藤井 桂子
横浜国立大学留学生センター紀要 (ISSN:13406493)
vol.5, pp.49-63, 1998

This paper examine the difference of the interaction style between Japanese women and men through analyzing the interruptions that appear in the same-sex multi-party conversations. These are the findings. Women tend to use adjustment type interruptions such as confirmation, repair or related questions more than men. These interruptions work to show the listener's interest toward the topic which the speaker presents, and to involve them in the conversation to share and develop the topics together. Men tend to use the independence type interruption such as summary, topic development, and topic change more than women. These interruptions show the difference in the levels of the speaker and listener and levels of independence and superiority. In conversation men tend to make much of presenting and developing the topics by themselves. Contrary to the above, most frequently, rapport type interruptions such as agreement and understanding which encourages the speaker and contributes to solidarity are used by both Japanese women and men. There is almost no difference in the frequency in use.
山中 速人 藤井 桂子
総合政策研究 (ISSN:1341996X)
vol.13, pp.67-90, 2003-01-20

Since 1999, a research team consisted of Japanese university students and their instructors has visited Waimea District on Kauai Island of Hawaii every summer in order to record the life history of nikhei niseis (second generation of Japanese-Americans). This life history project was started in order to commemorate the centennial anniversary of the Waimea Higashi Hongwanji Temple. Many nikkei niseis including the temple members were interviewed. The childhood days in the camp of the interviewees, their school life, parents, the war days, work, marriage, birth of their children, and retirement life were all recorded orally. Up to the, present more than fifty nikkei niseis have been interviewed and their oral histories were recorded. Through the research project, the three significant points necessary to discuss could be clarified in terms of the life history interview. The three points are caused by the three factors as follows: 1) characteristics of the social stratum of the local community, 2) language used for the interviews (Japanese students interviewed with Japanese), and 3) sublimation of the oral histories by the interviewees. This paper argues these factors through introducing the operating process of the research project.