大辻 秀樹
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.78, pp.147-168, 2006-05-31 (Released:2011-03-18)
7 2

This article describes a practice in educational settings, which the author calls “type M” instruction, from the perspective of conversation analysis. The feature of this type is that a teacher asks students a question to which the students do not know the answer, but are not completely ignorant of the answer. When the teacher asks the students these questions, he or she creates a learning experience where “students search for a correct answer by themselves.”The paper examines this practice in three main stages.(1) First, data on real occurrences of type M instruction are shown. The data comes from a database of educational scenes recorded on a video for approximately seven hours, mainly from school education. From this database, the author intuitively collected examples where elementary school teachers were using type M instruction. Five examples of this type were extracted.(2) Second, characteristics common to the five scenes are extracted using the perspective of conversation analysis. Based on this, three characteristics, i. e., “reservation of instruction, ” “partial instruction” and “adjustment of degree of difficulty” were discovered in the turns of the teachers in those scenes. In other words, they displayed the following characteristics: “teachers do not teach students the correct answer, but provide hints to students” and “teachers lower the degree of difficulty of a question slowly while watching the reaction of students to the question.”(3) Third, the operation of type M instruction was inspected through an examination of irregular cases. The following knowledge was gained fromobservation of these data. If the degree of difficulty of the questions asked by the teacher is too low or too high given the state of knowledge of the students, it was found that type M did not operate effectively.With the three characteristics shown above, teachers seem to adjust the degree of difficulty of a question to a certain “level.” It is at this level that students carry out trial and error, and where they can barely give correct answers without assistance. When a teacher coordinates question at this level, students can try to find solutions to the problem independently. An important point for allowing type M instruction to operate successfully is to set the degree of difficulty of a question rather high and then lower it gradually while being attentive to the reactions of the students. This is because if the degree of difficulty is too low, the students will be able to answer it correctly immediately and there is no way to raise it, but if it is too high, there is an opportunity to lower the difficulty.
大辻 秀樹
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.72, pp.171-190, 2003-05-25 (Released:2011-03-18)

This article describes some practical strategies in interactions to cope with problems arising in schoolgirl friendships, from the perspective of conversation analysis. When a problem occurs in interactions among friends, how do school children tackle the problem by themselves? The purpose of this study is, by showing concrete and detailed ways of dealing with problems in interactions, to point to the possibilities for clinical studies on education.The specific problem in friendships is that the members of the schoolgirl's group leave a member out of the group in conversation. From the perspective of conversation analysis, this problem in interactions can be regarded as “absence of an answer”. This is a definite phenomenon. And the way to solve this problem is simple and clear. In short, unless the speaker requests an answer, the absence of an answer cannot be generated in conversations. Based on this fact, the schoolgirl can talk in cooperation with the other members of the group, using other utterances that do not request an answer. As an example, one can use the utterance device of “collaboration of a single sentence”. With this device, the schoolgirl opens a space in hers own utterance in the way so that the other members may enter into the space voluntarily to continue the rest of that single sentence.Of course, practical strategies to cope with various problems in friendships are actually observed in fieldwork. When children are confronted with a problem, they manage to deal with it. The fact that practical ways that are not entirely explored are realized through objective descriptions is a significance of clinical study.
春木 伸裕 佐藤 篤司 杉浦 正彦 呉原 裕樹 辻 秀樹
日本腹部救急医学会雑誌 (ISSN:13402242)
vol.30, no.3, pp.487-490, 2010-03-31 (Released:2010-05-11)

症例は1型糖尿病で通院中の55歳女性で,インスリン注射を3日前から自己中断し意識障害を呈し入院となった。血液検査にて糖尿病性ケトアシドーシスと診断し治療を開始した。翌日38℃の発熱と腹部膨満を訴えたため,緊急CTを施行した。腹水,門脈ガス,広範な腸管気腫を認め,腸管壊死による急性腹膜炎と診断し緊急手術を施行した。開腹すると,回腸末端の約200cmの回腸が分節的に壊死しており,S状結腸も暗紫色を呈し虚血に陥っていた。上腸間膜動脈および下腸間膜動脈は本幹から末梢まで拍動を触知できたことから,非閉塞性腸管膜虚血症(nonocclusive mesenteric ischemia: 以下,NOMI)と診断し,壊死した腸管の切除と下行結腸に人工肛門を造設した。NOMIは主幹動脈に器質的閉塞がないにもかかわらず,腸管に虚血あるいは壊死を生じる予後不良の疾患で,自験例は著明な脱水と,高血糖による高浸透圧が増悪因子となり,NOMIを発症したものと考えられた。
大辻 秀樹
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.78, pp.147-168, 2006-05-31

This article describes a practice in educational settings, which the author calls "type M" instruction, from the perspective of conversation analysis. The feature of this type is that a teacher asks students a question to which the students do not know the answer, but are not completely ignorant of the answer. When the teacher asks the students these questions, he or she creates a learning experience where "students search for a correct answer by themselves." The paper examines this practice in three main stages. (1) First, data on real occurrences of type M instruction are shown. The data comes from a database of educational scenes recorded on a video for approximately seven hours, mainly from school education. From this database, the author intuitively collected examples where elementary school teachers were using type M instruction. Five examples of this type were extracted. (2) Second, characteristics common to the five scenes are extracted using the perspective of conversation analysis. Based on this, three characteristics, i.e., "reservation of instruction," "partial instruction" and "adjustment of degree of difficulty" were discovered in the turns of the teachers in those scenes. In other words, they displayed the following characteristics: "teachers do not teach students the correct answer, but provide hints to students" and "teachers lower the degree of difficulty of a question slowly while watching the reaction of students to the question." (3) Third, the operation of type M instruction was inspected through an examination of irregular cases. The following knowledge was gained from observation of these data. If the degree of difficulty of the questions asked by the teacher is too low or too high given the state of knowledge of the students, it was found that type M did not operate effectively. With the three characteristics shown above, teachers seem to adjust the degree of difficulty of a question to a certain "level." It is at this level that students carry out trial and error, and where they can barely give correct answers without assistance. When a teacher coordinates question at this level, students can try to find solutions to the problem independently. An important point for allowing type M instruction to operate successfully is to set the degree of difficulty of a question rather high and then lower it gradually while being attentive to the reactions of the students. This is because if the degree of difficulty is too low, the students will be able to answer it correctly immediately and there is no way to raise it, but if it is too high, there is an opportunity to lower the difficulty.