虎尾 達哉
史学研究会 (京都大学文学部内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.68, no.6, pp.p815-855, 1985-11

個人情報保護のため削除部分あり本稿では、先づわが正史上において「監護喪事」のために差遣される使人を監喪使と仮称し、この監喪使が果してわが喪葬令百官在職条(監喪規定) の適用を示すや否やを疑い、次で階唐監護使とわが監喪使の実態を各々検討・比較した上で、正史における監喪使辞退の諸例と葬司辞退のそれとの類似性を手掛りに遂に監喪使の実体を装束・山作両司によって構成される葬司長・次官級官人五位以上と考定するに至った。この葬司はやがて『延喜式』太政官・葬官条(葬司規定) に継承される何らかの慣例・法規によって編成されたと想定される。そして、さらにこの間の事情を考察した結果、唐令の継受によるわが監喪規定はその不可欠の前提たる体系的喪礼の未継受・欠如のために適用に至らず、実際には天皇・皇后等の御葬司に準ずるわが国固有の葬司の編成が行われたとの推定に及んだのである。In the historiography of ancien Japan we can often find the acounts of funeral supervisors temporarily appointed when dignity died. This papre persues the substance of such funeral supervisors recorded in history. The results are as follows. 1) Those funeral supervisors were not in accordance with the provision in Taiho 大宝 and Yoro 養老 code which established funeral supervisors. 2) Substantially they were a chairman or vice-chairman of two commisions : one was engaged in dignifying a funeral, and the other in building a grave. 3) Ancient Japanese governors adopted the provision of funeral supervision from T'ang, 清 but not the systematic Confucian courtesy of funeral which was indispesable to funeral supervision. That is the reason why none was actually appointed to supervise a funeral in Japan. 4) Instead of funeral supervisors, the two commissions were organized in imitation of several commissions organized in case of Emperor's death or empress's. This institution was peculiar to Japan.
虎尾 達哉
日本歴史 (ISSN:03869164)
no.815, pp.1-16, 2016-04