長津 美代子
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.42, no.11, pp.949-959, 1991-11-15
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The purpose of this study is to explore gaps between attitudes toward gender roles of male and female students, by using such criteria as attitudes toward role relationships between male and female, the double standard of sexual morals, men's leadership in dating, and energy allocation to occupation and homemaking after marriage. The survey was conducted in January, 1990 to 735 university students in Tokyo and its outskirts. The major findings are as follows : (1) ISRO (The Index of Sex-Role Orientation, E.A. Dreyer et al.) scores on attitudes toward role relationships between male and female point out that 45% of the female students are innovative type, but about the half of the male students are traditional one. (2) Compared with female students, male students tend to accept the double standard of sexual morals. (3) Female students expect that males play leadership roles when they go out together more than male students themselves intend to. (4) Male students wish to allocate less energy to occupation than their fathers do, arid female students hope to allocate less energy to homemaking than their mothers. As a result, the present tendency to give too much attachment to occupation for males and homemaking for females will bc relieved in their married life. (Received January 5, 1991)
長津 美代子

1.研究の概要「個人の枠をしっかりと確保し、配偶者と親和的な関係を築くと同時に、外部の多様なネットワークとも繋がり、重層的な関係のなかで生きること」が理想的な老いの姿となるであろう。こうした理想的な老いを実現するためには、老いの入り口にあたる50代の中高年期に夫婦関係や社会関係の再構築を行う必要がある。平成12(2000)年度は、夫婦関係の再構築尺度を作成し、再構築状況を把握すると共に、それに影響する要因を明らかにした。平成13(2001)年度は、12年度調査から選び出した13名を対象に、結婚3〜40年に及ぶ夫婦としての歴史を夫婦関係の危機との関連で把握すると共に、危機解決にどのような資源が活用されているかをインタビュー調査でとらえた。平成14(2002)年度は、パーソナル・ネットワークの現状と夫婦の情緒的統合およびウェルビーイングとの関連を明らかにした。平成15(2003)年度は、平成13年度に調査したケースを危機発生-対処-適応の二重ABC-Xモデル(McCubbin, H.L.)に当てはめて分析しようとすると、情報不足のあることが判明したので、追加のインタビュー調査を行った。2.結果の概要1)夫と妻に共通して、夫婦関係の再構築に影響している要因は、「夫婦共通の友人の有無」「就寝形態」「夫の母親と妻の関係(嫁姑関係)」「夫婦の個人化」であった。「夫婦の個人化」のみ負の相関で、他は正の相関である。2)夫と妻に共通して、パーソナル・ネットワーク規模、夫婦単位の付き合い組み数は、夫婦の情緒的統合と正の相関が認められた。また、ネットワーク規模の大きさは夫のウェルビーイングを高める要因であるが、妻の場合にはそうした関連が認められなかった。3)夫あるいは妻は、さまざまな資源を活用しながら夫婦間に生じた危機を乗り越え夫婦関係経歴を築いている。その危機は、社会・経済状況の変化によって生じた場合も多く、夫婦関係は社会・経済状況によっても規定されているといえる。
長津 美代子
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.42, no.11, pp.949-959, 1991-11-15 (Released:2010-03-10)

The purpose of this study is to explore gaps between attitudes toward gender roles of male and female students, by using such criteria as attitudes toward role relationships between male and female, the double standard of sexual morals, men's leadership in dating, and energy allocation to occupation and homemaking after marriage. The survey was conducted in January, 1990 to 735 university students in Tokyo and its outskirts. The major findings are as follows :(1) ISRO (The Index of Sex-Role Orientation, E.A. Dreyer et al.) scores on attitudes toward role relationships between male and female point out that 45% of the female students are innovative type, but about the half of the male students are traditional one.(2) Compared with female students, male students tend to accept the double standard of sexual morals.(3) Female students expect that males play leadership roles when they go out together more than male students themselves intend to.(4) Male students wish to allocate less energy to occupation than their fathers do, and female students hope to allocate less energy to homemaking than their mothers. As a result, the present tendency to give too much attachment to occupation for males and homemaking for females will be relieved in their married life.