大角 明宏 寺西 潔 北村 将司 長澤 みゆき 神頭 徹
特定非営利活動法人 日本呼吸器外科学会
日本呼吸器外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:09190945)
vol.22, no.7, pp.1080-1083, 2008-11-15 (Released:2009-06-04)
4 3

非常に稀な肺原発の腫瘍である淡明細胞腫の1例を経験した.症例は60歳の女性で,検診で胸部異常陰影を指摘された.診断および治療目的で胸腔鏡下右肺部分切除を行った.病理所見では,淡明な胞体を有する細胞が胞巣状に密に増殖し,間質には毛細血管が増生し,類洞様血管に囲まれていた.特殊染色はPAS陽性,免疫染色ではMelan A陽性であり,淡明細胞腫と診断した.病理学的には腎の淡明細胞癌の転移も完全には否定できなかったが,腹部CT上明らかな腎病変がないことから肺原発の淡明細胞腫と考えられた.
西 潔 井口 正人
京都大学防災研究所年報 (ISSN:0386412X)
no.26, pp.p23-29, 1983-04

Studing on the seismicity around Sakurajima volcano, following preliminary results areobtained.(1) By the projection of focus on the vertical section perpendicular to the volcanic front, clear W-B zone can be perceived. This W-B zone is characterized by the sharp change ofinclination at the depth of 70km 80km. The inclination of Shallower zone is 40-50 degreeswheras about 70 degrees in deeper zone. The thickness of deeper zone is nearly 20km.(2) The depth of seismic surface directly beneth the volcanic front is 100km. Excludingthe shallow earthquakes whose focal depth are less than 20km, no earthquake is observedin the zone between the volcanic front and the seismic surface.(3) Comparing to other island arcs, seismic activity in South Kyushu is low in the depthof 8Okm-120 km whereas high in l4Okm-l6Okm.(4) Preceding to the increasement in number of explosion at Sakurajima volcano, high seis-mic activity in the depth more than 80km was observed.
西 潔 石原 和弘
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.48, no.5, pp.407-413, 2003-11-06

A new scheme for hypocenter calculation is proposed for volcanic regions. The scheme finds the global minimum of the travel time residual, and the resulting solution is more stable than that from the conventional Geiger's method, especially when the number of observations is small or the station distribution is unsuited. In the first step (Step 1) of this scheme, the target area js parameterized by the node. The node distance depends on the heterogeneity of the velocity structure; usually about 0.3-1 km is sufficient. Travel times between nodes and stations are stored. In the first half of the second step (Step 2A), a node is sought that minimizes the sum of squares of the travel time residuals for the event. By changing the depth of this node, a set of initial hypocenter candidates is generated. In the following step (Step 2B), with these candidates for the initial hypocenter, precise locations of the event are obtained by nonlinear calculations using the simplex method. The hypocenter with minimum travel time residual is then selected as the most probable hypocenter. For the travel time calculation, the 3-D robust seismic ray tracer known as Fermat (Nishi, 2001) is used. If the velocity structure and the locations of the observation stations do not change, the results of Step 1 are effective for all events. Consequently, repetitions of only Step 2A and 2B are sufficient for every event. Successful outcomes of calculation using synthetic and actual data are obtained with practicable CPU times.