和田 博夫 伊藤 潔 大見 士朗 岩岡 圭美 池田 直人 北田 和幸
京都大学防災研究所年報. B = Disaster Prevention Research Institute Annuals. B (ISSN:0386412X)
vol.42, no.B-1, pp.81-96, 1999-04-01

1998年8月7日飛騨山脈上高地付近において群発地震が発生した。衛星通信システムの導入によって周辺観測網のデータが得られるようになった最初のイベントであり, 8カ月間に10, 000個以上の震源を求めることができた。活動は, 上高地付近の東西に帯状の地域, 穂高岳から槍ヶ岳にかけての南北の帯状の地域及び野口五郎岳付近の南北に帯状の地域に発生し, これらの活動域を移動, 再帰する現象が見られた。決められたH・2以上の地震約300個のメカニズム解は北西-南東方向に主圧力軸をもつ横ずれ型が卓越し, 群発地震の南北, 東西の並びと調和的である。また隣接する焼岳の火山活動との関連が注目されたが, 火山活動を示す現象は観測されなかった。なお, 今回の活動に関するデータを, 地元岐阜県上宝村へ随時提供して災害対策の基礎資料とした。
伊藤 潔志
桃山学院大学キリスト教論集 = St. Andrew's University Journal of Christian Studies (ISSN:0286973X)
no.51, pp.45-70, 2016-02-18

In Wittgenstein's diaries, manuscripts, and so on, he makes numerous references to religion. From this, we can see that Wittgenstein had a strong interest in religion, and that this interest continued consistently right from his `early phase' to his `late phase.' However, these are no more than fragmentary writings, and they do not go so far as to clearly indicate exactly what Wittgenstein's religious understanding was. In this paper, in order to pursue the essence of Wittgenstein's interest in religion, and to clarify the characteristics of his religious understanding, I focus on Tolstoy, who exerted a powerful influence on Wittgenstein. By considering Wittgenstein's religious understanding centered on the influence exerted by Tolstoy on him, we see that, for Wittgenstein, religion was truly an` issue of life.' Accordingly, Wittgenstein's religion can be called a `religion of life.'
伊藤 潔志
桃山学院大学キリスト教論集 = St. Andrew's University journal of Christian studies (ISSN:0286973X)
no.50, pp.85-112, 2015-03-23

The purpose of this paper is to examine and elucidate the distinctive features of the religious aspects of Ludwig Wittgenstein's philosophical thought. Few people generally regard Wittgenstein as a religious thinker, but research has been carried out on his views on religion and attempts have been made to apply his philosophical thought to theology. Wittgenstein's philosophical thinking is commonly divided into two phases ─ the early phase and the later phase ─ and even as it showed a certain consistency, it also underwent considerable transformation. Accordingly, in the early and later phases of Wittgenstein's philosophy there are both elements that are the same and elements that are markedly different. In this paper I will look at the early phase of Wittgenstein's philosophical thought, picking out certain ideas about religion that run throughout Wittgenstein's philosophy and elucidating the distinctive features of such ideas. Wittgenstein held that language has limits, and that accordingly there are also limits to thought. Further, he held that since language and the world exist with and through one another, the world also has limits. Accordingly, it is impossible to speak anything regarding what exists beyond the limits of language, and impossible to speak anything that lies outside the world. This means that though it is possible to speak of things when they have to do with facts, it is not possible to speak of things when they have to do with values ─ since values lie outside the world. Thus, it is not possible to speak things like religion, faith, revelations, and God (they are `unspeakable'). Nevertheless, Wittgenstein argues, even though it is not possible to` speak' these things, it is still possible to `show' them. According to Kierkegaard, `showing' is a particular state of affairs, and to `show' is a way of indirectly `speaking' something. We might perhaps call this showing a `religion of silence.' Wittgenstein was a philosopher who worked out a religion of silence, a religion that exists on the other side of the limits of language, thought, and the world.
佃 為成 和田 博夫 酒井 要 伊藤 潔
東京大學地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.69, no.1, pp.1-18, 1994

