中野 重行 菅原 英世 坂本 真佐哉 小関 哲郎 上村 尚人 丹生 聖治 角南 由紀子 松木 俊二 梅月 恵美
The Japanese Society of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics
臨床薬理 (ISSN:03881601)
vol.30, no.1, pp.1-7, 1999-01-31 (Released:2010-06-28)
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Objectives: A variety of factors influence the incidence of placebo effects . The purpose of this study was to clarify the influence of factors such as the doctor-patient relationship, patient's motivation and expectation for drug therapy on placebo effectsMethods: Data were obtained from two double-blind randomized clinical trials with a placebo control group of 123 patients with psychosomatic disorders. The improvement was assessed by doctors at two weeks after the initiation of treatment. The doctor-patient relationship, patient's motivation and expectation for drug therapy were assessed by doctors at the beginning of clinical trials.Results: The improvement rate in the placebo group was 42.3%, whereas the improvement rate in the diazepam group was 57.6% (p <0.05). In the placebo group, improvement rates were 50.0% in patients with a good doctor-patient relationship, 31.4% in patients with a moderate relationship and 10.0% in patients with a poor relationship (p < 0.05).Improvement rates were 46.1% in patients with a good motiva-tion for drug therapy and 19.0% in patients with poor or lack of motivation (p <0.01).Improvement rates were 36.4% in patients with low expectation for drug therapy, 53.0% in patients with a moderate one, and 7.7% in patients with high expectation (p <0.05).Conclusion: In patients with psychosomatic disorders, factors such as the doctor-patient relationship, patient's motivation and expectation for drug therapy clearly influ-ence the incidence of placebo effects.
辻 富彦 山口 展正 八代 利伸 関 哲郎 島田 千恵子 太田 史一
耳鼻咽喉科展望 (ISSN:03869687)
vol.37, no.3, pp.341-347, 1994-06-15 (Released:2011-08-10)

後部副鼻腔嚢胞は鼻症状の乏しいことが多く, その症状の大半は眼症状, 頭痛のように隣接組織に起因するものである。今回我々は30歳男性で持続する三叉神経痛を訴えた原発性蝶形骨洞嚢胞の1症例を報告した。本症例は脳神経外科を受診, MRIにて嚢胞が指摘され当科を紹介された。嚢胞は右蝶形骨洞から右翼口蓋窩および眼窩外側部に進展していた。内視鏡下鼻内手術にて嚢胞を開放すると三叉神経痛は消失した。三叉神経第2枝の刺激症状は嚢胞が翼口蓋窩へ浸潤していたためと推定された。後部副鼻腔, 翼口蓋窩のような深部組織の診断にはMRIが有用であると考えられた。とくに副鼻腔ではT2強調像を用いれば炎症性病変と腫瘍性病変の鑑別が可能である。