衣笠 泰介 榎本 恭介 荒井 弘和 野口 順子
独立行政法人 日本スポーツ振興センター国立スポーツ科学センター
Journal of High Performance Sport (ISSN:24347299)
vol.8, pp.113-124, 2021 (Released:2022-02-09)

In general, well-being refers to living a more fulfilling life and the theoretical concept has been established in the field such as psychology, economics, and sociology. Several issues related to mental health such as depression and eating disorders are surfacing in elite athletes. However, the definition of athlete well-being was not clear and the concepts related to athlete well-being needed to be theoretically validated. Thus, the aim of the study was to conduct a narrative review of athlete well-being to achieve consensus among international and national experts on the relevant concepts of mental health, wellness, dual career, and athlete lifestyle. It was found that the concepts related to well-being and mental health in sport have not been clearly defined in the literature. The experts agreed on the definition of athlete well-being, the scope of dealing with mental health, and the holistic support required for elite athletes. Further studies are needed to fully understand the current status of athlete well-being in Japanese elite athletes and also to develop the diagnostic tools and other measurement scales which can be used in practice.
野口 順子
植物分類・地理 (ISSN:00016799)
vol.39, no.1, pp.25-36, 1988-06-25

The differentiation and history of H. middendorfii complex in Japan is suggested in this paper based on the geographical and ecological variations of the karyology with the C-banding method. Each interstitial C-band occurs in only the specific regions, respectively. The interstitial C-band on the long arm of the fifth pair of chromosomes occurs only in Hokkaido, that on the long arm of the eighth pair of chromosomes occurs only in Mt. Hakusan (2300 m alt.) and Takayama (600 m alt.) of Chubu district, that on the long arm of the ninth pair of chromosomes occurs only in the Kanto and Tohoku districts. The distributional range which each interstitial C-band shows suggests the very important facts on the differentiation and history H. middendorfii complex in Japan. It is inferred that the chromosomes having the interstitial C-bands have been formed by adding the part of the interstitial C-band. The range which the chromosome having each interstitial C-band appears seem to show the area which that has dispersed, and also to be to show the dispersal and migration of H. middendorfii complex in the respective regions since that occurs. The migration from lower cool temperate zone to subalpine zone in H. middendorfii complex seems to be relatively new phenomenon in the history of this species complex in Japan, probably after ice age. Since the eighth pair of chromosomes with the interstitial C-band on the long arm which show the most narrow range occur both in the subalpine zone of Mt. Hakusan and cool temperate zone of Takayama in Gifu Prefecture. Furthermore, the distributional range of each interstitial C-band suggests that the migration from lower cool temperate zone to subalpine zone or the occupations to the various habitats of H. middendorfii complex in Japan seem to occur independently in the respective regions.
久木留 毅 野口 順子
独立行政法人 日本スポーツ振興センター国立スポーツ科学センター
Journal of High Performance Sport (ISSN:24347299)
vol.6, pp.174-188, 2020 (Released:2021-01-06)

The purpose of this research was to consider the possibility for the development of evidence-based policy making (EBPM) in the field of sport through the case of Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). COVID-19, originated in Wuhan, China, has rapidly spread world-wide and severely impacted society in several fields. High performance sport is no exception. The Tokyo 2020 Games, professional leagues and many competitions had to be suspended or postponed. Most of the training centers around the world partially or completely closed to protect athletes’ health and safety. Furthermore, restrictions of public life such as quarantine affected the physical and psychological conditioning of athletes. The planning and preparation to return to sport activities was therefore considered extremely important. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) developed a strategic partnership with the World Health Organization (WHO) to provide evidence-based information and advice to sports organizations. WHO published sport-specific guidelines and the IOC encouraged International Federations (Ifs) to follow WHO’s guidance. With the establishment of R&D Blueprint in 2016, the WHO is in a position to coordinate a global coalition of experts to accelerate the R&D process which develops new norms and standards during epidemics such as COVID-19. On one hand, various sporting organizations (government agencies, training centers, Olympic and Paralympic Committees), collaborated and shared information for decision-making. There was, however, concern for the lack of research-based evidence. The experience of COVID-19 showcased the importance to prepare and plan for the future based on evidence generated through research. Until now, evidence-based policy making (EBPM) has been rarely discussed in the field of sport. The High Performance Sport Center (HPSC) is the only one organization that owns a database storing various information related to sport in Japan, and therefore has the potential to foster the implementation of EBPM in the field of sport by utilizing its database.
野口 順子
畜産の研究 (ISSN:00093874)
vol.68, no.3, pp.323-331, 2014-03

豚繁殖・呼吸障害症候群(porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome: 以下PRRS)は1987年,北米において重篤な繁殖障害(流産,死産)および呼吸障害として初めて報告された。日本では1993年に肥育豚および死産子豚からPRRSウイルス(以下PRRSV)が単離されており,現在に至っても甚大な経済的損失の一要因となっている。PRRSVはアルテリウイルス属に分類されるエンベロープを有するRNAウイルスであり,感染豚の体内で容易に変異するため非常に高い遺伝的多様性を示すことが知られている。また抗原的多様性にも富んでいることから,市販ワクチンによる完全な制御は困難であると言わざるを得ない。さらにPRRSVはウイルス血症の状態が長く続く「持続感染」を引き起こすため,感染豚から非感染豚へ長期間に亘ってウイルスが供給されることになり,このことが農場からのPRRSV撲滅を困難にしている最大の要因となっている。