加地 雄一 関谷 大輝 鎌田 弥生
研究紀要 (ISSN:13403702)
vol.21, pp.55-63, 2014

Sandplay is a psychotherapeutic technique in which clients freely arrange a number of small figures (or toys)in a sand box to realize their internal worlds. In this study we applied the Landscape Montage Technique(LMT) to Sandplay. In LMT, clients are requested to draw ten items (river, mountain, rice field, etc.) followinginstructions. The purpose of this study was to determine the possible effects of structuring procedures ofSandplay in accordance with LMT's instructions (we called this condition "structured Sandplay"). In order todo so, we compared normal and structured Sandplay. The results of a subjective self-rating scale of participants'emotion (PANAS) (n = 13) and the variability of heart rate (n = 6) indicated that participants were more relaxedand less afraid in structured Sandplay than in normal Sandplay. These results suggest that structured Sandplayhas clinical efficacy in the clinical setting where application of normal Sandplay is difficult.