An M6.6 earthquake occurred on February 7,1993, around a sea rise extending southwest-northeast direction off the northeastern tip of Noto Peninsula. The hypocenters of the mainshock and aftershocks were located using telemetered data from university stations. The aftershocks during the first two days are concentrated in the narrow active fault zone along the northwest side of the rise. Other concentrations occurred along active faults on the southeast side of the rise. Most of the focal depths are 10-15km, consistent with the interpretation of T phases and pP phases recorded at some stations. Northwestward dipping 3-dimensional distributions for large aftershocks suggest two possible fault planes, which coincide well with the two fault planes of the CMT solution. The gross nature of the seismic fault is of a thrust type, which contradicts the strike slip solution estimated from the initial motions. The Noto region is part of the tectonic zone along the eastern margin of the Japan Sea, where zonal shortening due to compression is predominant as in the Japan Sea coast region in northern Honshu, Japan. The alignment of aftershocks along the topographic lineaments and submarine active faults may reflect this tectonism.1993年2月7日の能登半島沖地震は,禄剛崎沖の南西から北東へ伸びる海底の高まり付近で発生した.この余震の分布をできるだけ精密に求めるため京大防災研上宝観測所と東大地震研信越地震観測所の観測網のデータを統合して震源計算した.この地域の構造はきわめて不均質であり,その影響を極力さけるためもっとも震源域に近い観測点を用いて地震決定を行なった.
和田 博夫 伊藤 潔 梅田 康弘 角野 由夫
京都大学防災研究所年報. B = Disaster Prevention Research Institute Annuals. B (ISSN:0386412X)
vol.36, no.B-1, pp.291-303, 1993-04-01

Earthquake swarm activities have been occurring since January 1990 in the vicinity of Mount Yake-dake volcano in central Honshu, Japan.The volcano erupted frequently but it has been 30years since the last eruption in 1962.Temporary observation of microerarthquakes was conducted -near the volcano to survey the seismic activity.A station was set at about 1.5 km away from the summit crater in September, 1990 and five temporary stations were installed in the surrounding area of the volcano during the period from July to September, 1992. After that, three stations have been maintained to monitor the seismic activity.Although only a few events were located in the volcano during the period from July to September, 1992, the focal depths of the events were found to be very shallow as less than 3 km.In October and December, earthquake swarms occurred right beneath Yake-dake volcano.Earthquake swarms were also found in northeast, north and southeast of the volcano.Reviews of the studies on the volcano activity and earthquake swarms near the volcano are also given in this paper.
伊藤 潔志
桃山学院大学キリスト教論集 (ISSN:0286973X)
no.50, pp.85-112, 2015-03-23

The purpose of this paper is to examine and elucidate the distinctive features of the religious aspects of Ludwig Wittgenstein's philosophical thought. Few people generally regard Wittgenstein as a religious thinker, but research has been carried out on his views on religion and attempts have been made to apply his philosophical thought to theology. Wittgenstein's philosophical thinking is commonly divided into two phases ─ the early phase and the later phase ─ and even as it showed a certain consistency, it also underwent considerable transformation. Accordingly, in the early and later phases of Wittgenstein's philosophy there are both elements that are the same and elements that are markedly different. In this paper I will look at the early phase of Wittgenstein's philosophical thought, picking out certain ideas about religion that run throughout Wittgenstein's philosophy and elucidating the distinctive features of such ideas. Wittgenstein held that language has limits, and that accordingly there are also limits to thought. Further, he held that since language and the world exist with and through one another, the world also has limits. Accordingly, it is impossible to speak anything regarding what exists beyond the limits of language, and impossible to speak anything that lies outside the world. This means that though it is possible to speak of things when they have to do with facts, it is not possible to speak of things when they have to do with values ─ since values lie outside the world. Thus, it is not possible to speak things like religion, faith, revelations, and God (they are `unspeakable'). Nevertheless, Wittgenstein argues, even though it is not possible to` speak' these things, it is still possible to `show' them. According to Kierkegaard, `showing' is a particular state of affairs, and to `show' is a way of indirectly `speaking' something. We might perhaps call this showing a `religion of silence.' Wittgenstein was a philosopher who worked out a religion of silence, a religion that exists on the other side of the limits of language, thought, and the world.
佐々木 康仁 伊藤 潔 鈴木 誠道
情報処理学会論文誌 (ISSN:18827764)
vol.30, no.6, pp.699-708, 1989-06-15
12 13

三面図が表す三次元物体を求める手段として 単純に各面図の頂点や線分について各面図間で対応をとり 三次元空間上の頂点と稜線から成るウイヤフレームモデルを作成し それらの稜線で囲まれた領域を面として認識したサーフィスモデルを作成する方法が考えられる.この方法をとると 偽の物体要素を含むサーフイスモデルを作成してしまう場合がある.この偽の物体要素を含むサーフィスモデル(真と偽が混在する候補物体要素群)から所望の物体を見出すためのこれまでの多くの方法では 試行錯誤的な探索プロセスのアルゴリズムを提案している.我々は探索アルゴリズムの提案ではなく 連立の非線形の擬似ブール代数等式・不等式を用いた定式化による手法を提案する.そこでは 候補物体要素の真偽を適切に見極めるための真偽決定規則として 物体要素群が多面体を構成するための条件および三面図に合致するための条件を挙げる.それらの条件を非線形項による模似ブール連立式で定式化する.この定式化に基づいて候補物体要素群を連立式として立式する.この連立式の解を基に 多面体を構成し かつ三面図に合致する物体要素群を求める.この手法を確立し 種々の例題に適用し この手法の有効性を明らかにした.我々がすで提案した手法(線形擬似ブール代数による定式化)とは 定式化の際 非線形項を導入したという点で異なり このため擬似プール代数解法の適用範囲が拡張できた.
三宅 恵介 竹澤 稔裕 伊藤 潔 佐藤 伸一郎 廣瀬 伸良
武道学研究 (ISSN:02879700)
vol.54, no.2, pp.103-113, 2022-03-31 (Released:2022-04-07)

