堤 佐斗志 荻野 郁子 近藤 聡英 宮嶋 雅一 野中 宣秀 鈴木 隆元 石井 尚登 伊藤 昌徳 安本 幸正 新井 一
特定非営利活動法人 日本脳神経外科救急学会 Neurosurgical Emergency
vol.24, no.1, pp.14-19, 2019 (Released:2019-04-03)

脳海綿状血管腫(Cerebral cavernous malformation: CCM)は過誤腫的な血管奇形である.多くは孤発性に発生するが,一部は家族性に発症し遺伝性疾患に分類される.本研究の目的は日本人における家族性CCMの臨床像と予後を検討することである.2006年から2017年の間に当院を受診,最終的に遺伝子解析まで行い家族性CCMの診断が確定した日本人12家系,計18例の家族性CCM患者を対象とした.詳細な病歴聴取,SWIまたはT2*画像による多発CCMs確認後ELISA法を用いて遺伝子解析を行った.計18例の初発症状は頭痛5(28%),けいれん発作4(22%),感覚障害3(17%),片麻痺2(11%),構語障害1(6%),水頭症1(6%),無症候2(11%)であった.画像上CCMの多くは脳実質内の境界明瞭な低輝度多発病変として描出された.18例中11例(61%)においてCCMsは両側大脳半球,両側小脳半球,および脳幹部を含み脳実質内にびまん性に発現していた.脊髄を撮像した8例中4例で多発性CCMsを髄内に認めた.遺伝子解析の内訳は8人(44%)がCCM1変異,6人(33%)がCCM2変異,1人(6%)がCCM3変異であった.残り3人(17%)においてはCCM1, 2, 3変異のいずれも同定されなかった.変異型とCCMsの大きさ,個数の間には一定の関連はみられなかった.平均7.5年の経過観察期間中,17例に神経症状の増悪,MRI上の新規病変出現はみられなかった.家族性CCMは多くの場合良好な予後が期待できる.家族性CCMの更なる理解のためには全塩基配列を対象とした包括的遺伝子解析が必要である.
都築 伸介 大井川 秀聡 豊岡 輝繁 魚住 洋一 長田 秀夫 鈴木 隆元 宮澤 隆仁 苗代 弘 島 克司
一般社団法人 日本脳卒中の外科学会
脳卒中の外科 (ISSN:09145508)
vol.37, no.5, pp.375-378, 2009 (Released:2010-04-16)

A 74-year-old man presented with subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) and underwent neck clipping of a left middle cerebral artery (MCA) aneurysm 10 years ago. This patient presented with SAH again due to rupture of a de novo aneurysm of the anterior communicating artery (A-com. aneurysm). The A-com. aneurysm was clipped successfully. The “old” left MCA aneurysm was then inspected. A collapsed “old” aneurysmal dome and a previously applied clip were identified. The “old” aneurysmal dome was resected for histopathological examination. The wall of this aneurysmal dome varied in thickness and consisted of a thin layer of fibrous connective tissue. Fibroblasts were scattered in the aneurysmal wall and either the muscular layer or internal elastic lamina was absent. The aneurysmal dome collapsed to a certain degree, but the lumen of the dome was completely intact. In addition, neovascularization of microcapillaries was observed both inside and outside the aneurysmal dome. Some of these microcapillaries were filled with fresh erythrocytes. Thus the aneurysmal wall was apparently “vigorous.” The previous orifice of the aneurysm did not fuse together at all and could be opened widely with ease during preparation for histopathologic examination. We speculated that the clipped aneurysmal dome survived for 10 years for the following reasons: 1) Although the mechanism of neovascularization of the microcapillaries is unclear, the clipped aneurysmal dome may have obtained nourishment from the microcapillaries. 2) The cerebrospinal fluid may have incubated the dome and provided optimal circumstances for its survival. Considering the radical cure for ruptured cerebral aneurysms by neck clipping or coil embolization, the findings described in this report will be valuable for neurosurgeons and neurointerventionists. Regardless of the time since treatment, ruptured aneurysms treated by either neck clipping and/or coil embolization are at risk of recurrent subarachnoid hemorrhage when the blood re-enters the aneurysms in cases such as clip slip-off or coil compaction.