鈴木 裕之 中村 達也 宮浦 誠治 猪岡 京子 八木 朋美 我妻 恭行 鈴木 常義 髙村 千津子 鈴木 幹子 村井 ユリ子 中村 仁
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.44, no.10, pp.503-509, 2018-10-10 (Released:2019-10-10)

Panvitan® powder for prescription (PP) administrated in combination with pemetrexed sodium hydrate (PEM) for the purposes of folic acid supplementation is significantly degraded by exposure to humidity or light. Hence, we investigated the influence of humidity and light on the color of the powder and concentration of folic acid in PP. We prepared samples by placing 1 g of PP into separate bags and stored them for 28 d under normal delivery conditions, intermediate humidity, high humidity, and light exposure. The amount of folic acid was quantified by high-performance liquid chromatography, where the percentage was calculated assuming the initial amount was 100%. Under normal delivery conditions (room temperature, 50% RH, shielded light) and intermediate humidity conditions (25℃, 75% RH, shielded light), no significant changes in appearance or folic acid content were observed. The sample stored under high humidity conditions (25℃, 91% RH, shielded light) changed in color from yellow to brown. The decrease in folic acid content was time dependent, and decreased to 47.1% after 28 d. Under light exposure (room temperature, 50% RH, 5,000 lux, 0.56 W/m2), the yellow color of PP becomes thin with time, while the folic acid content decreased to 73.2% after 28 d. The amount of folic acid may have decreased without any concomitant visible changes in the powder. The results of this study are expected to facilitate the management of adverse effects of PEM.
鈴木 幹子 伊藤 裕子
青年心理学研究 (ISSN:09153349)
vol.13, pp.31-46, 2002

In our study, we focused on ordinary female adolescents to investigate how the acceptance of femininity affects the tendency toward eating disorder through the former's effect on self-esteem, degree of satisfaction with one's physique, and consciousness of the opposite sex, by hypothesizing of a causality model for each stage of development. Our subjects were 698 girls whose ages ranged from the upper grades of elementary school to college and university age, and who were surveyed via a questionnaire in regards to their acceptance of femininity, self-esteem, degree of satisfaction with one's physique, consciousness of the opposite sex, and tendency toward eating disorder. Our results indicated that (a) for girls of a junior high school age and older, being unable to have "active acceptance of femininity" increased the "tendency toward eating disorder" because of lowered "self esteem;" (b) with junior high school and high-school students, the path from "degree of satisfaction with one's physique" to "tendency toward eating disorder" disappeared, suggesting that early and middle adolescence was in a state of confusion in terms of physicality; (c) in all stages of development, the "acceptance of femininity" elevated the "tendency toward eating disorder" through former's effect on "consciousness of the opposite sex," sensitivity to the words and actions of the opposite sex acting as a trigger for the "tendency toward eating disorder;" (d) for college and university students, "reluctant acceptance of femininity" makes "self-esteem" lower and induces the "tendency toward eating disorder," suggesting that the adaptation to a traditional female roles induced the "tendency toward eating disorder" through lowered "self-esteem."