阪田 麻紀
vol.32, pp.3-21, 2021-04-22

Narcotic opioids, which have been prescribed as painkillers, have become so prevalent across the U.S. that today deaths from their abuse surpass traffic deaths. In 2017, President Donald Trump declared a public health emergency as the “opioid crisis” over the spike in deaths from opioid abuse, including overdose. This issue has developed into a major social problem since the 1990s due to a combination of factors. In this paper, the author analyzes the development of the opioid abuse epidemic in the U.S. — how it broke out, expanded, was responded to, re-expanded and was eventually recognized as a national crisis — using a risk colonization framework based on societal and institutional risks. The paper aims to understand the process of expansion and its contributing factors in a more objective and comparable way.
渡邉 一由 大久保 泰和 田中 毅弘 藁谷 至誠 新井 幸雄 小島 和人 阪田 麻紀 仲井 章一 中村 章 秦 隆人 藤井 修二 松浦 房次郎 森 正夫
公益社団法人 空気調和・衛生工学会
空気調和・衛生工学会大会 学術講演論文集 平成19年 (ISSN:18803806)
pp.1175-1178, 2007-08-24 (Released:2017-08-31)

Recently it is discussing largely that it asks such social responsibility about the treatment method and the accident and trouble for Building & building facilities. In this paper, it describes the risk management for building. So it shows the outline of CSR,the risk management methods and the regulation of law. This paper has emphasized the importance of having the risk management for building.