藤山 家徳
国立科学博物館専報 (ISSN:00824755)
no.15, pp.p37-48,図1枚, 1982-12

Deposits of the Oshino basin located in the northeast of Mt. Fuji consits of the Oshino fossil lake sediments and pyroclastic materils of Mt. Fuji. The geological sequence in the Oshino area before and after the appearance of the fossil lake is studied. The results of electric prospecting carried by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry indicate that the route of the Katsura River and the configuration of ground before the Oshino lava flow was not greatly different from the present ones. The Oshino lava, a branch of the Saruhashi lava flow, dammed up the valley of the former Katsura River and caused the appearance of the Oshino lake. The deposits of the fossil lake, consisting mainly of clay 1.2-12.0m in thickness, are dated 7,150±140 years B. P. by the ^<14>C method. The assemblage of fossil pollen in the deposits indicates a cold-temperate flora which is scarcely different from the present flora in this area. Most insect and seed fossils are squatic or semiaquatic species and do not suggest a different climatic condition from the present one. The fossil flora of diatom is separately reported in another paper in this volume. The swampy deposits at a depth of 2-3m, located at the central area of the basin, are dated 3,020±65 and 2,450±75 years B. P. on the burried wood identified as a species of Alnus.
藤山 家徳 加瀬 友喜 上野 輝弥 植村 和彦

本研究は, 日本における第三紀初頭より現在に到る昆虫発達史を, 植生の変遷と関連させて明かにすることを目的としている. 今年度においては, 日本とアジア大陸南西部, 東南アジアをむすぶ重要な位置にありながら化石資料が皆無であった南西諸島に重点をおき, 昆虫化石の探索と地層の観察を行った. しかし, 奄美大島笠利町の平層, 沖縄本島の許田, 粟国島の眞鼻毛ともに新資料を得ることに成功しなかった.新生代の昆虫発達史を編むには, 各時代の化石昆虫ファナウの詳細な分析が必要である. 古第三紀については, 始新世の北海道夕張地域, 漸新世では北海道北見若松沢の研究が進行中である. 新第三紀については, 今年度の研究もふくめ研究はかなり進展した. 中新世の古植生より推定される気温の変遷は, この時代の昆虫相にも認められ, その影響は植生よりさらに鮮明に見られる. すなわち, 前期中新世は現在の日本の昆虫相に近似するが, 中期には一変して亜熱帯〜熱帯の様相を呈する, 後期には再び温暖気候となったが, 前期と異なり, 現在の中国南西部からヒマラヤ方面の昆虫相との類似が認められる. 鮮新世の昆虫化石相は現生のものに近く, 属レベルでは共通であるが, 種レベルでは一致するものが少ない. 鮮新世より第四紀にかけての化石昆虫相は, 現生昆虫相の形成を考える上で重要な材料であるが, 中新世の資料にくらべ少なく, さらに資料を追加した上での検討が必要である.
阿久津 純 藤山 家徳
国立科学博物館専報 (ISSN:00824755)
no.15, pp.p49-52, 1982-12

The fossil lake of Oshino, northeast of Mt. Fuji, was caused by damming up of the Oshino lava, a basaltic lava flow of My. Fuji Volcano. The lake deposits of Oshino, about 11-12m in thickness, lie at a depth of 12-25m and dated 7,150±140 years B. P. by the ^<14>C method. The geological sequence in and around the Oshino basin and the pollen flora and the insect fauna of the deposits are reported in another paper in this volume. Forty-five species of fossil diatom are identified, and the most dominant species among them is Stephanodiscus dubius which has not yet been reported from recent lakes in Japan. Other planctonic species include Cyclotella comta, Fragilaria construens, Melosia granulata, Stephanodiscus astrara and Tabellaria fenestrata. Other spiecies are all epiphytic and occupy less than 10% of total individuals.