天野 みゆき 鈴木 永子 河合 美重子 馬嶋 昭生
日本視能訓練士協会誌 (ISSN:03875172)
vol.20, pp.182-189, 1992-11-20 (Released:2009-10-29)
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1986年より1990年までの間に愛知県総合保健センター視力診断部色覚外来を受診した色覚異常者296名(第1色盲35名,第1色弱46名,第2色盲122名,第2色弱93名)に対して,AO H-R-R表(H-R-R表),東京医大式色覚検査表(TMC表),大熊曲線表(大熊表)による程度判定と,市川式ランタン,パネルD-15によるpass fail分類を行ない結果を比較した。色盲表3表は色覚異常の程度分類につき,それぞれ独自の基準を持っている。296名のうち3表共に程度判定が一致するものは72名であり,3表共にそれぞれ異なった程度に判定されたものは41名いた。各色盲表の特徴として,H-R-R表は第1異常,第2異常共に強度に判定されるものは少なく,TMC表では2色型色覚である強度をよく判定した。また,大熊表は第1異常は軽く判定され,第2異常は強く判定される傾向を持った。パネルD-15においては2色型色覚の97%と異常3色型色覚の23%がfailを示し,機能的色盲と色弱および正常とを適度に区別した。また,2色型色覚の殆どが定型的なパターンを示したのに対し,異常3色型色覚では多くが非定型的なパターンを示した。
中村 健一 高田 勗 鈴木 永子 杉浦 由美子 小林 てるみ
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.35, no.6, pp.851-857, 1981-02-28 (Released:2009-02-17)

An experiment using rats was carried out to evaluate the effects of calcium deficiency on the interaction of cadmium (Cd) and zinc (Zn) in vivo.Eighty-four female rats were divided into two groups. One group was fed a calcium-sufficient diet (normal Ca group), and a second group was fed a calcium-deficient diet (low Ca group). These two groups were divided into 4 subgroups. The diet of subgroup I was supplemented with 50μg/g of Cd, that of subgroup II with 50μg/g of Zn, and that of subgroup III with 50μg/g of Cd and Zn, Subgroup IV served as the control group.After 5 months on this regimen, the rats were killed and metal levels in the liver, the right kidney, the blood and the femur were analyzed. The left kidneys were examined histopathologically.The results were as follows:1) Growth retardation was observed in the low Ca group especially in subgroups I and III.2) Whereas renal Cd concentrations in subgroup I were higher than those in subgroup III for the normal Ca group, the reverse was found in the low Ca group. Similar findings were also observed in the cases of renal Zn and Cu.3) Zn in the liver increased with the administration of Cd in the low Ca group. Zn levels in the blood of the low Ca group were higher than those in the normal Ca group.4) Ca in the femur decreased with the administration of Cd in the normal Ca group. For the low Ca group, Ca concentrations in each subgroup were lower than those of each corresponding subgroup of the normal Ca group. Ca/P ratios of the low Ca group and of the metal administered subgroups in the normal Ca group were lower than those of subgroup IV in the normal Ca group.5) No significant histopathologic changes in the kidney were found in the normal Ca group but slight changes were observed in some animals of the low Ca group regardless of which metal was administered.From these results, the interaction of Cd and Zn on renal accumulations of Cd has been shown to be disturbed by a Ca deficient condition.