山田 功夫 深尾 良夫 石原 靖 青木 治三
公益社団法人 日本地震学会
地震 第2輯 (ISSN:00371114)
vol.42, no.1, pp.21-31, 1989-03-25 (Released:2010-03-11)

Since late 1986, we have been operating a three-component set of STS seismometers (STS-1) at Inuyama Observatory, Nagoya University, Japan. This is a preliminary report of the two years observation. The STS-1 seismometer equips with three component BRB (BRoadband Band) outputs and three component LP (Long Period) outputs. The lowpass filtered LP outputs are digitized and recorded continuously at a sampling interval of 10s in a dynamic range of about 120dB. These continuous data have been used so far to determine seismic moment or centroid moment tensor of large Japanese earthquakes. The BRB output is recorded on an event recordering system, where the BRB and LP outputs after an eight-pole analog anti-aliased filtering are digitized and recorded for 50 minutes at sampling intervals of 0.1 and 0.4s, respectively. The dynamic range of this system is limited at present by the A/D converter to about 90dB. The triggered BRB data have been used so far to determine the source time functions of large Japanese earthquakes, which suggest the occurrence of backswing of fault motion. To maintain the horizontal component instruments in a stable condition, a care must be taken for variation of atmospheric pressure. The results of the analyses indicate a unique importance of nearby observation of large earthquakes by broadband, wide dynamic range and high precision seismometers such as the STS instruments.
堀内 茂木 山本 明 松沢 暢 河野 俊夫 長谷川 昭 高木 章雄 伊神 輝 山田 守 青木 治三
公益社団法人 日本地震学会
地震 第2輯 (ISSN:00371114)
vol.38, no.4, pp.529-539, 1985-12-25 (Released:2010-03-11)

A real-time system of automatic detection and location of seismic events has been developed by using a personal computer. Since speed of computation by a personal computer is low, a simple digital band-pass filter has been developed for the real-time system. The band-pass filter needs only several times of addition and subtraction to get an output. Event dection is based on a ratio of short to long term average of outputs of the filter whose cutoff frequencies are set to decrease amplitude of long period noise owing to microtremor and amplitude of short period noise owing to culture. Arrival times of the P and S waves are determined by applying Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) to outputs of the band-pass filter with narrow band whose central frequency is set to be a value of predominant frequency of the seismic signal.A temporary seismic observation with 8 stations for the aftershocks of the 1984 Western Nagano Prefecture Earthquake has been made by the use of radio and telephone telemetries. The real-time system of the automatic location of the seismic events was tested to demonstrate that hypocenter distribution obtained by the real-time system is nearly consistent with that determined from arrival time data which were read manually. It is shown that hypocenters of 60% among triggered events can be determined by this real-time system.
青木 治三 伊藤 潔 多田 堯 藤井 巌 山内 常生 伊神 煇
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.48, no.6, pp.1181-1194, 1970-11

9月9日の岐阜地震は犬山地震観測所の北方約50kmに発生し,数多くの余震が観測された.震源の精度をあげるため予備観測および郡上郡奥明方村奥住小学校における10日間の余震観測を追加した.犬山観測網のDataにより9月20日より11月30日までの余震の分布を調査した.余震は主震の南東約3km地点を中心にとしNW-SE方向にのびる二次元の正規分布で近似できる.標準偏差は推定断層に垂直および平行な方向にそれぞれ2kmおよび4kmであった.この余震の中心は古生層,濃飛流紋岩の境界をなす構造線と一致し,観測された余震は主震に伴った断層がこの構造線により大きな残留歪を生じたことを示していると考えられる.|Since the earthquake of September 9, 1969 occurred at about 50km north of the Inuyama Seismological Observatory, a number of aftershocks were recorded at four recording stations: Inuyama, Sinpukuzi, Takazawasan and Ohira. It was intended immediately after the main shock to conduct a preliminary observation of damage and aftershocks for the estimation of the aftershock region and to find the best complementary recording site for the determination of hypocenters. During the two-day observation beginning Sep. 10, we could not find on the ground surface any sign of an earthquake fault. The observed P-S duration times however suggested that the depths of the aftershocks were very shallow.
深尾 良夫 山田 功夫 青木 治三