The purpose of this study was to clarify the tactical actions of nage-waza that are effective in scoring in judo by using a notational match performance analysis, and to provide useful knowledge in the practical field of coaching. For this purpose, we examined the relationship between (1) the type of nage-waza, (2) whether there was a renraku-henka in the nage-waza, and (3) the combination of the tori and the uke’s kumite and whether an athlete scored any points. Data from a total of 441 matches in the −60kg, −81kg, and +100kg weight classes in international competitions held in 2020 were used.The tactical actions associated with whether points were scored or not were the type of nage-waza and whether they included a renraku-henka. The combination of tactical actions that influenced the points scored was a combination of henka-waza and te-waza, and in some weight classes, combinations of henka-waza and other techniques were also effective. The combination of henka-waza and sumi-otoshi, which is classified as a te-waza, showed the highest scoring ratio in all weight classes.This study suggests for the first time that henka-waza, especially sumi-otoshi, applied during or after the opponent’s attack, is an effective tactical action for scoring regardless of weight class. These new findings indicate that in current judo competitions it is important to not only pursue single techniques but to construct tactical actions relative to the opponent. They are also expected to be useful for specific guidance in coaching.
和田 博夫 伊藤 潔 大見 士朗 平野 憲雄
京都大学防災研究所年報 (ISSN:0386412X)
no.46, pp.671-680, 2002

大井田 徹 山田 功夫 多田 堯 伊藤 潔 杉山 公造 佐々木 嘉三
公益社団法人 日本地震学会
地震 第2輯 (ISSN:00371114)
vol.24, no.3, pp.240-247, 1971

In order to study the seismic activity of microearthquakes in the southern part of the Neo Valley fault, an observation was carried out in 1968 from September 27 to November 2. Seven observing stations were set near the four stations of Inuyama Seismological Observatory.<br>About 400 microearthquakes were recorded during this observation, but about 50 epicenters could be determined. Their magnitudes were less than 2.<br>Microearthquakes occurred most frequently in the southwestern side of the fault, especially in the area upheaved by the Nobi earthquake of 1891. On the contrary, very few earthquakes occurred in the northeastern side. The focal depths of these shocks were very shallow.
伊藤 潔志
人間文化研究 = Journal of humanities research, St. Andrew's University (ISSN:21889031)
no.3, pp.29-53, 2015-10

This paper aims to reconsider, from the viewpoint of educational ethics, the "religious neutrality of education" that is a fundamental principle of Japan's Basic Act on Education. Religious neutrality in education is a concrete example of the principle of the separation of church and state. The history of the relationship between church and state in the USA and Europe reveals that separation of the two has been enacted in each individual country as a result of a wide range of developments, and could therefore be called a political "product of compromise." The relationship among the three fundamental principles - separation of church and state, freedom of belief, and the spirit of tolerance - can be describedas follows. First, freedom of belief has the definitive meaning of having freedom to follow one's own personal beliefs. However, when this freedom is expanded to mean freedom of belief for both oneself and others, it becomes a right with universal value. What makes such an expansion possible is the spirit of tolerance. For this reason, it can be said that the spirit of tolerance is a condition for freedom of belief, and that the result of the systemization of this spirit of tolerance is the separation of church and state. The separation of church and state thus becomes a means to safeguard freedom of belief. These three elements are inter-related. Tolerance appears to be a universal concept, but it is based on an extremely Protestant philosophy. The same can also be said of freedom of belief, and of the separation of church and state. Moreover, the limits inherent in the separation of church and state are inextricably linked to the limits of religious neutrality in education.
伊藤 潔志
人間文化研究 = Journal of humanities research St. Andrew's University (ISSN:21889031)
no.3, pp.29-53, 2015-10-27

