飯野 直子 金柿 主税
熊本大学教育学部紀要 (ISSN:21881871)
vol.63, pp.357-362, 2014-12-12

In order to examine the ability of a simple device to measure the environmental radiation dose rate level, we carried out a car-borne survey of gamma-ray dose rates in Kyushu. The obtained data was illustrated on the topographic and geological maps in Kyushu, along the run routes recorded by a GPS logger. It was found that the gamma-ray dose rate varies in the following cases: [1] the dose rate is maintained low level when the car passes an alluvial plain, such as the Tsukushi Plain and the Kumamoto Plain, [2] a downward tendency of the dose rate is observed when the car passes a basalt tableland, such as the Kitamatsuura Peninsula,[3] a remarkable increase of the dose rate is observed when the car passes a tunnel, [4] an upward tendency of the dose rate is observed when the car passes a mountainous road. These results suggest that the simple device is useful to obtain the environmental radiation dose rate level map as teaching materials.
飯野 直子 小田 真莉絵 山中 美季 金柿 主税
熊本大学教育学部紀要 (ISSN:21881871)
vol.62, pp.299-309, 2013-12-12

The purpose of this study is to investigate the thermal environment in Kumamoto and to develop the teaching materials on the urban heat island for science and environmental educations. Here, we discussed the long-range trend of annual mean temperatures at four meteorological stations in Kumamoto Prefecture by using continuous measurement of air temperature observed by the Japan Meteorological Agency since 1891, first. Next, the distributions of vegetation, surface temperature, and land cover in Kumamoto City in 1988, 1998, and 2010 were analyzed by using satellite remote sensing data. As the result, it was identified by the analysis of long-term air temperature data that the characteristics of urban climate were notable in Kumamoto City, and the impact of landdevelopment on the thermal environment were demonstrated by the satellite images clearly. Finally, we showed two types of teaching material on the thermal environment in Kumamoto.
飯野 直子 金柿 主税
一般社団法人 日本科学教育学会
日本科学教育学会研究会研究報告 (ISSN:18824684)
vol.24, no.2, pp.45-48, 2007 (Released:2018-04-07)

「実感を伴った理解」や「探究的な学習」などのために身近な自然現象や地域素材の教材化が必要であると考える.ここでは,熊本県内 5 ヵ所と鹿児島県桜島周辺 3 か所における簡便な定点映像観測の方法と得られた映像データの概要や素材としての公開状況を示し,気象や天体の動き,火山活動・防災などの教材としての利用可能性について検討した.
飯野 直子 金柿 主税
熊本大学教育学部紀要 (ISSN:21881871)
vol.64, pp.343-348, 2015-12-18

In order to visualize the environmental radiation dose rate level, we carried out the car-borne survey of gamma-ray dose rates in Kyushu. The obtained data was illustrated on the topographic and geological maps in Kyushu along the run routes as teaching materials. It was found that the characteristics of the environmental-radiation-level in Kyushu Island are as follows: (1) lower tendency of the level is shown in northern Kyushu, (2) high-level tendency is shown at the Kyushu Mountains area and (3) middle-level tendency is shown in southern Kyushu. In addition, we established a website to provide these results for science education and energy-and-environmental education.教材として九州における平時の環境放射線レベルを可視化するために、各県の主に一般道を走行サーベイして得られたγ線線量率データを前報の環境放射線レベル分布図に追加し、九州における環境放射線のレベル分布について概観した.また、本研究で得られた結果やこれまでにモニタリングポスト近傍や航空機内などさまざまな場所で簡易測定器を用いて測定した結果をエネルギ環境教育や理科教育のための素材・教材として提供するためのウェブサイトを開設したので報告する.
飯野 直子 後藤 将太 中村 恭浩 金柿 主税
熊本大学教育学部紀要. 自然科学 (ISSN:04546148)
no.61, pp.39-46, 2012

The advection and dispersion of Asian dust events from China to the Pacific Ocean around Japan in 2010 were investigated using the Multi-functional Transport Satellite (MTSAT) data. Aerosol Vapour Index images, taking the brightness temperature difference between 11 μm and 12 μm, were very effective for monitoring the Asian dust phenomenon in the East Asia region, with their capacity for detection during the day or night. The results were compared with suspended particulate matter concentrations measured at surface stations in Kyushu and with ground-based observations of sky in Kumamoto and Kagoshima. When a dense dust band was crossing over Japan, the rapid increase of SPM concentrations was observed at stations located in the dust path. The observed increase of SPM concentrations corresponded to the distribution of Asian dust shown in AVI images, the visibilities recorded by the Janan Meteorological Agency and the atmospheric turbidity shown in the ground-observation images.