邉 敬花 吉澤 望 宗方 淳 古賀 誉章 平手 小太郎
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.78, no.688, pp.437-444, 2013-06-30 (Released:2013-08-30)
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This study aims to ascertain the limits to which a solid angle can be used as an indicator for evaluating the senses of physical oppression and of openness in urban spaces. For that, a logistic regression analysis focusing on the street as a whole and the proportion by evaluating value was conducted by evaluating each criterion found through a logistic regression model to assess the limits of the effects of the solid angle. The allowable values for the sense of physical oppression are configured using a threshold if the sense of physical oppression is felt, but reconfiguration of the allowable values for the sense of openness is not necessary. Therefore, for those respondents who indicated that a sense of physical oppression exists, it appears that the limits of that allowable sense of physical oppression are as follows: using judgment of 75% of the evaluators, the rate of solid angles was 76%; using judgment of 50% of the evaluators, the rate of solid angles was 65%; and using judgment of 25% of the evaluators, the rate was 53%. Compared to the studies of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Spreiregen and Takei, those allowable values are more appropriate.