universal one because Fukaya Documents is one of the private documents. However, I am interested in how the archives will correspond to the modern private document theory in the future as we have established neither case study nor research technique. Now that 60 years have passed since the war was over, it is our urgent subject to examine and establish how to manage, preserve and open to the public private documents as well as official documents. I hope this text will help to solve such problems.