小野田 慎平 西脇 裕作 窪田 裕大 大島 直樹 岡田 美智男
ヒューマンインタフェース学会論文誌 (ISSN:13447262)
vol.23, no.2, pp.213-226, 2021-05-25 (Released:2021-05-25)

In terms of communication robot, they can affect human communication through their behavior and expression; they are not just a machine but have the potential to make communication diverse. Most of the research on human-robot interaction so far focused on one-to-one interaction between humans and robots; communication robots often need to be fluent and perfect. On the other hand, we focus on the fact that our daily conversations are never perfectly conceived but contain incomplete statements in places due to the constraints of the cognitive resource. The incompleteness is often perceived as a negative phenomenon, but it also has positive power. The authors proposed an interaction design, focused on "forgetting" which is one of the incompleteness and developed the robot, Talking-Bones, that sometimes forgets words. Talking-Bones where the robot aims to communicate with humans in conversations recalling together. Talking-Bones shows encouraging behaviors by forgetting some words in a story and asking humans to help recalling the words together to continue telling the story. We conducted fieldwork to observe the interaction between children and Talking-Bones. These results illustrate how collaborative interactions are formed depending on the relationship of the children due to a forgetful robot.
西脇 裕作 大島 直樹 岡田 美智男
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.36, no.2, pp.B-K44_1-12, 2021-03-01 (Released:2021-03-01)

How can we make it possible for humans to participate in the robot’s speech to aim for a co-constructed conversation? In this paper, we investigated the effects and factors of dialogue design, focusing on “incompleteness.” We examined the people’s attitudes toward participation in multi-party conversations using “human-robot assisted story-telling” interactions. The results showed that the utterance strategy of lacking words reduced the passive participation attitude when the talker robot speak to humans directly. If we want to increase people’s participation attitude in a conversation, avoiding conveying much information and using “incompleteness” is an effective way to do so. However, the results also confirmed that the incomplete utterance was not satisfied to improve people’s co-telling attitude yet. The robots in this study were unable to accept the variety of ways in which people speak. To achieve the co-constructed conversation, discussed how robots could install a variety of actions based on other multi-party conversation studies. Therefore, we also investigated the limitation of multi-party participation and the characteristics of human speeches. For people and systems to have a co-constructed conversation rather than as information transfer, we believe that the design of dialogue needs to change. For this reason, we reported one of the effects of “incompleteness” conversation design here.
板敷 尚 西脇 裕作 大島 直樹 岡田 美智男
ヒューマンインタフェース学会論文誌 (ISSN:13447262)
vol.22, no.2, pp.65-76, 2020-05-25 (Released:2020-05-25)

"Let's meet up at that station tomorrow!" For friends who are living together such information is enough to understand. This is because both people understand the relationships between them and repeat the answers or phrases based on such understanding. This makes people feel more close and familiar to each other. However, what if people talk to smart speaker instead? In that case they will do their best to speak as clear as possible in order to let everyone understand them. So people understand what information they are conveying. However, would not be their utterances make people feel more close and familiar despite personal agents? In this paper we propose and evaluated an interaction design that creates a sense of familiarity with smart speakers, based on conversations through the use of pronouns between people. We come to a conclusion that pronouns work in intimacy even in the scenes when the robot tells a schedule to humans.
林 直樹 西脇 裕作 都丸 武宜 岡田 美智男
vol.2017, pp.388-391, 2017-09-09

誰かと手をつないで一緒に散歩するとき、その中ではどのようなやりとりが行われているだろうか。私たちは手をつないで並んで一緒に歩くロボット〈マコのて〉を構築し、言葉を介さずとも互いの気持ちが通じ合うような間身体的なコミュニケーションの可能性について議論を進めてきた。 本研究発表では、人とロボットとが手をつないで歩く際の、人がロボットとつないだ手を動かす行為、ロボットが人とつないだ手を動かす行為に着目し、それらのやりとりが互いの意図や気持ちを探り合う手がかりとなる可能性について述べる。