鈴木 聡 阿部 悟朗 尤 郁偉 石橋 秀昭 伊藤 理
特定非営利活動法人 日本脳神経外科救急学会 Neurosurgical Emergency
vol.26, no.1, pp.73-79, 2021 (Released:2021-03-24)

口腔内不衛生に起因し,中枢神経障害を主たる症状とする重症感染症二例を経験した.症例1は53歳の男性.発熱とけいれん,意識障害にて救急搬送された.頭部・顔面CT検査にて,左硬膜下膿瘍が存在すると共に,上顎洞から前頭洞にかけて広汎に膿が貯留していた.細菌培養にてα‒streptococcusが同定された.抗生剤大量投与にて頭蓋内感染は鎮静化した.齲歯が多数見られた.未治療の糖尿病もあり,口腔内の不衛生と糖尿病が相まって歯性上顎洞炎,硬膜下膿瘍を来したものと考えられた.症例2は63歳の男性.発熱とけいれん,意識障害にて救急搬送された.頭部CT・MR検査にて,頭蓋内に散在する出血巣と梗塞巣あり.心エコー検査にて僧帽弁に疣贅が見られた.感染性心内膜炎に伴う心原性脳塞栓症,細菌性動脈瘤破裂に伴う脳出血と考えられた.血小板減少もあり,播種性血管内凝固症候群(DIC)を呈していた.細菌培養にてStaphylococcus aureusが同定された.抗生剤大量投与,トロンボモデュリン投与を行い,感染症,DICは改善の方向に向かったが,腎不全の進行,頭蓋内出血にて来院4日後に死亡された.口腔内不衛生に伴う全身感染症・中枢神経障害は,稀ではあるが重篤な転帰をもたらすことがある.口腔内ケアが困難か怠っている患者,あるいは後天性免疫不全症候群など重度な免疫不全状態にある高リスク患者ではなく,一般市民に起きた事も注目すべき点であると考える.
水島 徳彦 阿部 悟郎
体育・スポーツ哲学研究 (ISSN:09155104)
vol.42, no.1, pp.33-45, 2020

<p>The purpose of this paper is a preliminary study to examine the morals that are the internal triggers of sports players in competitions.</p><p>Regarding the moral of sport, the conclusions of prior studies are that coping therapy studies and general ethics are given priority in sport.</p><p>This study aims to develop the discussions that are not limited to individual empirical aspects such as the former, but also follow the morals of sport, such as the latter. For the former, Kant's philosophy not derived from experience is valid. In addition, the especial logic to sport is approached from the reflection of the ancient history.</p><p>From the above examination, it is suggested that the sport itself has a fundamental contradiction between the practical interests of economic and political foundations and the close relationship between human reason to make them.</p>
髙木 力 米山 和良 阿部 悟 鳥澤 眞介 竹原 幸生 山口 武治 浅海 茂
日本水産工学会誌 (ISSN:09167617)
vol.54, no.3, pp.209-213, 2017 (Released:2018-12-03)

We developed an effective aquaculture production management system that can measure the body length, weight, and number of cultured fishes in a tank or cage in a non-contact manner. A threedimensional measuring system that employs two commercialized video cameras was produced to measure the body size of cultured fish, including their fork length, body height, and width. The distance between the video cameras and target fish was less than five meters to reduce the error ratio. In addition, an automatic counting system for cultured fish in a tank was developed to assist in efficient aquaculture management. Finally, an algorithm for fish counting was based on estimating the mobile vectors of individual fish, in which the particle tracking velocimetry (PTV) analytical method was applied. In some experimental cases, estimated numbers by the system were coincident with actual numbers.
鐙谷 武雄 上山 博康 村田 純一 布村 充 蝶野 吉美 小林 延光 阿部 弘 斉藤 久寿 宮坂 和男 阿部 悟
Neurologia medico-chirurgica (ISSN:04708105)
vol.27, no.12, pp.1195-1200, 1987-12-15
6 12

A case of dural arteriovenous malformation (AVM) in the anterior cranial fossa is reported. A 61-year-old male was hospitalized because of sudden onset of severe headache, vomiting, mild hemiparesis, and lethargy. Computerized tomography disclosed left frontal subcortical and fronto-temporal subdural hematomas. Angiography revealed an AVM in the anterior cranial fossa, fed by the bilateral anterior ethmoidal arteries and drained by the left olfactory and left fronto-orbital veins. The latter veins had large, varicose dilatations and drained to the basal vein of Rosenthal. Two weeks after artificial embolization, surgical evacuation of the hematoma and removal of anomalous vessels, including a varicose dilated vein, were carried out. The involved dura at the olfactory groove was coagulated rather than totally removed. According to literature, the dural AVM in this region is fed primarily by the anterior ethmoidal artery and drains via the leptomeningeal veins into the superior sagittal sinus. Varicose dilatation of a draining vessel is considered a characteristic angiographical finding. The high incidence of bleeding from dural AVMs in this region is related to the varicose dilatation. The drainage capacity of the elongated leptomeningeal veins is insufficient, and the high arterial pressure in the AVM leads to the development of varicose dilatation and intracranial hemorrhage.