間遠 伸一郎
宇都宮大学国際学部研究論集 (ISSN:13420364)
vol.3, pp.59-116, 1997-03-31
間遠 伸一郎
社会・経済システム (ISSN:09135472)
vol.28, pp.25-32, 2007

There are some essential differences between the evolution of life and the evolution of society. So the Genetic Algorithms (GA) are not sufficient for the recognition of the generation and the evolution of the market, like other economic systems. There is a modeling method, called the intelligent social evolution mechanisms (ISEM), which is more suitable for describing the evolution of the society than GA. The ISEM is a mechanism of social evolution. The ISEM evolves a type of program called Non Neumann Type Program (NNTP) using human intelligence. In the case of GA, the NNTP is called the chromosome or genome. Self programming of the NNTP leads to the evolution of society. The evolution game is a sort of the multi-agent simulation. In the case of the evolution game, the players are the agents and the set of strategies is a sort of NNTP. An aspect of game in the evolution game is composed of the set of strategies of the players and the payoff matrix. The set of strategies of the players is obviously a sort of NNTP, but the aspect of the payoff matrix should be also a sort of NNTP. We can define another subset of NNTP which represents the payoff matrix. The payoff matrix is a sort of social environment. Therefore we can represent the social environment by a set of NNTP of the agents. There can be a subset which is contained in the NNTP of all agents, and we can call such NNTP-"culture". We can recognize the market as a sort of NNTP. We can also recognize the generation and evolution of the market as an evolution of the economic system. The processes of the evolution of the institution are self programming processes of the cultural NNTP. And the processes should contain (1) the problem recognition and the solution of the problem, (2) the generation of a new subset of NNTP of the agenda for the new institution as the solution of the problem, and (3) the social selection of the new NNTP. These processes are then repeated. The change of the market can be understood as an evolution of the institution of the market. And it could also be understood as an evolution of the NNTP of the market by the processes of the ISEM.
間遠 伸一郎
人工知能学会全国大会論文集 (ISSN:13479881)
vol.23, 2009