This paper aims to reconsider, from the viewpoint of educational ethics, the "religious neutrality of education" that is a fundamental principle of Japan's Basic Act on Education. Religious neutrality in education is a concrete example of the principle of the separation of church and state. The history of the relationship between church and state in the USA and Europe reveals that separation of the two has been enacted in each individual country as a result of a wide range of developments, and could therefore be called a political "product of compromise." The relationship among the three fundamental principles - separation of church and state, freedom of belief, and the spirit of tolerance - can be describedas follows. First, freedom of belief has the definitive meaning of having freedom to follow one's own personal beliefs. However, when this freedom is expanded to mean freedom of belief for both oneself and others, it becomes a right with universal value. What makes such an expansion possible is the spirit of tolerance. For this reason, it can be said that the spirit of tolerance is a condition for freedom of belief, and that the result of the systemization of this spirit of tolerance is the separation of church and state. The separation of church and state thus becomes a means to safeguard freedom of belief. These three elements are inter-related. Tolerance appears to be a universal concept, but it is based on an extremely Protestant philosophy. The same can also be said of freedom of belief, and of the separation of church and state. Moreover, the limits inherent in the separation of church and state are inextricably linked to the limits of religious neutrality in education.
岡本 拓夫 平野 憲雄 和田 博夫 西上 欽也 竹内 文朗 伊藤 潔
京都大学防災研究所年報. B = Disaster Prevention Research Institute Annuals. B (ISSN:0386412X)
vol.51, no.B, pp.235-239, 2008-06-01

福井県は, 1948年に福井地震(M7.1)を被り, 近代における最初の都市直下型地震の震災を経験した県である。余震活動も顕著に認められていたが, 2003年末より直上で有感をもたらす地震の発生が, 余震域で認められなくなった。このことは, 福井地方気象台の報告書でもふれられている。同時に奥越を除く嶺北地域で, 地震の発生数の減少が指摘されている。2007年12月21日にM4.5が鯖江市東部付近に発生したが, 2004年10月5日のM4.8とは推定断層面が直交関係になっていることが確認できた。M3クラス以上は, 嶺北地域では奥越付近のみに限定され, 応力に揺らぎが発生している可能性を指摘できる。
高田 圭太 中田 高 野原 壯 原口 強 池田 安隆 伊藤 潔 今泉 俊文 大槻 憲四郎 鷺谷 威 堤 浩之
一般社団法人 日本活断層学会
活断層研究 (ISSN:09181024)
vol.2003, no.23, pp.77-91, 2003-06-30 (Released:2012-11-13)

Large inland earthquakes bigger than Mj 7.2 during the historical past on Japanese islands have mostly been generated from active faults (Matsuda,1998). The 2000 Tottoriken-seibu earthquake of Mj 7.3 (Mw 6.6), however, occurred in the area where distinctive active faults were not mapped before the earthquake, and the surface ruptures associated with the earthquake were small and sparse. Active faults are hardly recognized even by detailed interpretation of aerial photographs after the earthquake but sharp lineaments. In Chugoku district in southwest Japan is characterized by less densely-distributed active faults with lower activities than other areas in Japan, and the 1943 Tottori earthquake of M 7 occurred by reactivation of the Shikano fault with rather obscure fault traces.Taking this condition, in mind, we carried out detailed mapping of active faults and lineaments, and compared with their topographical, geological, seismological and tectonic settings, in order to develop a new technique to find potential seismogenic faults.The results obtained are as follows;1) Active faults and lineaments were not evenly distributed, and the dense zone is recognized along the Japan Sea while the sparse zone in the central part of the district. The active faults known before are mainly located in the dense zone (Fig.1).2) The lineaments mapped are mostly less than 10km long, and half of them strike to NE-SW or ENE-WSW and 30 per cent to NW-SE or WNW-ESE (Fig.2). NE-SW lineaments prevail in the western part of the district, and NW-SW lineaments are systematically distributed only in the western-most and eastern-most area of the district probably reflecting their tectonic setting under the present stress condition.3) Lineaments with poor topographical manifest were not commonly recognized by individual geologist, and were generally short, scattered, isolated, random in strike, and independent from geological structures. These lineaments will not be considered as potential seismogenic faults.4) Epicenters of the small earthquakes are characteristically distributed to the north of the backbone range probably coincided with the past volcanic front. On the contrary, the area to the south of the backbone range the seismicity is sparse, except for several swarms. These seismic condition well matches with the distribution of active faults and well-defined lineaments (Fig.3).5) Most of the active faults and lineaments follow the pre-existed geological faults that had moved opposite direction to the active faulting, indicating their inversion movements under the present stress field.6) Surface ruptures reported as earthquake faults associated with the 2000 Tottoriken-seibu earthquake are considered as results of subsidiary shallow-sheeted faulting spontaneously caused by stain release around the seismogenic faulting in depth, because many of them appeared spontaneously, and not always along rather well-defined lineaments. They are small in extent and displacement. Therefore, it is rather difficult for evaluate such minor surface fault ruptures, but such ruptures may not displace the surface in large extent.

1 0 0 0 OA 電気訳語集

伊藤潔 編